Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Meditation (Jump)

The sea within the sphere holds many secrets. The mystery can be unlocked
 if you listen with your soul.  (lg)

For those of you who have been following my journey, you know my meditations sometimes unfold stories that end in some type of lesson. I will set the stage and share this moment from my heart and soul. 

I meditate to music. The song I used that day was 852hz Unconditional LOVE by Solfeggio.  

I kicked back into a comfortable position in my chair, arms opened and stretched out palms up. As I started to relax in the moment, my mind drifted here. 

I found myself standing at the end of a glass floor. Located in space I could see the beauty and feel the quietness that filled the darkness that surrounded me. I could see galaxy’s, planets and stars and the Earth in the distance. She was turning very slowly in a loving rhythm that her Creator placed upon her. 

Jesus was floating in space in front of me.  He was dressed in a white robe like I always think of Him...  He looked at me and smiled... and said “jump”. I became fearful, my heart started to race, my palms began to sweat, and tears began to trickle down my cheeks... He said, “Don’t be afraid... I am here ... Do you trust me?” I nodded my head, yes, But I could not move, I felt a weight holding me down. He again said, “Do you trust me???” 

Then the image I was watching started to unfold in slow motion ... I began to slowly move into a position much like an Olympic swimmer ready to jump into the water for the race of their life... And again He said, “Do you trust me ??” And on that question, my feet left the platform where I stood... I slowly moved through the air in slow deliberate motion and landed in Jesus’s open arms ... 

He wrapped his arms around me and held me safely there for a few moments ...  He then grabbed my arms and slowly removed my arms from around His neck... He pulled away His piercing blue eyes held my sight in a mesmerizing type gaze, And again He said,  “Do you trust me?” With those words, my hands slid down and dropped by my side... And he smiled, with the biggest most amazing smile. 

I felt a freedom in my soul and my heartfelt a love that I could not describe. He then offered me His hand to hold. And we began to float through the vastness of space where He pointed to the stars and planets and began to teach me about our universe... and the music the mediation slowly faded. He WOW’s me.  

Lesson: TRUST Him

When I shared the moment with a friend, she shared this scripture with me.

Sea of glass is in Revelation.And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire - and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands,” Rev. 15:2.

If you have not tried prayerful meditation. Try it!  You may be amazed at what you might discover. 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From KJV, NIV, Easy  / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 


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