Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts




And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. and I will make you fishers for men."

  Meaning of wood: a hard-fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for fuel or timber:

There are 72 verses in the Bible about wood. 

Being distracted by our world ... Makes us drift into thought and some of us begin to question life a little deeper.

However, I am a firm believer that idle hands leave our imagination running rampant.  As many of you know I started a word study 4 years ago, and it has brought me on the most amazing journey.

That being said, I began to share my thoughts with a friend who mentioned that she might busy her hands by sanding wood to make tables. And that is how the quest to learn more about the word wood and the study sprouted and began to grow. 🌱 .. I started to think of all the things we use wood for today, buildings, fire, furniture. But then my mind drifted to this question, where does this product we take for granted come from? Easy answer trees, plants, vines! They are all a such beautiful gifts from God.  They supply food but more importantly, they manufacture the very air we breathe... So, what does this amazing creation have to do with the Bible? I discovered, one of the most prominent trees in Jerusalem, when Jesus walked upon the earth, was the olive tree. Did you know the Life Span of Olive trees can be 1,500 years, but the average lifespan is 500 years? That is a wow? 

So where and who used this precious commodity? How did the men of that time build such amazing things from wood? They were not draftsmen? They had no computers? They had no state-of-the-art tools? So how? It can boggle our minds when we think about it? They were simple carpenters with rudimentary tools! I am sure they treasured and could see the beauty in the wood they used. There are a few stories that came to light during this study. Noah and his Ark, The Ark of the Covenant was made by many craftsmen, but they all had one common factor, all of their creations had been made under the direction of God Himself. He gave them precise measurements and directions. How else could they have created such wonders? But the greatest wonder God orchestrated was the creation of his only begotten son 
Jesus. I stand in awe of how He created such a precious life. A life that has touched so many lives in such a significant way. Including mine!! 🥰 Have you ever questioned why he was born to a carpenter? I have? And feel, as a young man he had to develop his skills to understand life on earth.  During this learning experience, he used his hands with great precision and strength. He worked at it until he became a master at his craft.  
Because his father knew He needed to grow and understand how to make something beautiful from a simplistic beginning...  His life is a testimony to these skills. The most precious gift He made, He made with His own blood sweat, and tears. This gift was given to us on a simple piece of blood-stained wood.  It’s a gift of LOVE that goes far beyond that simplistic piece of wood that we remember as the symbolic cross ... It is the richness of His (vine) breath that sustains Life. His LOVE and Life are truly the greatest love story ever told.  It’s Him, It’s always Him!  I will never look at a simple piece of wood the same ever again.  

“Jesus said, ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”
John 15:1 EASY

“Then the trees said to the vine, “Come and be our king”.”
Judges 9:12 EASY

“God is the Lord. This is what he says. He is the God who created the skies. He hung them up like a curtain. He made the shape of the whole earth. He made everything that grows in it. He gives air to its people so that they can breathe. And he has given a spirit to everyone who walks on the earth.”saiah 42:5 EASY

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From Easy / Sinner's Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube 
Joseph - I Was Not His Father, He Was Mine

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A year of songs

Some things in life are just unexplainable… Music has played a major role in my spiritual journey… It started in Nashville, TN, where Music is a significant part of the culture. It was there an artist from my hometown in Florida shared her unpublished music with me… When I listened to these lyrics, I felt an unexplainable stirring in my soul, and before I even knew what hit me, the Holy Spirit blew my soul wide open on a country road in Triune, TN. He then placed my feet on the most intense, incredible journey of love…. With each day, I discovered more about the Trinity… And together, they taught me more about myself than I had ever known… a scary yet delightfully heartfelt.. life-changing experience.

The link below is a playlist created by Spotify… My songs of 2023. These songs hold so many memories… Memories of a Bible word study… Memories of meditations... Memories of people, places, and things. But primarily, they hold sweet Memories of a love story written between me, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit… This music has no specific artist, genre, or order, but these songs have taken me places only my soul could have traveled… 

There, I have felt a heavenly love that has no descriptive words… It is a love that must be regarded with a passion and understanding that only God can offer... 

It’s Him! It’s always Him. 

I know for a fact He will use all the creative gifts available to speak to our thirsty souls… The question becomes, are we looking? Are we listening??? Are we opening our hearts? 

Close your eyes, think of Him, and listen with your soul…

Click here to listen to the songs that came to me without searching. 

Lori's 2023 Playlist

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Meaning of genuine: truly what something is said to be; authentic… 


There are approximately 97 verses that deal with the word genuine. 


Genuine is it a trait we have from birth. Or can we learn how to be genuine? Can our hearts recognize genuine? Or can a trusting heart be fooled? 


To understand this word, I wanted to examine what traits make up the word genuine. And this is what I found.  


Seven Traits of Genuine People 

1 They listen. 

2 They are not concerned with being liked. 

3 They practice what they preach. 

4 They share their real thoughts about life. 

5 They have a sense of humor. 

6 They don’t need money to be happy. 

7 They are confident in themselves.


Of course, when I read the above list there are people that I have known or know presently that own some of the above traits. 


But my heart will always land on the most genuine heart I have ever known. He is the example of beauty, He is the best listener. We can share anything with Him without judgment or false thoughts. His life shows us He did not care what people thought of Him. He was and is confident in who He is. He definitely practiced what He preached! He shared what life is truly about! What a beautiful example He gave us to study and strive daily to reach.  Money was not important He teaches us true riches are gathered by living and loving others. His confidence never wavered. He understood His mission here on earth and never stopped moving towards His Father's light. 


So now that we have painted the most beautiful example of genuine.  How do we become more like Him? Who is this amazing soul? I am sure if you have been following my journey you know His name is Yeshua. I do feel no matter how much we try to be like Him its a goal that can never be fully achieved. But do not be disappointed! Because I do believe when we chase Him and try to learn, own, and execute these traits in our own lives we can improve who we are one day one action at a time.

I will admit I have fallen in love with His genuine heart. He never stops teaching me! He never stops listening to me! He has taught me the value of genuine. 


He never stops the WOW! 


It’s Him, it’s always Him!


Of course, there must be factions among you to show which of you are genuine 1 Corinthians 11:19 

Happy is the one who endures testing because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him.James 1:12

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music Kari Jobe - The More I Seek You w/lyrics




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God's got me here for something. I can feel it. I was born for everything that I'm doing now. Muhammad Ali  

Meaning of appointed to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility: 2. to arrange a date or time. 


There are approximately 83 Bible Verses about Appointed Time. 


Are things in our lives predestined? Is the road for us already plotted? Are we appointed to our destiny by God? 


I have to believe all 3 are accurate ... Does it make any sense for us to think we have any say in what tomorrow may bring? 


Our creator appointed us to live life on earth at birth. He has a plan for each of His children.  We all have a  purpose to fulfill, a mission for Him on this earth. I do believe each one of us plays a bigger part, in what will  lead us to His kingdom.  


We don’t know what that might be. We can only pursue Him and let Him unveil His amazing clues. 


We all have an appointed time for when we will leave this earth. He has given us the tools, He appointed His son to set the example for our lives. He knows the beginning to the end...


I do feel our purpose here is to love and share him with others... We all have an appointed date with destiny. 


The question becomes how prepared are you? Do you come fully armed with His love or are you stripped bare when you stand before Him? We do have choices. It’s Him 


It’s always Him

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner   

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music: from You Tube

Who Is Ready - Beckah Shae







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“As delicate as a flower, as tender as rose petals, choosing to be tender and kind in a harsh environment is not weakness, it's courage.” ― Luffina Lourduraj


Lonely being without company: cut off from others: solitary


Loneliness is mentioned 6 times. However, alone is written about in the Bible over 300 instances.  


It is in our nature to crave that feeling of belonging. To feel that we are a part of something bigger than just ourselves. 


Lonely can manifest itself in many ways... Our family our friends or lack thereof can cause this void feeling in our souls. This can happen at any given time in our lives. 


Many life trials or experiences can leave us with our hearts feeling lonely... and searching for answers. It truly is a strange phenomenon to me how we can live a full life and still feel a lonely pull on our soul.  


I do believe if we have had a Divine spiritual experience we can find ourselves set apart.  Very few will truly understand. Many will not want to talk to you about the Divine presence that has caused such a depth of love in your soul. It becomes the norm to be preoccupied with chasing this amazing spiritual presence. 

He leaves you with a burning desire to share your heart with others.  But many will not relate nor will they understand. And as this walk with the Trinity continues.  You are viewed as overzealous.. over-excited or just a plain ole Jesus lover.  So many will avoid you, adding to the feeling of isolation.  

I question why is it ok to be zealous when speaking of sports, bands, movie stars, etc... But it’s not ok to speak with excitement about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?? My question would be what makes you excited? And did they ever have a hand breathing life into your very existence? Is our excitement misdirected?  


I do find that as we move closer and closer to the Trinity the divide between our spiritual heart and society widens. But as this gap widens, we can find solace in resting in Their presence. We will find that Jesus has known this loneliness. Many shunned Him in this same way. So He comes to us fully knowing the heartbreak and the void we feel..  He offers us comfort and a love like no other. It's beyond human understanding. 


So whatever may cause you to feel that void or that loneliness in your soul.. Know you are never truly alone. He is with us always.. and forever!  Who else can make that commitment or promise? 

Only He can! So get excited! Get over zealous! And join souls that feel His love, it's a love that will leave you speechless. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 


And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20b, NIV


“As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness. Psalm 17:15


“See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” Isaiah Isaiah 49:16


Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music:  

Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone (Live)

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Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

Meaning of hymns a religious song or poem of praise to God. 


Originally modeled on the Book of Psalms and other poetic passages (commonly referred to as "canticles") in the Scriptures Christian hymns are generally directed as praise to the Christian God. Many refer to Jesus Christ either directly or indirectly.


Music has played such a significate role in my journey.  I became quite excited when I discovered Music living within the passages of the Bible and they all point to our Heavenly Loves. The Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. 


As I researched this word and tried to understand what make a song a Hymn? I discovered there is a controversy around Hymns VS Worship music.. Some have defined hymns as singing about God, while newer worship songs are singing to God. However, that in itself is interchangeable depending who you are speaking with. 


Many studies have proven music can have benefits to our cardiovascular health. The potential benefits suggest that Music can directly trigger physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiration.


So how did this happen?  How did man find this melodic way of speaking to our Father’s heart?  I am a firm believer.  It must have started with the beat of His loving heart. Every beat of the human heart represents His gift of life … Our very own body is a rhythmic beat planned by God.. From the heart beat to the blood that travels though our bodies making up our pulse… There is such a subtleness about His gift of music. We carry it wherever we go..


So I do believe in our quest to offer God gifts in exchange for His gift of Life and Love. Man attempted to give God gifts that would please our Creator. Many offerings were made.. But the very beat of their hearts and the pulse of life, created beats of life that were songs to God's ears… 

These very beats along with our prayer language merged into songs of adoration for our Creator.  It is my belief that when we sing songs of praise and worship He is well pleased. What an amazing way to celebrate life with the very one who breathed life into our existence. With the beat.. the beat of life and love and words from the heart… 


It's my opinion Hymns and Worship songs are very much the same.. Hymns seems to be a formal expression of love.. And Worship Songs are a Hymn style song that has evolved over time.. So I say it is up to the heart and soul that is communicating with our Heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit… Just feel His Heart BEAT and let the music play.


It’s Him, It’s always Him




He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God;

Many will see and fear

And will trust in the Lord Psalm 40:3


And Mary said:“My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. Luke 1:46-55

Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinners prayer 

Image Singer Song Writer - Julie Myers

Inspiring Music:  Beckah Shae - Heartbeat (Official Video)

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Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us. Martin Luther 

Meaning of calm the absence of violent or confrontational activity within a place or group:


Calm appears approximately 40 times in the Bible 


To write about this word I thought I would listen to a song. I picked a random playlist on Spotify. A song list that I have never listed too. But I will close my eyes and see where this calm melody might take me... I will be back shortly... 


I inhaled 3 long deep breaths and let the air escape through my lips body began to relax and melt into my chair. And then my mind drifted here. I could hear the songs as they swirled in my head. I could see a coloring book of black and white pages...and as each note played the colors seemed to dance infill the pages.. in a burst of yellows, blues, pink, purple.. my calmness soon shifted to excitement... 

What was this picture going to be? What is this image before me? Then I could hear notes that brought an image of a ticking clock.. and there between the pages, I could see life. I could see it.

This is my secret place. My safe place. Where kind words are spoken. Where I am loved beyond measure. Where my heart is calm and where the sweetness of life could be tasted ... Its where my first love awaits with open arms. He posses such beauty, such grace. His calm aroma fills my lungs... He is the feeling of Home. 

My calmness is found in Him.  I will say goodnight before I drift asleep and dream in the beautiful burst of colors He has given me. But before I go I will admit, my favorite color that He gifted me is called LOVE.  🎨 


It’s Him.  it’s always Him


Psalm 107:29

He maketh the storm a calm so that the waves thereof are still.


Proverbs 14:30

A calm and peaceful and tranquil heart is life and health to the body, But passion and envy are like rottenness to the bones.


James 5:8

Be as calm in your waiting; let your hearts be strong: because the coming of the Lord is near.  😁


Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music:  

Michel Pépé - L' Ascension Céleste

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"Life is to be lived as a magnificent adventure, or not at all." ~ Helen Keller

Meaning of magnificent impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking


Magnificent can be found in approximately 46 instances in the Bible 


What do we consider magnificent?  A beautiful sunset? Our majestic mountains, cascading rivers, the colors of the rainbow?  Do we see the intricate workings of Human life as magnificent? If I asked you to close your eyes and make a list of what you think is magnificent what would you see??


When this word came to me today to study.  I did. I closed my eyes and this is what I saw. I saw the beauty of the one who Has taken the time to make each of the gifts He has given us.  I saw the beauty of His face. I saw His radiant magnificent glow of love. I saw His striking stature. There is nothing that compares.  When He touches our lives and speaks loving words to our souls. The word magnificent does not even come close. But how do we describe our Kingly Father? I am at a loss for words !! 


I can only close my eyes and let my heart speak to His. There you will find a language that is not known by anyone else. It's a secret conversation between you and your first love. It's a soft whisper, It's kindness, It is caring, its a love language that will engulf your senses. It will bring you tears of joy. It will give you peace in your soul. 


Just His presence alone is such a heartfelt wonder. It’s a special bond, It’s a special love. It’s such a magnificent spiritual experience. Magnificent…is the feeling you have when you are in His presence. It’s a love beyond words. He leaves me speechless..He wow's me. 


It's Him, It's always Him.  


My heart is dialing His number. So I must say goodbye. But before I leave you. I will share His number and urge you to call Him. 


Elohim - 1(777) I LOVE YOU. 


Meaning of Elohim: Elohim is the Hebrew word for God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible. When we pray to Elohim, we remember that He is the one who began it all, creating the heavens and the earth and separating light from darkness, water from dry land, night from day. And you the most amazing you!!


O Lord, you are great, mighty, majestic, magnificent, glorious, and sovereign over all the sky and earth! You have dominion and exalt yourself as the ruler of all. 1Chronicles 29:11


Yahweh, our Lord, how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth! Psalms 8:9

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music Lyrics Wonderful, Magnificent God by Don Moen

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“Take time to smell the roses.” Cling to those special moments in time.. 


The rose is considered to be the most “perfect” of all flowers.


There are 48 verses in the Bible about the word Rose.


Do we take the beauty of creation for granted? Do we stop? and truly see Him in all things? Do we see His delicate work? Do we smell its sweet fragrance?  


The word Rose takes me to the beauty of one single flower. When is the last time you held the artwork of God in your hands? When is the last time you truly have taken that moment to stop and study His mastery and artistic eye? When is the last time you felt His hands touch your soul? When has your heart felt that indescribable LOVE from Heaven? 


Let’s hold that one beautiful red rose. You will feel the delicate soft petals; your eyes will witness the depth of the colors that flood your mind. You will smell the fragrance that will fill your lungs with a peace that will be felt in the depths of your soul… Each of His creations are truly miracles.  We can only appreciate the beauty if we get lost in the thought of the what, when, and whys of His purpose?


Christ, Himself refers to Himself as the Rose… His life was much like a beautiful rose. Beautifully orchestrated and played out for the world to see.  His life painted a picture for us of such depth and rich in color. He has left His sweet fragrance in the very air we breathe. His spirit softly awakens hearts with whispers of love. 


Why is it that the rose seems to be the most sought-after flower? When we generally see the rose, we see love, we see romance, we see intimacy and passion. Everything that speaks to our hearts and touches our souls.


However, the red rose symbolizes Christ’s bodily suffering as well as the blood He shed on such a pivotal day so long ago.   There is where we see the greatest love for mankind. We feel His romance for hearts that cannot be put to death. His intimate soul knowns our names and feels our very heartbeat… His passion and pursuit of His children cannot be stopped. It has been planned since the beginning of time for each Man, Woman, and Child. 


His voice and sweet fragrance are in each gentle breeze. So, the next time someone tells you to stop and smell the roses… You will know, the what, when, and why. 


Its Him, It's always Him.


"I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys. Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters . . . Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away . . . let me see your face, let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely." (Song of Solomon, 2:1 - 2, 10, 14, NKJV).


The grass withers, the flower fades,

But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8


The flowers have already appeared in the land;

The time has arrived for pruning the vines,

And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:12


For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. Thessalonians 4:14

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer

Inspiring Music 

Lost In Your Love (feat. Sarah Reeves) - Brandon Lake | House of Miracles

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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Link to my Musical Journey


Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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