Love in any Language is still LOVE!



“If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Herman Hesse


Meaning of crush: To press and bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so as to force a thing out of its natural shape; to bruise by pressure.


Are we a broken and bruised society? Has life left us with scars? Has someone crushed your heart? or wounded your soul?? 


If you answered yes to at least one of the questions above that is a good thing...Now you might say a good thing? You're crazy! Who thinks of being crushed in any way as a good thing? I say it’s good because it makes us human... It makes us feel life...  I do feel when we are put under any type of pressure we are soulfully crushed to some degree.  


However, we must learn the life lesson set before us. I believe that being soulfully crushed can leave us better than we were before... I know you think. Impossible? 


So do not take my feelings to heart, together let’s discover what the Bible says??


The word “crush” wounded my heart as my mind wrestled with the thought of Jesus and how He was crushed for me and you!! His only crime was loving too much... 


His soul must have grieved so intensely as He prayed in the garden to our Heavenly Father. He knew the plan set before Him, but His hands were tied. He knew that He could not be released from the monumental commitment He had made. All of humanity depended on His sacrifice. He knew of the betrayal that would soon take place. He grieved not just for what was going to take place, but He must have grieved for the lost souls… The souls, that did not recognize who He truly was. The ones that His love could not reach … The hearts that He could not penetrate.  


I do believe the crushing of the body is severely painful. To think of what He must have felt. Must crush all believer’s hearts.  It was one of the most barbaric punishments a man of His time could endure. 


The pain and humiliation must have been off the charts. But the crushing of His soul by the betrayal of unbelievers is a wound that carried a pain far beyond our human understanding. It must have left scars on His heart that followed Him to eternity. It must still make Him sad… 


How did they not know Him? How did they not embrace Him… How did they did not love Him? How did they not protect Him and How did they not shout His message of LOVE…? 


History has proven there are many who over time have never let His love go. They pulled His love into their souls.  They have protected it. They felt His beauty, His warmth, His forgiveness, and grace… They have carried His torch of LOVE within their hearts to light the way for others.

I thank God for those brave souls that never gave up! For those that have dedicated their time to write His words. And I thank the Holy Spirit for teaching us and for showing us the way. 


The good news is our precious Savior will no longer feel the crushing of His Human existence. But I do feel He is still crushed by the unbelievers today. He gave Himself willingly to us all… He gave us His all… He did it for love…  So, let’s not let His act of LOVE go without learning the lesson He unfolded before our eyes. 


We must recognize the beauty in His pain. 


I do believe His sadness diminishes as each new follower is welcomed into His circle of LOVE… There must be beautiful music played and rejoicing that is felt across the Heavens… His mission is to save our souls has never been terminated. His circle of LOVE is never-ending… 


It's you. It's me… and It's for anyone that is searching for a LOVE that will change life as they know it … 

It's HIM!! It’s always been HIM… He gave us the gift of life for eternity… 

And I will admit to you. I have more than just a crush…I love Him more than the air I breathe. 


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).


Who his own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 1 Peter 2:24 KJV


But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 KJV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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