“See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see.”― Wayne dyer
Meaning of nobody a person of no importance or authority.
The word nobody is in the Bible approximately 64 times.
I am sure we have all felt at some time in our lives that we were small, insignificant, or maybe even unloved...
We have all walked by someone where we were too busy to stop and notice them? They were invisible? Did we consider them a nobody? Less important? Not worthy of our time, our smile, or even our concern??
When did we become so distracted? So self-centered? So, preoccupied with the world?
I do believe this callous behavior carries through to our relationship with God... Are we too busy? Are we so full of self?? Do we treat Him like a nobody? Less important? Too busy to spend the time?
It seems that unless we have an event, an illness, or a spiritual awakening moment that stops us in our tracks! We regrettably miss all the signs. We lack seeing Him... We walk right by God without even seeing Him!! We treat Him like a nobody, insignificant and small... Many even question His very existence!
Until that pivotal moment that we selfishly have a need... It's then that we suddenly remember Him and find ourselves on our knees, in prayer and looking for His intervention, His possible miracle, or even His forgiving nature. it’s all about self!!! I have witnessed even nonbelievers fall to their knees.
I wonder, does He feel abandoned by His children? Does He think that we see Him as a nobody? Less important than worldly things? When nobody listens it must wound His heart? Does He feel that nobody truly loves Him the way He loves us???
He has proven that He loves us more than He values His own life... He has always put us first... He is patiently waiting for each of us to notice Him. He loves it when we see Him in everything, we do... He is the biggest somebody in our lives!! Don’t wait until something happens to stop you in your tracks to see Him, to pray to Him, to smile at Him... Or to just share your life with Him.
Make Him as important as the air you breathe. He will change the way you see the world...Your value system will shift from self to others. You will begin to see the value and appreciate the nobodies in your life...
It's at that moment in time you realize that you were the nobody that walked by the somebody so self-absorbed so distracted. That you let the opportunity to be somebody in someone's life slip through your fingers. STOP AND Think with your heart...
Put that God-given gift to work! Put the value of life back on track! Share your smile, share your time! Share the gift of being somebody in this crazy world...
Be that somebody that cares, that loves, and that carries the light to illuminate the darkness in our world!!
Be that somebody that opens hearts to the wonder of Him!!
It’s Him. it’s always Him.
He is my somebody!! I awake with a smile because of Him. He has opened my sleepy eyes to His world of wonder! He has given me hope!!! I so appreciate His beautiful smile, His heartwarming laughter, and His amazing undying love. He has taken residence in my heart and made me feel like His somebody!!!
I am His Child. His love... His soulful connection to our world.
He wows me!!!
Signed by:
Somebody In My Father's Eyes
Job 33:14
"God speaks time and time again but nobody notices
Photography & Written by Lori Garner
Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull