Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"If you don't know, ask. You will be a fool for the moment, but a wise man for the rest of your life." Seneca

Meaning of ask: say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.


The word ask is mentioned 119 times. 


The first thing that came to my mind is the proverb  “Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies If you want the truth, better not ask directly.” It’s listed in the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, this saying recurs throughout 150 years of English literature. 


Have you ever spent a day with a child when they are in the WHY stage?  Do we ever ask the hard questions? Do we ever ask God? Why me?  I have. Do we ever ask a stupid question? Wait a stupid question ??? Never? I come from the school of not asking, is a stupid question. Because not knowing the answer can leave you void of knowledge.  


During my discovery of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  I asked a question on Social Media? Who do you pray to? God? Jesus or the Holy Spirit? And that brought a mixture of responses. Even  “that's a stupid question?” I did not take it personally I genuinely wanted to know? And I asked openly so others that may be too timid to ask could also grow. 


I will ask you who do you pray to? Some say I pray to God. Some say I pray to Jesus. Few say I pray to the Holy Spirit. Some say I pray to the Father in Jesus' name? Some say, Lord. Let’s not cloud the issue with the multitude of names they are known by all over the world. Now I will ask do you believe in the Trinity? Do you believe that they are one? Do you believe that they are all the Father? 


Hmm, so now I ask you who do you pray to? 

I can only share my answer...During my journey with the Three, each of them playing a significant role in my life. It was a struggle to know who direct my thoughts and prayers. But it unfolded like a beautiful flower. One day during prayer to my Heavenly Father I said these words, Father, Father is too formal I have to call You something else. I then said I know I will call You LOVE because that is what I think of when I think of You! . And then roll it forward a few months and I found myself deep in the meaning of Easter. And with conviction in my heart, I felt I was leaving a part of my new Divine friends out of my prayers and out of my life.. and on that very day, I started calling them LOVEs. So when I pray I address My LOVEs and that is for My Heavenly Father, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit.. You see for me They are all one in my heart. 


So now I will ask you who do you pray to? 


Ask Him the important questions. My Father in Heaven knows His Children are full of whys and He loves to hear our thoughts. He may chuckle but He does this in the most loving way. He knows by asking questions is how His children grow. 


Have you ever thought of the vast amount of questions and thoughts that are asked of Him on a daily basis?  When I thought of this statement I had to change my direction and my questions turned into the following: 


Good morning LOVEs. Let me ask You what can I do for You today? How can I lighten Your load? What do You want of me?... 


And now I will ask My LOVEs why me? And His answer is Because I love you! And that is a WOW. Because I have felt His LOVE... and it will blow your mind... 


I will end this with my thoughts. Find the name to call your LOVEs that resonates with your soul. There is no stupid answer. It’s a personal choice that will fit in your heart perfectly. And He will wrap your voice in His loving arms.


It’s Him, It’s always Him

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Austin French - Why God (Lyrics)


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