Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Listen to my voice! Hear me! See Me! Count me in !! I am HERE !!!

The word invisible is mentioned in 22 scriptures in the Bible.

The meaning of invisible unable to see. That cannot be seen; imperceptible by the sight. Millions of stars, invisible to the naked eye, may be seen by the telescope. 

The word invisible was a word that popped up in conversation this week. I actually used the term borderline invisible, as I described how I saw my life before I felt God’s touch. It left me curious and led me to raise this question. Why and what caused me to even think of myself as invisible?? It actually puzzled me and to find out more I had to go deep within my heart for answers.


My life has always been pretty blessed. So why? Let’s start with how others see us? I was sometimes perceived as shy? aloof? flatline? non-emotional? All of these words have been used by others to describe me. 

Are these traits we acquire through life’s trials? Or are we born with them?  I do believe we are born with attributes that come with our DNA. But many of our personality traits come from our victories, successes, pain and failures, and how we and others respond to them. I am not an expert in this field and can only speak from my experience and my heart. 


In my life, I have mostly been attracted to outgoing personalities. Because I could be a part of the group with little interaction. I had become comfortable with my role. That is why I became a photographer because I could hide behind the lens and still witness and capture the beauty around me. I hid my heart and my emotions followed. I only allowed a select trusted few into my personal space. I became a person that felt deeply but I was too guarded to truly share my thoughts.   

When I lost my sister to cancer, I requested to be the photographer at the memorial because I could hide. It was safe there. I did not have to face the loss or show the emotions that went along with my wounded heart. As I made my way around the room, I watched and captured life from a distance.


I had truly become invisible. 


However, it seems God saw something in me and decided to switch things up. I am not sure why exactly? But on that pivotal day in May of 2018, He touched my soul with an incredible LOVE. A love to this day I still find so hard to describe. He introduced me to the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, and together they have gently guided me on an incredible journey of discovery. This amazing journey was not only to discover who they are…. but they have peeled back the layers of life and are teaching me who I truly am. (I am still a work in progress) and it is my understanding that this process is never-ending.


They have opened my heart to life and love. They have given me a voice, they have given me a boldness to stand up and share my vulnerable heart with the world.  I won’t sugar coat it.  There have been times of confusion, there have been times of fear, there have been many tears. There have been times when I have felt abandoned by some. There have been other beautiful souls that have come to share life. But with every experience they placed in front of me, there has been growth, there has been wonderment and above all, there has been an indescribable LOVE. And with that love, they have given me an amazing story to share.  


There are those who believe, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are invisible, unemotional, maybe even flatline. My experience with the 3N1… is that they are attainable, they are not invisible, we may not be able to see them with the human eye… But they are here with us, they are alive. They are exciting, gentle, and kind. They possess a love like no other. 

I know this because my soul feels them in the deepest chambers of my vulnerable heart…. I can only pray that you see them in my eyes, in my smile, and in my touch.  And I ask you, if you do nothing else please hear them in my voice.


It’s Him, It’s always him. 


Don’t be invisible. Live life loved. Live life large. Feel them in your soul. Your life will never be the same. It will be brighter and richer than you can ever imagine.


Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature? Colossians 1:15


But He said, “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live! Exodus 33:20.

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From NIV  / Sinner's Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube 
Zara Larsson 'Invisible' Official Lyric Video (Klaus) | Netflix Futures


  1. Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your testimony.

    1. Thank for leaving your comment. It blessed my soul. Wishing you a beautiful LOVE filled evening!

  2. So glad to have this opportunity to read you post. I'm encouraged by knowing how God shows up and illuminates Himself to others. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond! It means more than you know! May God keep you forever in His arms.

  3. I have felt invisible in my life as well, plenty of times, because I have been seen as so quiet. But praise be to God who always sees us!

    1. We need to do a better job of seeing the person in front of us. Truly see them. Yes, He not only sees!! He Holds, and He Love beyond our own imaginations. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  4. That's wonderful that you are coming alive more as you connect more and more to the Holy Spirit!

    1. My journey with the 3N1 has been an amazing one... And yes they are so alive.. Thank you for reading and for your hearfelt comment.

  5. God always see us, even before we were born. He pours into us so we can pour into others.

  6. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Hugs !


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