Love in any Language is still LOVE!



            (1 X 1 X 1 = 1) 

The word behold appears in 1,527 instances in the Bible.

Meaning of Behold to see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or one)." The botanical gardens were a wonder to behold"

Behold is from Middle English beholden, from Old English behealdan(“to hold, have, occupy, possess, guard, preserve, contain, belong, keep, observe, consider, behold, look at, gaze on.

Behold. Is this a word that is time-stamped and dated? It is no longer used in our day to day activity. Have we as a society lost our luster for the beauty of language? Have we traveled so far that we have lost the true meaning of our heritage? Our language has evolved into emojis and random texts😳Can we turn back to a value system and speak eloquent words of romance and love and caring? 

Behold… if given the task to incorporate this word in our lives just how would we use this word? I can only speak for myself and how my journey has unfolded. When I look at the word behold. I would use it to describe a LOVE that transcends time and space.  I do believe this LOVE etched His name on my heart. On a special day in May when He touched my soul. 

This word Behold can only speak of God the Father, His beautiful Son, and the very breath of God Himself the Holy Spirit.  They are the only ones that truly deserve and possess such a bigger than life status.  The word behold demands and complements, one of royalty, one of beauty, and one that leaves you breathless and in awe.

If I was given the task of introducing Him to you. I would definitely use the word Behold…  and tell you I call Him LOVE because there is no one in heaven or on earth that possesses such Glory… and depth of LOVING!!

So, did we as a society, truly stop using this word in general conversation because we knew…It was reserved for someone greater than life itself?


How does He bring such beauty and grace through the ages? Behold…

It's Him, Its always Him  

I am sharing the interesting fact below. 

As I tried to understand this word I began by dissecting the word in 2 parts and this is what I found. 

(the meaning of the words) 

1. BE 2. HOLD 

1.   BE intransitive verb. 1a: to equal in meaning: have the same connotation as symbolize God is love 

2.   HOLD Noun - power or control. 

He blows my beholding mind !!! WOW!!

No man can behold all my glory, Moses 1:5. 

And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; Gen 9:9

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the worldJohn 1:29

1 X 1 X 1 = 1(the Trinity)

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From NIV, / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music / YouTube 

Behold (Then Sings My Soul) - Hillsong Worship




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