Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Meaning of the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. There are 102 verses in the Bible referencing healing. 

Healing is such an amazing word. It gives us hope. I hope that we will be made whole again. To be told you are healed, or healing is good news. But healing comes with a price… To be healed means you have had an injury of a physical, spiritual, or emotional nature. All three work together even though they are separate… For example, if you are wounded in your spirit, your heart will feel the emotion of the wound, which affects the mind.  When the heart and mind are not in balance the body will react. Thus, affecting your immune system and the body will eventually break down. 

Wounds can bring pain, just in different ways. Pain is part of the process.  Without the pain there is no feeling, there is no growth, there can be no healing. The pain is an alarm to our brain to push us, to the point of action… Because the human spirit is made to fight for life.  

The good news is we do not need to travel this road alone… There is help, there is healing, and a Peace that will get you through the process. No matter what has happened or what you may be facing. Call on Jesus, He has been known to heal souls with His tenderness, He has been known to heal emotional scars with His love, He has been known to heal the body with just his touch. 

I can say I know this first hand. Jesus has healed my body. I was in the OR being prepped for surgery when the doctor canceled the surgery and said he felt my wound had healed. Jesus has soothed my soul when the actions of others wounded me to the core. And the emotions of the heart, well they are still there but they come from a place of peace… Because I feel Him in my soul… And only He can heal us from within.

I do believe that the doctors should prescribe, Jesus as part of our treatment plan. When He is engaged in our recovery. Miracles happen. Some are expected, and the doctor gets the praise, and then there are those miracles that leave us in awe. Even the Doctor has no explanation. When we are in awe, there is no doubt all fingers point to HIM!!! All Praises go to Him… 

It’s Him. It’s Always HIM!! 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 
Healing is in your hand_ Christy Nockels


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