Love in any Language is still LOVE!



 “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40

Great trust or confidence in something or someone: The word "faith" appears 336 times in the KJV. 

A state of confidence of things unseen in our future for long and short terms. or to eternity

Faith is a word that sometimes is difficult to understand.  I think faith is an action understood by the mind and felt in the heart and soul... 

Sometimes faith can be exercised in life without even knowing that you are doing so... I feel faith is wrapped in hope and trust. When I decided to learn more about faith, I tried to see it on a personal level... and my memories brought me here... 

As a child I had great faith in my earthly father ... he was my protector ... I knew in my heart he would put himself on the line for me... I remember, as a child, we would go on family vacations and swim in the hotel pool for hours. Those times hold amazing memories. However, my faith was exercised even then in a major way!! Picture ... a child ... a hotel pool ... and this child does not know how to swim... 

However, this child has a dad that would tread water for hours, in the deepest part of the pool... to catch them. This was my dad. Once he was, in position.  I would climb on the diving board. with no floating devices... armed only with my faith in him. And without hesitation or forethought, I would run and take a flying leap, fly through the air and land in the baby blue sparkling water below ... as my head went under, I knew full well and without a doubt, he was there to catch and guide me to the pool’s edge ... I feel that is a blind trust ... My faith played out by knowing my dad, trusting him, and having the confidence in him that he would always protect and be there for me. 

We ask how is it possible to have this type of faith? I can only say my faith was built over time by truly knowing him ... and knowing his heart and knowing the LOVE he has given me. This is how my strong confidence in him became a reality. Thus, bringing the result of unshakable faith ... 

So, you see when we speak of faith in God. It’s about getting to truly know him... know His heart. know His desires. His word. knowing and feeling His amazing LOVE. Spending time with Him and knowing Him intimately builds beautiful confidence and trust! resulting in unshakable faith. You will know it in your mind and feel it in your heart and soul. This without a doubt feeling that He will always be there for you even when you jump!! 

Faith, It's Him, It's always Him.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From Easy, KJV NIV,  /  Sinners Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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