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Motivation - Make it Happen !

   "Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.”

Ezra 10:4 

There are approximately 100 Bible Verses about Motivation. 

The meaning of motivation: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

What motivates us? Some have a drive from within. Some need gentle prodding. and there are those that need a good old push.  

Is it the subject matter that gives us the desire? Is it a passion that lives within our souls?  Or is it something we chase that defines our focus? 

I can only speak for myself and from my heart. I feel I have always had motivation from within. Like many, I have had to reinvent myself a few times in my lifetime.  There are many emotions that go along with reinventing oneself. It can bring excitement for the unknown. It can bring out insecurities. It can bring out a strength you never knew you held deep within! Self-growth can be a beautiful thing.  

The beauty of motivation can give you a sense of purpose ... However, motivation without the correct passion and focus can leave you empty,  unsatisfied, and always searching to fill a void. 

I can further share that not too long ago I had the motivation, but things were not going as planned. (as sometimes things do) It left me feeling stagnant and my motivation began to dim. But then from a very unexpected place I had a significant spiritual encounter. And on that summer day in May, I found a purpose or better stated He found me. This event turned into quite a journey, and it has given me focus and filled me with wonder and a new zest for love and life. 

I found that when you throw caution to the wind and just jump it can result in the most exhilarating most amazing time of your life.  

This new, focus, and passion can breathe life into your purpose and the ripple effect will be seen and felt by others. 

This catalyst has been around since the beginning of time. It is available for every man, woman, and child. You just need to open your heart and let Him in. He will guide you on a journey of love and discovery far better than you could ever imagine.

It's Him, It's always Him.  😍

Now that you know what motivates me. I ask do you have the passion and desire to chase Him or do you need gentle prodding. Or just a good old push? 

Your life will never be the same. It will be richer than you could ever accomplish in your lifetime. So, I say throw caution to the wind and jump... 

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19.26.


Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube
Set The World On Fire- Britt Nicole (with Lyrics)


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