Love in any Language is still LOVE!



The word "chosen" is in the KJV of the Bible 123 times. It is in 119 verses. 

Meaning: having been selected as the best or most appropriate. 

The word Chosen brings me to a question of why? There are times we feel not quite good enough to be set apart, or maybe we are confused as to why we have been chosen to handle a job or to fulfill an expectation in the first place? We can feel much like an insecure child in an adult world. 

When I turn for answers and ask God why?  I found myself in His word where the Bible taught us that God always seems to choose people we least expect like Abraham, David, Paul?? They all had times when they did not feel secure enough and they had doubts. They may have even felt bewildered, confused, and maybe even a bit scared. But they all went on to achieve great things because of God’s love and the confidence He had in each one of them. 

I believe God sees our insecurities, our weaknesses our doubts. However, He also sees us as His wondrous children and knows without a doubt what we can achieve. Because He loves us and has given us the strength and confidence, we need to grow into what He knows we can be. For example, He chose Jesus, for such a monumental job of saving our world and to be a living example for us to follow. Imagine if Jesus thought” I am not good enough? I am not strong enough? 

Maybe those types of doubts ran through his head? But if they did? He overcame them and showed us how to trust and how to have that unwavering confidence in our heavenly Father.  Jesus went on to show us how to live and how to love our Father. And yes, He became everything our heavenly Father knew He could be... He wow's me. For when God calls us to be set apart and to be chosen as His!  He already knows what qualities we possess. Isn't that amazing !! 

He knows this because He is responsible for placing those very special attributes within us. So, don't be surprised when you ask Him why me? If you hear in your soul, "Why Not YOU? Go child make me proud and be everything I know you can be." He is beyond words! I love seeing those beautiful traits come forth in others. You ask how do we know it's traits given to us from our Heavenly Father? It's because they shine bright and they cannot be contained.  So my friends keep shining your light for others to see! Shine Bright !!!! He is watching!!

“And thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude.”1 Kings 3:8 KJV

“God has already chosen one special day. On that day he will judge everyone in the world in a completely right way. He has chosen a man who will do this for him. He has shown clearly to everyone who that man is. He showed it like this: People killed that man. But God caused him to live again.” Acts 17:31 EASY

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From KJV, EASY / Sinners Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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