Love in any Language is still LOVE!



With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.

Psalm 136:12-13


God apparently thinks hands are pretty important as the word hand appears 1466 times in the Bible and the plural word hands appears 462 times.

Hand the part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding, moving, touching. 

I thought this word would be pretty straight forward. But as I began to study the word. I found that there is more... there is always more in this fascinating book we know as the Bible. 

Hands, If we are lucky we are blessed with two that are very functional. I do believe we take them for granted unless they fail us in some way... 

The hands can show the scars of life. They can be as gentle as a raindrop falling from the sky. They can hold a newborn child with such care and grace. Hands can softly touch a life.

The hands do so much! Did you know that the human hand has only 27 bones? I personally found this surprising. I thought our hand had many more... 

But then my thoughts drifted to the Bible and the significance of hands. My mind could only think of Jesus. As a young carpenter, He used His hands to build, repair, and carve intricate wood pieces into beautiful masterpieces.

envision His hands to be strong, gentle, loving. So, when I think about how His beautiful hands and the scars, He received because of a great love..breaks my heart.

All I can say is why? Why Him?  Why couldn't we stop it? I don’t understand how He still loves us enough to hold us so tenderly in His scarred hands? It's a love that boggles the mind and surpasses all human understanding. 

Can we love Him enough to soothe not just the scars in His hands but also the scars He carries within His heart? How can we convey the grief we feel for what He endured? He was such a precious life and such an amazing soul. Such a gift to all humanity... 

His hands hold our hearts and protect us from pain even today. His hands can and do facilitate miracles and they can offer His healing touch. 

If I could just be in His presence. I would need no words.I would just caress and softly kiss His hands. His beautiful caring hands. 

His hands have held my heart and soothed my soul. When no one could understand my pain. He was there.  His LOVE has never failed me.

It’s Him, it’s always Him.

"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of [my] hands; thy walls [are] continually before me." Isaiah 49:16 

“And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.” Luke 24:50 KJV

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Verses From NIV, / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube


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