Love in any Language is still LOVE!



                                   His beauty can be seen as far as you let your heart roam.. (LG)

Seer a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds.

There are 25 Bible verses the reference seers.

Sight is such an amazing gift…  Here is a description outlined by The images we see are made up of light reflected from the objects we look at. This light enters the eye through the cornea, which acts as a window at the front of the eye. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the pupil, which is surrounded by the iris which is the colored part of the eye.

This is the same concept for my camera. They both leave us with vivid memories to share.

But what is a seer… what is it they see and how does this happen? Are these visions or dreams? Is this a peek into a spiritual world? How can one become a seer? Again let me preface by saying, I am not claiming to be an expert. But I will share from my heart and give you my thoughts.

As I walk through this amazing journey. I have witnessed many things. I have grown in my spiritual beliefs. I have a burning desire to embrace the words of our Creator. He has given us the tools to seek Him, to Find Him, and to truly see Him. 

I do believe that some people are blessed with special gifts. Some claim to be seers, some claim to be prophets. Some are seers that claim they can share prophecies? Is what they say true? 

I am not here to judge only God knows the seer/prophets’ heart. However, He does require us to think, discover, and analyze what we touch, see, and hear… Today our world has so many claiming that they have a message from God...

When I scroll through all the messages, news reports, and social media post..  it gives me pause. I see the fear in my neighbors’ eyes. I see, discord in our streets. And I see many messages warning, warning, warning, like our hair, is on fire… Now I am not dismissing the last chapter of the Bible. Things will be a challenge. Things will get tough for many… 

But what gives me pause?? 

Where is the beauty that is held within the pages of that last chapter? Why don’t I see the seers and prophets sharing the beauty in our redemption? This is an amazing story that unites us with our very first love…  

PS. I am a see-R. I see His beautiful image, as His light is reflected in my mind’s eye. This light enters my heart through my spirit, which acts as a window to my soul. There, I see His message of PEACE. I see His message of HOPE. I see His message of LOVE.

Be a see-R. See the beauty in your heavenly Father's eyes! The last chapter points to … 

Him! It has always been Him, and will always be Him!!

Who say to the seers, “You must not see visions”;
And to the prophets, “You must not prophesy to us what is right,
Speak to us pleasant words. Prophesy illusions. Isaiah 30:10

‘I had heard of You (only) by hearing of the ear, but now my (spiritual) eye sees You” Job 42.5 AMPC

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses AMPC   / Sinner's Prayer
Inspiring Music:  Kim Walker-Smith - Throne Room (Lyric Video)


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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