Love in any Language is still LOVE!



When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them

Romans 12:13 

The meaning of loneliness sadness because one has no friends or company. "feelings of depression and loneliness" (of a place) the quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation.

There are approximately 25 verses about loneliness in the Bible.

Loneliness is a difficult emotion to write about. It makes me sad. It makes my heart hurt. It makes tears flow. I do think if you breathe oxygen you have felt this feeling at some time in your life. You have felt the anxiety of not belonging. Or the pain of rejection and or isolation.

What I find curious is, you can be in a room filled with hundreds of people and still feel the pains of being lonely. Many people need someone to validate life. Some are loners and are fine in isolation. Some just need to feel that human bond. They need to hear that human voice. They need to feel that sense of belonging.  

During these challenging times. I see, so many hurting hearts. They are crying out for just a little kindness, a little compassion, and are longing for a loving heart to reach out, and care.

Our challenge becomes how can we touch just one lonely heart? Maybe a call, a text, or a facetime.  But it should not stop there. What do we say? How can we help them fill that void in their life they seem to be missing? I will share my thoughts.

I have met a LOVE, that can change life in the blink of an eye. It can fill your days with joy. He will accept your every flaw. He understands your anxieties. He will hold you until morning’s first light. He will share your desires and dreams. He is the light that shines in the darkest hour. I can introduce Him to you. You will find peace and love like you never thought possible.  He is the lover of your soul. He goes by many names.


I call Him Elohim, Sometimes I call Him Yeshua or the Holy Spirit. But no matter what I call them collectively they are LOVEs.  And together they wow me. 

It’s Them, Its always Them. (HIM)

Reach out today and touch a life. Be the difference in one heart today. Your soul will be blessed beyond measure. 

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me Psalms 23:4

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses  / Sinners Prayer

Inspiring Music:  Hillsong - As you find me.





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