Love in any Language is still LOVE!



His promise to LOVE has no end. 
(St Joseph Catholic Church, Loretto, Tn)

A number of promises that are given in the Bible: 1,260. 


Meaning of promise, assure someone that one will definitely do, give, or arrange something; undertake or declare that something will happen:


Wow, the amount of promises in the Bible is staggering? Have we ever thought of how special God the Father and Jesus the Son think we are? Why would they even feel the need to promise us anything? 

They have taken the time to document the promises in the Bible for the world to see! As I studied many of His promises. I am drawn to the one I love the most! That God, motivated by love, moved unconditionally to save His people from their sin. Does God love everyone? Yes!!

That He loves us unconditionally in itself is such a beautiful gift and that is just the beginning. However, while I was reading the many promises I could not help doing a little soul searching? And I began to ask myself the question. 

"What promises if any have I made to God?" Sure, like many of us.  In my lifetime, I have been guilty of making bargains instead of promises.  God If you answer this prayer? I will do this for you? How many of us can relate? 

However, I can say with the Holy Spirit's guidance. My heart has led me to feel a closeness with the Trinity and to a deeper understanding of spirituality. When we truly LOVE Him, we cannot stand in front of Him with open hands looking for what He has to offer. We must also ask Him what can I promise you in return?  

When we evaluate what we have of value and what He would truly want or need?? It's not money, riches, or things of this world. He is after our love, our hearts, and our time!!  So, if you have made it to the end of this word study. I say don't bargain ... 

Just promise to LOVE Him with All Your Heart, Soul, and Mind. And let his promise of loving you to eternity be the most important promise of your life!  


Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Matthew 22:37


“We really know the kind of love that God has for us. We believe that God has put that love in us. God's nature is love. So, if someone continues to love other people, he is united with God. And God is united with Him.” 1 John 4:16 EASY


"We should keep the full assurance of hope until the end and imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise." 

Heb 6:10 -11 


“We really know the kind of love that God has for us. We believe that God has put that love in us. God's nature is love. So, if someone continues to love other people, he is united with God. And God is united with him.” 1 John 4:16 EASY


 “If we really love God, we will not be afraid of him. We cannot love him completely and also be afraid. We would only be afraid of God if we thought that he would punish us. So, if someone is afraid that God will punish them, it shows that they do not completely know God's love.”1 John 4:18 EASY.

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses From NIV  / Sinner's Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube 
LOVE ME WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART -by- Engelbert Humperdinck(created by:Zairah)


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