Love in any Language is still LOVE!




Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. SOS 8:6

A seal, in biblical times as today, is used to guarantee the security or indicate ownership. Ancient seals were often made of wax, embedded with the personalized imprint of their guarantor. 


The word seal appears in approximately 49 verses in the Bible.


In our world of technology, seals seem to be a lost art. Letters may be obsolete soon.  I have a faint memory of learning about sealing a letter with a wax seal in middle school.  I thought it was cool and enjoyed sealing my letters to my short-lived pen pal... But I do not remember if we were taught the real reason seals were utilized? 


So, we did some digging, and we found some literature on the subject. 


It stated that the history of seals can be traced back to some of the earliest known civilizations. Actual examples have been found from the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia civilizations, which were active from 3300BCE and 150BCE respectively. The first seals were made from clay. 


Researchers in the UK found medieval wax seals to look for possible cases of forgery and other crimes by examining fingerprints and handprints left behind in the wax. Analysts are studying seals on documents dating from the 12th to 14th centuries, such as business contracts, land sales, and other financial exchanges. These transactions were as important and binding as our modern-day signatures, contracts, and credit advances. 


The wax or clay was melted, or made pliable and applied to the opening, and nearly in all cases, they pressed the wax or clay with either a handheld seal or a specially-made signet ring. This would become a symbol of commitment and final approval. Wax rings, which were used as far back as ancient Egypt, were also used as a symbol of status and power. 

Seals brought power, they brought romance, they brought a comfort level that your secret was indeed safe and made only for the eyes of the intended. Or it finalized and bound the parties to the contracts or covenants that were made. 


There are many documented times seals were used in the Bible.  One of the ones that I discovered made me pause. It was the seal that sealed the tomb where Jesus laid. I will share my first thought the tomb was sealed meaning closed permanently. But now I have a different understanding.. Pontus Pilate placed his seal on the tomb of Jesus to prevent any tricks by his disciples.  He had no clue nor did His disciples ever anticipate no one would be breaking in ... But Jesus would be resurrected and break out on His own with His full power and glory.


Many have heard of the 7 seals in Revelations. Each one marking a time and event that all point to the greatest King’s return. Each one can only be opened by Him within His perfect timing. 


All seals have played a significant role.. each one has power.. each one held a secret, each one had a significant mystery and romance and finalized the covenant or agreement. 


So how does this ancient ritual affect us today? I can now say I know in my heart this is not a dying art.. This seal I speak of can not be seen with the naked eye... But it can be felt in the deepest chambers of our hearts.


You ask how do we get this seal? Can we buy it? Can Amazon deliver it? Is it available on prime?  


It can not be bought. Because Jesus already paid the price by the shedding of His blood. The delivery of this beautiful romantic seal is automatically delivered an amazing love and gentleness. His delivery does not need prime because His timing is impeccable..  it fits all types and sizes...  When it’s delivered an amazing transformation begins to take place... If you are wondering who is this that delivers such a seal ??? I call Him my heart. I call Him my soul. I call Him my Holy Spirit. 


It’s Him, it’s always Him! 


 “So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.” 

Matthew 27:66


Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. 

2 Corinthians 1:21-22


Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Ephesians 4:30

Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

Bible Verses From NIV  / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music: YouTube As a seal upon my heart







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