Love in any Language is still LOVE!



“One must love everything.” 
― Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room

Meaning of everything all that exists: All that relates to the subject. All that is important you mean everything to me. All sorts of other things...   The word everything seems to appear in the Bible 930 times. 


I can only think of that old song by the Byrds. Turn, Turn, Turn. I am sure back in the sixties when I listened to this song I never knew that the lyrics were actually words from our Father in Heaven... (Lol) But of course, on my Bible Word adventure, I am discovering that everything points to Him.  


How did He accomplish this amazing gift to all of mankind? The Bible is such a poetic masterpiece. His ability to teach us everything about life and love and what is important in our lives.. is truly mind-boggling.  He has outlined everything from the beginning to the end...


The poetic scripture that is found in Ecclesiastes 3“ A Time for Everything”  covers a multitude of things. What is God trying to tell us? That everything has a beginning and an end... I personally believe it tells us no matter what happens in life we have Hope... 


There will always be change. He gave us the gift of seasons to show us the beauty of change .. for instance.


Fall we witness the biggest change. We shed our old ways to get ready for the new...


Winter is when things are bitterly cold. Somethings die and we become dormant and rest and regroup.


Spring we see new beginnings and new life... 


Summer life is lived in all its sunny glory. 


There will always be good and bad in everything we encounter in life..  And yes we live our lives in seasons with a purpose under the heaven. 


My Father has proven to many that have traveled this road before me that He is Everything to Everyone... Everything... He is the alpha and omega!! 


This chapter further states “all go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return” Ecclesiastes 3:20


So no matter how many toys we have gathered. What race, color or status we think we are.  WE are all equal in life... We are all equal in His eyes... And we all are destined to return to the same place we began. 


WE MUST LEARN many things in our life, We must know when to Hate.. wait for Hate? Yes, we can Hate actions, not people.. We must learn to Love..  if we embrace His Love, we will reap the peace and beauty in our lifetime... But the operative word is WE!!! 


How does He craft these nuggets of wisdom?  How have we not truly taken these words in our hearts? How have we not lived our lives according to His instructions? He has given us everything, every clue, every opportunity and we still do not see it ... 


Even our cute OMG 😳 that we think we invented points us to Him. We all know it means oh my God — used (as in e-mail or text messages) to indicate that something is considered surprising, shocking, thrilling, etc.


Is it surprising? That everything we do, every action, every breath we take, points us back to Him...  Are you shocked?  I personally am thrilled !!! OMG, He is Everything !! 


It’s Him, it’s always Him!!!


A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube  









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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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