Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Meaning of new not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time. 


The word new is mentioned 150 times * The word newly is mentioned 2 times * The word newness is mentioned 2 times. 


We are all standing at the brink of something new... a new day, a new month, a new year.


It’s time to reflect on our past and look to our future with wonder and hope for a brighter tomorrow.  I know you are asking. How can we do this our world is in such turmoil. There is hate. There is discord. There is a relentless virus... There is sadness in my heart when I think of what we have lost... And I could stay in that mindset... I could bathe myself in this depression and despair daily  ... I could allow myself to wallow in this darkness. 


But you see I can’t... Because I found a beauty that lives in my soul. And I will admit it I can't contain it!! I just have to share it. This has changed my direction. It has changed what and who I value. This LOVE shines from heaven above. It has filled my soul with the wonderment of a child. It has filled my heart with a NEW song... It has given me NEW hope. He has given me a New outlook on life... He singularly can work miracles. He can turn our grey skies blue. His Love is like nothing you will ever experience on this earth ... 

When you have felt Him in your heart ... You are driven by an unknown force that brings you peace no matter the circumstance. You began to focus on His promise of a heavenly existence for eternity. And as this transition happens ... The things of this life become less difficult because you will realize that our very existence is only a temporary condition all life must experience. 


So, as I share this amazing new gift with you ... Let’s work together to focus on Him... Together let’s see that light shine from Heaven.. and let’s hold on to the hope of a brighter tomorrow. 


It’s Him, it’s always him 

Can I hear an Amen !!! Happy NEW Year !!!

Play the song below and sing it with me !! 

Hallelujah, let's sing it's a NEW day!! 


“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6)

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Sing a New Song (Live)

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"Courage in the Storm" PODCAST

"Courage in the Storm"

NOW available... CLICK on the above link to listen

In this episode, we will explore a word from our Bible word study and a mediation story that unfolded.

 I will ask you do you think you are courageous? When trouble arises do we run to help? Or do we run away and hide ?? Life has many challenges, health, finances, relationships. During my life, I have witnessed single parents having the courage to step up to the plate for their children time and time again. I have seen friends come and stand firm and offer a shoulder when life gets messy. I have seen families hold each other up during life trials.  I have witnessed courage in the face of life-threatening illnesses. 

I do believe courage comes in all sizes from the simplest gesture to the biggest heroic event. But where and how do we get the strength to execute this type of courage? Follow me as we explore this word further. 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM + spontaneous worship // one take cover

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 ”Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing.” – Dolly Parton


Meaning of butterfly: a nectar-feeding insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales.


Butterflies in the Bible are not expressly found in Scripture but they seem to parallel to the Christian walk... 


As I laid back with my eyes closed this morning and prayed.  I had a very random thought jump into my head “The butterfly and the soul”... I found this strange because I was not thinking of butterflies or souls. So why? hmm is there more to this thought? Is there a lesson? Did God plant that thought into my mind to feel my fluttering heart ?? Or perhaps to let His love give me the feeling of butterflies in my soul?


Have you ever studied a fragile butterfly and truly wonder how did this beauty start out as such a squirmy insect? Let's start at the beginning and try to find a deeper understanding of this big word metamorphosis.


The butterfly life cycle includes four stages: stage one: egg; stage two: caterpillar stage three: pupa; and stage four: adult butterfly. Butterflies transform through these stages. This transformation is called metamorphosis.


Now when we look at our souls, and we take steps closer and closer towards Christ we can see parallels. Our Personal Cycles of Transformation, Rebirth, and Renewal become quite evident... 


As we study Christ and move towards His lifestyle and His way of thinking a metamorphosis of our mind, body, and soul can be felt stirring deep within.


I can only speak of my experience and my observation of others that are on the same journey of chasing Christ. Many of us are in different stages of our walk with Him as well as in our lives.  


I do think once you accept Christ into your heart. Your once dormant soul will begin its journey. I feel all believers are much like the Monarch butterfly we start our soul’s migration towards home... 


There seem to be many changes that happen to each Christian depending on their life trials. We are all a work in progress just traveling towards our final destination at different rates of speed. 


As our soul hears the call of our Creator and we began to follow Him. Many of us will experience rejection. Many of us will experience loneliness. Many will withdraw, many will go to their safe cocoon to regroup, and to learn about this great love they have found. 


This love will teach us about life and love and it will give us the promise that we are never alone.  Each one of us will go through a personal experience with Christ. One that only the one chasing Him will deeply understand.


He will bring us through the most amazing transformation of our lives. He tenderly teaches His precious little souls the importance of each day. The importance of each life. The importance of loving. And the beauty of life itself. 


As we grow stronger in His loving hands. A beautiful soul will emerge. And you will find He has filled you with His love and He has given you wings to fly. He will release your once dormant soul to taste the freedom to love without boundaries. It’s a love that you never knew even existed. 


 Your LOVE for Him and your metamorphosis makes this new birth your story and your life’s purpose. If we would just take the time to study nature we would see the many clues He has laid before us… His knowledge, His Love, His beauty, His caring heart…


 He .... 


There truly are not enough words in all the languages in the world to describe Him… 


It's Him, It's always Him.


WOWd by Him ... 😍

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Sia - Courage To Change (Lyrics) From The Motion Picture Music

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There is a major difference between an idea and a thought inspired by God.

Meaning of inspire: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative:


There are 9 Bible verses about the inspiration of Scripture. 


What is it that inspires us? Where does that vision and that drive come from? Who are these creatives that can see a blank canvas and know how to mix the colors and paints to create a masterpiece? Or take a few words and weave them with a melody and create music? Who is it that can take an idea and bring this thought to life?


Does it take a mastermind? Does it come from the heart? Or perhaps the soul? 


Rumor has it the Bible was inspired by God. I do believe all inspiration originates from God. Whether we want to admit it or not. The creative mind is a gift from God... The talent is a beautiful part of who we are. There are no 2 humans exactly alike...  


I like to think of myself as a creative person. I dabbled in a few different avenues that many would consider artsy. But many things finally came to light when the Holy Spirit threw a LOVE bomb my way.  

I found a new inspiration I found a LOVE that fueled a desire to chase .. and chase hard. Writing began to become more important than ever before. I stepped out of the shadows.. and into His light. 


Yes, He inspired me to LOVE life... He inspired me to see things with my spiritual eyes... He inspired me to feel emotions from the deepest chambers of my heart... 


When you are inspired by God many things become possible... He knows your heart, He knows the gifts He has given you! He inspires His children to become better with each passing day. 

He also knows our insecurities, our doubts, and our vulnerabilities. But His beauty will slowly reverse those negative emotions and fill you with confidence, and strength.  Thus allowing you to grow into the person only He truly knows you can be.  


He is an amazing inspiration! He supports our journey with beautiful understanding and a loving heart...  


However, my question becomes where does He find His inspiration? He is the master of creation. His artistry defies all human imagination... What kind of mind is this ?? What kind of mastery is this? What kind of wonder is this?

I personally believe He is self-motivated... His inspiration is motivated by LOVE, and He is LOVE... I can only bow my head in admiration. He leaves me speechless... I am inspired by His majestic splendor ... He Wows me!! 


It’s Him, It’s Only Him !! 


“Every Scripture has been inspired by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 TPT

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

The Lion and the Lamb - Big Daddy Weave - Lyric Video

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 “Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.” Mother Teresa -

Written by Joann Turnbull 

How many can look back to your years in Middle School and remember a lesson you had?  This happened to me this week.  I never thought I would use it years later.   This is a story of four words.   They are what we call “Helping Verbs”.   They are: SHALL, WILL, SHOULD, WOULD


There is a verse in the Bible that says, “You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and mind”.  The word SHALL LOVE the Lord is used.


Any of these four words could have been used in this verse.  Let’s look at each word and what it could mean. 


WOULD. I would love Him, but I was too busy making money or pursuing a hobby so I did not make this my priority. 


SHOULD.  I should love Him, but I just kept putting it off. Other things kept getting in my way. I thought I will do that tomorrow. 


WILL.  Will is that good word of intention.  Will is that future tense.  I will love Him.  I really want to.  But sometimes it is never accomplished until it might be too late. 


SHALL.  I shall love Him.  What is different about this word?  Shall is the strongest helping verb of the four. Shall is helping the word LOVE.  And LOVE is the most beautiful verb in the English language.  Shall means something that is done with great determination and desire. It opens the door to the verb it is helping. 


I suddenly became aware of this verse in Matthew 22:37.  I began to see it everywhere.  Even on cocktail napkins in a store.   So I asked a friend how do you say this verse in Hebrew.  She said it is called the Shema and we say it twice a day.  Surprise!!  

Then I found it is the FIRST great commandment and Jesus repeats it in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  I was astounded! Why did I not see this before now?   


I found in the past that sometimes I “would” love Him but.....  other times I “should” love Him but......   and sometimes it was I “will” love Him but.......    You can fill in the excuses. 


To say I SHALL LOVE HIM with all my heart, soul and mind sent me on a quest. I started to listen to some songs with lyrics like, “The More I Seek Him, the more I find Him, the more I find Him the more I love Him”.  The music spoke to my heart. 

To say “I shall love Him with all my heart, soul, and mind.” is a game-changer.  It means you love Him more than anything else or anyone else or yourself.  You love Him with a great desire, passion, and determination.  You just whisper His name and your heart fills with His love. 

Let’s get rid of should, would, and will.   Let’s now say, I SHALL LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART, SOUL, AND Mind.  Once you do there is no turning back.  You don’t want to.  This commitment just gets stronger every day. You feel His love overflowing in you.  Which is for now and forever!!

So I hope you look at this verse and decide which of the four words best describes your response to Him. 




And you shall search seek me, and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Photography Lori Garner

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Bible Verses from KJV, NASB / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Kari Jobe, The More I seek you


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“Seeking the face of God in everything, everyone, all the time, and his hand in every happening; This is what it means to be contemplative in the heart of the world. Mother Teresa

Meaning of visible to be seen; 


The word visible is in the Bible approximately 55 times. 


Will I be able to see where this word will take me?? Will I wonder or have a doubt? When someone says I LOVE YOU ... can you see it? Is it visible? 


Have you ever wondered where the saying seeing is believing came from ??? It must have come from that guy Thomas ... hmm the doubter ?? 


Have you ever felt that you were not visible? Have you ever felt you had no voice? Have you ever kept your feelings guarded so deep that no one truly knew your thoughts?  


I know full well what it feels like .. you feel invisible... I felt I was? I was loved and blessed but I hid my true self because of what people might think or say. Soon it became who I was.  


But someone with a LOVE greater than I have ever known has helped me be visible. He has given me a voice. He has helped me find me...He did this when I did not even realize I was lost... He gave me a LOVE story to share. 


I would love to introduce Him to you !! He is bigger than life !!  But many think He is invisible, they think He does not exist... Some will say I think she has gone mad... Who is this that has captured her heart? 


For Thomas and the others that need to see with the naked eye ... I will ask you to close your eyes ... Now think of the Love of your life...  

Picture their face, their eyes, their smile and if you are really good you will hear their voice in your mind and maybe you can even remember their scent ...  Hold that thought for a few minutes. 


Now slowly open your eyes. I will ask you are they standing before you? Are they visible? 


Or did you just feel them deep within your soul?  


If you want to meet Him I can introduce Him ... But you will need to be ready to feel ... 


To feel His love is the greatest human experience you will ever encounter... However I will warn you,  your life will never be the same ... Your heart will begin to sing a new song, you will begin to feel things in your heart like never before.  Your soul will be set free, and you will be who you are truly meant to be ... 


And yes He still WOWs me 


It’s Him, It’s always Him 


“That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he is not far from every one of us:” Acts 17:27 KJV


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Phil Wickham - Face Of God (Official Audio)

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“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1


Meaning of forever: lasting or permanent:


In the Bible, the word forever is used 56 times in the Bible in connection with things that have already ended. 


When we live in a world that changes on a whim... How do we even begin to understand the deep meaning of forever? Is it a measurement of time? How do we know when we have reached the end? Is there an end? .. Are things in this life just temporary? 


I do believe this word could lead us down many paths. It could be an amazing state of mind or it could be scary! .. 


I am a firm believer that this unique journey of mine has lead me on the most incredible walk ...And it is not over!!  I have been introduced to the most intriguing soul... 


Many say He is LOVE. I have discovered that somewhere between my birth and the word forever I have found a love like no other!!!  It’s heavenly... It’s so powerfully beautiful it touches many lives. It leaves me speechless... 


No words can explain the feeling in your soul. I will cherish Him Forever... I will cherish Him beyond the constraints of this Life... I will cherish Him in the Heavens... I don’t want to wonder will I make it there?  I want to be confident in my Love for Him that when forever comes... He is the one that is standing at the gates of heaven.. and He can say... Hello, my beautiful child ... welcome home...  I have loved watching you grow.

I Love You.😍


It’s Him, it's always Him!! 


I am forever His Child.


“I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”

Psalm 89:1 ESV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Francesca Battistelli-Forever Love(lyrics)


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Tiny Miracle

Click on the link above to listen to Episode 19 

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35

Meditation can open our hearts and our minds to many wonderful stories. Today I openly share a story that unfolded as I meditated to a song called God's Love.  Mediation can connect us to our soul desires. However, there are times sharing a peek into our hearts can be intimidating. But He has given us the best gift we could ever imagine. And if sharing His love touches just one life... That is all He has asked us to do.  

It's Him, It's always Him.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.  Him, It's always Him.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours. 


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“One must love everything.” 
― Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room

Meaning of everything all that exists: All that relates to the subject. All that is important you mean everything to me. All sorts of other things...   The word everything seems to appear in the Bible 930 times. 


I can only think of that old song by the Byrds. Turn, Turn, Turn. I am sure back in the sixties when I listened to this song I never knew that the lyrics were actually words from our Father in Heaven... (Lol) But of course, on my Bible Word adventure, I am discovering that everything points to Him.  


How did He accomplish this amazing gift to all of mankind? The Bible is such a poetic masterpiece. His ability to teach us everything about life and love and what is important in our lives.. is truly mind-boggling.  He has outlined everything from the beginning to the end...


The poetic scripture that is found in Ecclesiastes 3“ A Time for Everything”  covers a multitude of things. What is God trying to tell us? That everything has a beginning and an end... I personally believe it tells us no matter what happens in life we have Hope... 


There will always be change. He gave us the gift of seasons to show us the beauty of change .. for instance.


Fall we witness the biggest change. We shed our old ways to get ready for the new...


Winter is when things are bitterly cold. Somethings die and we become dormant and rest and regroup.


Spring we see new beginnings and new life... 


Summer life is lived in all its sunny glory. 


There will always be good and bad in everything we encounter in life..  And yes we live our lives in seasons with a purpose under the heaven. 


My Father has proven to many that have traveled this road before me that He is Everything to Everyone... Everything... He is the alpha and omega!! 


This chapter further states “all go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return” Ecclesiastes 3:20


So no matter how many toys we have gathered. What race, color or status we think we are.  WE are all equal in life... We are all equal in His eyes... And we all are destined to return to the same place we began. 


WE MUST LEARN many things in our life, We must know when to Hate.. wait for Hate? Yes, we can Hate actions, not people.. We must learn to Love..  if we embrace His Love, we will reap the peace and beauty in our lifetime... But the operative word is WE!!! 


How does He craft these nuggets of wisdom?  How have we not truly taken these words in our hearts? How have we not lived our lives according to His instructions? He has given us everything, every clue, every opportunity and we still do not see it ... 


Even our cute OMG 😳 that we think we invented points us to Him. We all know it means oh my God — used (as in e-mail or text messages) to indicate that something is considered surprising, shocking, thrilling, etc.


Is it surprising? That everything we do, every action, every breath we take, points us back to Him...  Are you shocked?  I personally am thrilled !!! OMG, He is Everything !! 


It’s Him, it’s always Him!!!


A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube  








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And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3


What is the meaning of a precious person?

beloved; dear; cherished. very costly or valuable. held in high esteem, esp. in moral or spiritual matters. very fastidious or affected, as in speech, manners, etc.(of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. 


The word precious is in the Bible approximately 13 times.


When I think of the word precious the lyrics to a song we all have heard since we were children popped into my head.   


“They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.” Is this song for just little ones under that magical age of 18?  I know in my heart that He thinks of all of us ... every race, every color from every corner of the world His children.  


And I do believe we are all so precious to Him no matter where you are in this life... No matter what secret things you hold in your heart.. or mind... He will hold you, love you, and wash your slate clean... 


With Christmas just a few days away... Many look forward to a gift exchange from loved ones, many find they behave much like a small child this time of year. 


Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit... Offer us a gift of hope, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness and it is wrapped in the most amazing wrapping. It has the brightest colors. It's called love...Will you exchange your gift with them this Christmas season? 


I know first hand how precious their gift is. I feel it every day.  It's a gift that brings, uncontainable joy, peace in your soul, and love that will last a lifetime and beyond... it wows me.


You might ask but if this is a gift exchange what do I have to give them ?? Will it be precious to them? Will it bring joy to their hearts? What I have to offer Them is so insignificant in comparison. 


They do not ask for gold or precious gems... They get excited when you find time to share your life with Them... They adore you when you give Them your unselfish unbridled love... I personally feel our love feeds Their life source. (see 1 John 4:7-21)


They crave to be precious in our site, every race, every color in every corner of the world... They give the gift of Their Love freely, without boundaries, without qualifying factors... They just ask that you share this gift of Love with your family and friends and beyond... He is the most precious gift we can share!!! 


It’s Him, it’s always Him


“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Mark 10:14.


Because you are precious in my eyes and honored, and I love you, Isaiah 43:4-28


How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!

How vast is the sum of them! Psalm 139:17


Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube  

Jesus Loves the Little Children


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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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He loves you no matter where you are in the world.

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