Love in any Language is still LOVE!



To be LOVED is to be touched, to be touched is to be LOVED. 

In the King James version, the word touch appears 48 times. Meaning of touch: an act of touching someone or something:

The human touch can be as soft and gentle as the morning dew, as beautiful as a rose petal and as memorable as the most precious moments of life. .... Our skin is so hypersensitive it can feel a breeze as it skims across our skin's surface. 

I have witnessed a newborn child react to the touch of her mother’s skin. The skin holds a subtle hint of a scent uniquely all its own. There is something magical that happens to the heart when we are able to hug, caress someone’s face, or feel a soul connection by simply holding someone’s hand. 

Is it a beautiful gift that we have taken for granted? Are our human privileges eroding with each passing day? I say yes, due to a virus our privileges seem to be changing daily... 

However, I feel God made humans with such resilience and adaptability. You see when one of our five senses are taken away, it’s been proven that we develop strengths in other areas... For instance, a blind person can identify you by your scent or by the sound of your footsteps as you walk into the room. 

The beauty of touch is it has been a gift since Biblical times. Jesus used the gift of touch to heal the sick... to make the blind man see, he used touch to heal physical and mental wounds.  

But the most significant touch that He uses today is to touch our hearts with a love far beyond our understanding. How can this happen today without the physical touching of the skin?  I wish I knew? I can only share that His touch is a precious miracle. This touch has beaten death, this touch can heal people’s hearts. It has the power to save souls from the depths of despair... His touch can open your heart to the most amazing LOVE you will ever experience. If His amazing gift of touch is available without physical contact, I can only imagine what it will be like when I can physically hug Him or caress His face or just simply hold His scarred hands. I am blessed to be touched by... 

Him, it’s always Him! 

The beauty of His example is, 
if the gift of physical touch is put on hold ... Keep reaching out and touching hearts ... Until the day returns that we can physically hug, we can physically caress a loved one’s face or physically hold their hand. It’s our God-given miracle and the best gift in the universe... 

It’s LOVE It’s always LOVE. 

“This is the rule that I give to you: You must love each other, in the same way, that I have loved you. A person really loves his friends if he dies on behalf of them. Nobody could love anyone more than that.”
John 15:12-13 EASY

“When I saw him, I fell down at his feet like a dead person. Then he put his right hand on me, and he said to me, ‘Do not be afraid! I am the one who is the first and also the last.”
Revelation 1:17 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From KJV, YLT / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube   


  1. I wonder what it felt like to be touched (and healed) by Jesus back when He walked the earth... I think we now understand more than ever the power of touch.

    1. His very presence must have been awe inspiring. He is alive and is still touching hearts today. His gift of loving us never ends. Thank you for your time and for sharing your heartfelt words. Wishing you a day filled with his LOVE.

  2. What you said about another sense strengthening to compensate for another, it made me curious. What sense is strengthening right now?

    1. I would say its Spiritual Strength. This strength can open.. eyes, smells, hearing, and your heart to feel and to taste life like never before... Our Triune is the key to finding that spiritual strength. Thank you for time and for your comment. Wishing you a day filled with their abundant love.


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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