Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Holy Spirit

Of the modern English translations of the Bible, it is only the King James Version of the Bible which uses the term “Holy Ghost.” It occurs 90 times in the KJV. The term “Holy Spirit” occurs 7 times in the KJV.

Meaning of the Holy Spirit: (in Christianity) the third person of the Trinity; God as spiritually active in the world.

The Holy Spirit is such a large word to undertake! I can only share what is in my heart. This amazing journey that I have been on, has taught me many things over the past 24 months. In this time, my understanding of the Holy Spirit has grown since He touched my soul in May 2018. When this happened, I was such a newbie to this spiritual world I did not even recognize it was Him?? From that moment my prayer life opened, and I addressed all my communications (Prayers) to (Elohim) God the Father.  But soon I was introduced to Jesus... And they both soon became my focus in my spiritual walk. God was my superior parent that guided me and loved me unconditionally and Jesus gave me the relatable human aspect of the two. My friend, brother, and lover of my soul. So many things to understand and my thirst for knowledge of them brought me to this question. 

I hear others say they fell in love with God the father, some say they have fallen in love with Jesus the son.  But I never hear anyone say, I fell in love with the Holy Spirit?? Why not?? And like many of my questions, I went on a quest for answers?? When I did, I was so surprised to find that many people indeed have fallen in love with the Holy Spirit??  I was just too new to the subject matter to know these facts?? 

As I grew to understand and feel Him within my soul. My understanding of the Trinity and the roles they played in my life grew.  As I chased them for answers, I found it interesting that they are all just beautiful facets of God.  We have God our (Creator), God in the flesh, (Jesus), and God the communicator (Holy Spirit).  

Each has definite roles. Together they are the Triune of the mind, body, and soul and are alive in many hearts. The day they became one in my mind and heart. I started addressing them as LOVEs. An all-inclusive name for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Together they (He) are the greatest teachers of Love and Life. So when you fall in love with the Holy Spirit, you are just falling in LOVE with a beautiful part of God the Father/Communicator. 

My description is how my walk and relationship with the Trinity has evolved and grown.  Everyone's walk is uniquely their own... You may not agree with my description of the Trinity.  But it is based on the journey and the understanding of “God” the Communicator placed in my heart. And yes, you can fall in LOVE with the Holy Spirit... 😍

God inhabits us. He is the flame 🔥 within! His love kisses our soul through the Holy Spirit (God's breath). How could we not fall in love with ALL of Him .... each facet of Him is so precious... They are as important as the air we breathe!!

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14 AMP

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bibles AMP - Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music YouTube: 


  1. I sense Him as a Holy anointing, like fragrant oil and an igniting fire! I love Him!

  2. Radical change!

    1. Yes, I have experienced this change. He wowed me!


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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