Love in any Language is still LOVE!



In worship, God captures your heart; when he’s got it, then the real work begins. ― Matt Redman.


There are numerous definitions of the word worship. Yet, one, in particular, encapsulates the priority we should give to worship as a spiritual discipline: Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission.


The word worship seems to be used approximately 40 times in Leviticus when it describes how to sacrifice and bring offerings to God. 


The word worship can reflect a few different actions that could constitute and be viewed as types of worship.  For example, there is praise, song, dancing, spiritual gifts, sacrifice, daily devotionals... 


I believe it’s a personal choice between you and your Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit... They know our hearts intimately.. I do feel there are degrees of intensity depending on where and when the action of worship takes place... 


In my opinion, there is no wrong or right way.  It's that deep personal relationship that most of us crave and are chasing. If you are truly blessed to feel His amazing love or you have a strong conviction in your soul you are most likely on the right track... 


Emotions from the heart must be fully engaged or you will be just going through the motions... Are your actions sincere? Or are they for the show? Where is your heart? That is a question that only you and our Creator can answer... 


We have been given scriptures that direct us to love God with ALL our hearts, soul, and mind... 


When we worship we should be “fully engaged” and in “total surrender.” The action of LOVING Him should be our only thought... When we can achieve that “extravagant love exchange” with our Heavenly Father it should tantalize all of our senses... We are placed in a state of being fully immersed in His love... The word consumed seems to best describe the relationship our Father desires from His Children... 


However, the operative word is ALL ... He desires every part of who we are. All of our LOVE All of our devotion. All ....?


The question becomes what is your definition of ALL? The full hour on Sunday ?? Or is it more ?? 


How we relate and how we achieve this goal is a personal commitment between you and our Creator... It takes time and discipline and a yearning heart to totally surrender to His All-consuming LOVE...  He is the only one that is truly worthy of a love that is so sovereign, so extravagant...and yet so intimate... 


He has been reaching out, He has been tugging at our hearts... He has been whispering ALL of our names!!! He is gathering and waiting for His children to be ALL in!!   


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 


His love is so difficult to contain!!... I worship the Holy ground He walks on!!! He WOWs me! 😍🙃🔥


So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

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Bethel Music - 10,000 Reasons (Live) - featuring Brian and Jenn Johnson





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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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