Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Elohim, touches hearts with an unforgettable love, from here to eternity. 


Meaning of unforgettable impossible to forget; very memorable:

Ops I forgot to find out how many times the word unforgettable is written in the Bible... 


The mind is such a fascinating gift... We seem to run on long and short-term memories. Our daily tasks are stored in our short-term memory and deeper memories make up highlighted times in our lives. And then they are stored in our long-term memory... 


How do these memories affect our hearts, our emotions, and our mood???  


The emotional memories have what are known as emotional memory triggers. This help guides our lives by protecting our hearts, our mind, and our physical being. For example “ Don’t play with fire you may get burned” a memory of getting burned could stop us from making the same mistake... However, a “feel” good memory will keep us yearning for more of the same” 


I question if we know our Creator at birth is there a memory built at that moment in time? Has it stayed hidden deep within our minds? Has it laid dormant, just waiting for that memory to be ignited by special triggers He Himself planted in our minds... 


These “feel good” memories of knowing Him so long ago... leaves us with an empty yearning, and a desire to fill a void that has haunted our soul? 


What is it about our Creator that makes Him so unforgettable? He has so many outstanding qualities... But do we only scratch the surface ... Do we take the time to make long and short-term memories of Him??? 


I believe rituals and devotionals, and reading the Bible becomes a special part of our short-term memories... However, when we close our eyes and can “feel” His presence, We can open our spiritual mind to amazing wonder. We can see with our spiritual eyes His true beautiful brilliance. We can be swept away into His heavenly realm.  By spending spiritual time with Him we can create long-term intimate memories. These beautiful heartfelt memories leave us with a thirst and a yearning in our soul to return to His unforgettable LOVE, time and time again... 


I can only share my thoughts and my own experiences that have built with Him... Many will think of it as being odd... Some may think that I am losing my mind... However, I would not change one day, one minute, or even one second that I have spent loving Him and growing to know His beauty... 


He has gifted me with such beautiful memories, memories that have tapped into emotions that I never knew even existed. He has open my heart to His world of wonder. 


But as the lyrics of a beautiful song states “ He thinks I am unforgettable too”  Now looking back on my journey He has been chasing me with such a relentless heart... I can not thank Him enough for never forgetting me... 


The question becomes am I in His short or long-term memory? Is His love permanently ingrained in my heart and mind?  Will I chase Him with the same relentless vigor He has shown me?  


Forgive me as I settle into a meditative state and make sweet memories with my Creator ... His presence will ignite my emotional triggers and my heart will be freed to FEEL His grace and everlasting love ... He is an unforgettable force of amazing wonder... 


He wows me!!  


It’s him, It’s always Him! He posses that relentless love we seek...  


“Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Matthew 7:7 TPT


Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; Ecclesiastes 12:1-8

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Nate King Cole and Natalie Cole Unforgettable Lyrics

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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