Love in any Language is still LOVE!



The soul of Man must quicken to creation. T. S. Eliot:


Meaning of quicken: make or become faster or quicker: to stimulate or become stimulated:


The word quicken seems to appear eighteen times in the Bible. 


When I started to peel back the pages on this word, my mind deferred this word to my soul. My understanding of this word pointed me to memories within my own journey... 


Before my Holy Spirit Encounter I can say I did not feel my soul ...  I knew she was in there and she existed within my human frame.  But I really did not give my soul much thought. 


My soul was dormant.. my soul lived in the darkness deep within... hiding quietly just waiting to be set free. 


I do believe many Christians call this amazing event being born again. A concept that many nonbelievers truly do not understand. 


But from my experience and many others that I have spoken to in my journey, there is one very important common denominator.  It’s our amazing Creator ... He comes to us as our Heavenly Father, perhaps Jesus, or maybe even the Holy Spirit... Our Creator comes to us in a way that is unique to each individual and how they will relate and respond to Him... 


Being born again seems to be a deeper soulful state of consciousness.  It's when our soul is set free to love our Creator with all our heart,  soul, and mind... When this awaking or quickening happens, that is when our Creator ignites a fire within our dormant soul... 


As always I must state I am not an expert I can only speak from my heart and from my own experience... 


When the Holy Spirit touched my life...  The event blew me away and over time I gained a better understanding of being born again ... This heavenly gift seemed to heighten all of my senses... I became awe-struck and I had a renewed sense of appreciation for the beauty of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I began to see life in a new exciting light... Little did I realize it was His light shining from within my soul. I spoke many times of feeling like a child and tasting life as never before...


To feel His amazing love has been beyond my earthly understanding... But my soul has been set free... There are not enough words in all the world to adequately describe it...   It is a taste of Heaven and He leaves our souls craving more!! 


This process I know as quickening is when a heavenly experience ignites the dormant flame of life within your sleeping soul... He sets that once dormant heart into a flame that yearns for more ... 


Once you have been given this gift you will travel on the most enlightening journey of your life.. and it does not stop there... He will take your heart places you never thought possible... 


It’s Him, it's always Him. 


Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth Psalm 119:88

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

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You Know Me (lyrics) Steffany Gretzinger




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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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