Love in any Language is still LOVE!



A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to god. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your weakness. Mother Teresa


Meaning of sacrifice an act of offering to a deity something precious especiallythe killing of a victim on an altar. Something offered in sacrifice. Destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else. Something given up or lost.


The word sacrifice seems to appear 218 times in the KJV of the Bible.


Are you ready? Are you ready to sacrifice just a few minutes of your precious time to dive into this heartfelt word with me today??


I do believe a sacrifice is an unselfish act, of giving of oneself not out of our surplus but out of our need… There are so many other things we could be doing today instead of studying the Bible, His Word, or chasing His love… But you are here not for me or you, but we are here for Him. He does see our hearts, He knows our every thought.  


The time we share with Him is so small in comparison to the gift He continues to give.


I can only share that the word sacrifice does wound my heart… Because it takes me back to a time when life seemed to be simple, but even then, man suffered as many issues as then, as we do today… Things have not changed that much. However, I am afraid we have not learned the lessons that God so graphically pointed out to us so long ago… It’s that moment when His precious Son Jesus hung suffering on the cross in His full glory for all men to witness?? It was such a pivotal moment in time. 


It was where His beautiful healing love poured out for all His children. But the hate among men seemed to be greater in the world than the love He shared.  


Sadly, it seems many still have not stopped to think.  Are we too busy to sacrifice a little time? Too involved with things of this world to realize the long-term implications of complacency. Too self-absorbed to truly see the bigger picture. 


The word sacrifice goes much deeper… it is an amazing gift from an unselfish beautiful heart… To touch the heart of other humans is a gift of love. When we give from our need and not our surplus it’s a feeling of love that overcomes us and can be felt deep within our soul…


However, when I think what do I have to give God?? He has given so much?? What can I place on this spiritual altar of my life?? I only have one thing… One thing He craves… One thing He has been relentlessly chasing … It's my …. Heart.  

It’s our love… I ask do we make the time? Can we be unselfish with Him.. Can we make a commitment to sacrifice a little bit of ourselves each day?


I can only say it’s a process… This commitment can cause pain, you may deal with doubters and haters. You may lose people you love. However, the beauty of God’s LOVE outweighs anything this troubled world has to offer. 


We must take the time, to learn the lesson of God’s eternal love… He did not only pour it out on that sacrificial day. It’s still being poured out to His children all over the world. His love cannot be stopped by man no matter how hard they may try… It’s a love that is so hard to put into words... You can just feel Him in the very depths of your soul and your heart whispers…


It's Him, It's always been Him!!! HE WOWS me… 

Again, thank you for sacrificing your precious time with me today… Sharing His love blesses my soul… I pray that you feel Him too. 



Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrew 13:16 ESV


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 ESV 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Model - Robyn Z

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