Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Tears flow silently through the soul and cleanse's the heart. 

Meaning of the word cleanse, a process or period of time during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy, typically by consuming only water or other liquids:


There are approximately 40 verses that mention the word cleanse... 


Does life dirty our hands ?? Does our lack of compassion harden our hearts ??? Do our thoughts pollute our hearts and minds... Do we scar other hearts with callous actions or unkind words?  Do we allow the pollution of our world to penetrate our very soul? Are we a sluggish society?  Are we broken? Are we bruised ?? 


How do we find the beauty our world once had? How do we find that soft place to fall? How do we change our hearts... 


Many of us try to wash the wounds of life... And travel on our way without healing.  We become lost or maybe distracted and continue our daily routine without much change?? This action may result in a darkness that makes your soul silently grieve and your heart harden. 


How do we change the heaviness we feel... How do we learn to trust again? How do we heal our scars? How do we learn to love again? 


When we think of the word cleanse. Perhaps we think of washing...We think of restoring ... We think of the word refreshing ... 


I can only share what I have experienced during my journey.  And how I found the freedom to chase God's love with all that I am... At the time I did not know Him. I knew of Him... There is a beautiful difference... 

I do not know why, but one day He whispered my name... And that Is how this amazing journey began. 

As days passed, He began to share a beautiful love that tore down my walls. Walls that had been built to protect my heart. As the walls crumbled... I found myself meekly standing there alone, with only His love...  I had never felt a love so pure, so warm, so heavenly.. There are not enough words to describe His love. 

I felt that my heart was being circumcised... I felt stripped, bewildered, and confused. I did not understand the magnitude of His love or His plan for me.  I could not run... I had no place to hide... He saw the raw me, the true me... Yet He lovingly held me as I faced my insecurities and fears. 

And as He took my wounded heart in His loving hands He began to shave the layers of dirt from my life...  He spoke words of love to my soul. I felt a freedom that I could not contain... Tears fell like rain from the deepest chambers of my heart...His love opened my soul and eased the chokehold I had placed on my life...

He taught me how to let go and breathe again... 

It was at that moment in time I fell in love and surrendered my heart to the one who knows me better than I know myself...  

His love runs so deep... His care is so gentle and kind... He sees us through our failures and helps us rise from the ashes. He revels in our victories. There is no one anywhere that can even compare!!! 

I believe His love contains beautiful healing oxygen that frees our souls...

This cleansing process can be heartfelt. Facing your inner fears and yourself can be difficult at times. But I have found that with pain there is growth... There is an inner peace that comes from traveling this road of life with Him. 


There is an amazing love transformation that happens within our heart and soul... When you began to love with no boundaries. This includes loving who you are becoming. 


Over time I have learned to just close my eyes, open my heart and trust Him with my life...  But I must say... Loving Him is the best thing I have ever done... 


It’s Him... It’s always Him...

PS...I am a work in progress ... I am at the mercy of my Master’s loving hands... He WOWs me.


That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness. so that I can bring honor to his name. Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. Psalm 23:3-5 TPT 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Cleanse You by Calee Reed - Lyric Video


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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