Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Evening by Joann Turnbull

The heavens proclaim the glory of God...night after night they make him known (Psalm 19:1,2).


At Even Ere the Sun Was Set


As the sun is setting in the evening sky.  The colors are bright orange and red. Spectacular visions to our eyes. How can He show such rare beauty?  It is His gift of love for us to behold. 


Father, though the evening of this world is here, we come with the hurt, the sick, the prisoners, and all who need You.  


Jesus - At evening they brought all the sick to You.  You took all pain and sickness to the cross as well as man’s sin. With every blow, wound, bruise, and touch of the spear you took it all.  And at the end, You said “Father forgive them.”  The thunder sounded in the darkness and the earth shook as You breathed your last breath and said, “It is finished”.  

It was evening.  


As watchers of this scene went home. So sad.  They did not know that Jesus had fulfilled His assignment, the Lamb of God had been slain. He was slain for you and me.  The redeeming price had been paid.  The evening sacrifice had been made. 


Soon the evening and darkness would turn to dawn.  He was raised by our Holy Spirit. And early that morning on the third day He appeared.  They had last seen Him in the evening on the cross. 


Now He is alive and He is still healing the hurt, the lost, and those without hope.  He says come,  In this evening of time, His touch is the same as in ancient times.  Come to the One who loves you with eternal love.  Love this One who gave His all.  Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. 


Psalm 113:3  From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised. 


Psalm 65:8 They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs: You make the dawn and the sunsets shout for joy. 

Photography by Lori Garner 

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube) 

have i told you lately that i love you - van morrison



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