Love in any Language is still LOVE!



 “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.” – Mandy Hale,

Meaning of garment: an item of clothing.


There are 29 verses in the bible that mention the word garment. 


The clothing of the people in Biblical times seems to have been made from wool, linen, animal skins, and perhaps silk. The fabrics are not very much different from the ones we use today… 


When studying the word garment. I could not help remembering a quote. "The clothes make the man" is from the Shakespearean play called Hamlet. The line that has been translated from is "apparel oft proclaims the man" It based on the thought that in our world, people form judgments about others based upon the clothes that they wear.


What is it that sets us apart just by the way we dress? I do believe most of us enjoy the finer things in life.  Or at least, we as a society have grown comfortable with “things”. It is apparent that many dress to impress. I do believe Covid has made many of us sit up and take notice, of what we truly should value. 


How many of us have attended zoom meetings? 

To be honest, were you only dressed from the waist up? From the waist down perhaps you wore your PJ’s and slippers? Or perhaps you arrived at your online meeting in your bare feet ready to impress. I do believe when we feel good about how we look. It is not really the clothes, its the confidence and beauty that glows from within because the outer package looks good.  But then again, I have witnessed many beautiful packages that are void of substance. We should not judge the outer garments, but we should train ourselves to seek the beauty of the heart. 


So as we unravel this puzzle. Have you ever wondered why Jesus did not come dressed to impress? He had the credentials to dress like a King. But His garments were plain, they were simple and modest. He addressed many important scholars in simple sandals. But He had the

X- factor as they call it… I like to call it the God-Factor… He blows so many holes in the quote "The clothes make the man"… And I must agree. It was not the garment. It was the Man that filled the garment. The Man that changed the world because of LOVE. The Man of simple humble beginnings… The Man with the beautiful heart. The Man that is now My King, My Savoir My Lord. 



It's Him, It's Always Him

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

No Other God - (Lyric Video) - Steph Macleod [OFFICIAL]


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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