Love in any Language is still LOVE!



But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. Psalms 1:2

The meaning of disappearing ceases to be visible. 


The word Disappear is in the Bible approximately (61 instances) Disappeared (28 instances) Melt (41 instances) Vanish (30 instances)


This word tried very hard to disappear from my mind... But it continued to haunt me until I said ok, ok I am here...


Have you ever felt so vulnerable,  so overwhelmed, so confused.. maybe even frightened that you wished you could just disappear?? I know this thought has crossed my mind a few times... It has even happened as I traveled into this unfamiliar territory with God.

But what are we truly running from ?? I feel sometimes things look scarier than they truly are ?? When we are confused they can become bigger than life. We have a tendency to look at the mountain before us instead of stepping out in faith and trusting God... 

Sometimes we just need to hold our breath and just jump... Risking is part of life... Risking is part of growing... Why do we worry about other people's opinions? What makes us want that expectance? Why do we look to people instead of God for our validation? 

It's ironic to me that it seems that the risk-takers are the visible ones... They risk living life without boundaries... They risk looking silly in other people's eyes as they chase their dreams... They risk loving with all of their heart, even when people don't understand!!

Are you a risk-taker? Do you live life to it’s fullest? Will you leave your mark on this world or will the day come when you disappear like a vapor in the wind? 


Or have you already disappeared? Or are you dormant, just standing on the sidelines?


Do you know that in-complacency can slowly make you fade from view??  I hope you get excited when I tell you that I know without a doubt we can never fade from our Father's grace. 


I have found myself trying to understand why people run and hide and disappear from love ???  That one hit close to home ?? And it is a subject I will never understand...  It is an action that has left scars... 


Disappearing can be lonely...

It can act as a band-aid for a much deeper problem ... The problem will never get resolved... It will continue to show its ugly head time and time again... Have you ever heard you can run but you can not hide??  I finally realize what that truly means... God, It means God... He is always with us... He knows our every thought... Our every action! Our every prayer!

 Now I don't know about you but I find that amazing! 

I will also share a secret that I have discovered about Him... 

Shh...don't tell anyone... I am only going to share this with you... 

If you don't know this by now?  I love running and hiding with Him... Disappearing with Him is the most beautiful feeling in our world... Just think He knows our every thought. He knows how we feel... He knows everything about us!!!  He loves us unconditionally... I must say it does not get any better than that!! 


Oh my,  please excuse me...while I disappear...mediating with Him is the best medicine for the soul.  .... He WOWS me. 🥰


It's Him, it's always Him 


“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”

Psalms 17:8 NIV


Image created by and Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Christina Li-Disappear [With Lyrics]

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!” Psalms 91:2 


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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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