Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.― Mother Teresa  - 

Meaning of help: Make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources." they helped her with domestic chores". The action of helping someone to do something; assistance.


The concept of 'help' is mentioned 284 times in The Bible, with the word itself being mentioned 213 times. 50 of these mentions are in the Psalms.


When I look at the word help… It is such a small word that can have such an amazing impact. The question that comes to my mind is, am I a giver or a taker? I can only pray to God that I am a giver… I do believe we all have our moments… It becomes what side of the scale does our heart fall … Taker or Giver? When we study a taker, they do seem to get ahead faster,  they do seem to have all the trappings life has to offer. But are they truly fulfilled with what is truly important or are they a hollow existence of human life? I think the word trappings, sums it up in one word. 


But when I see a giver, I see amazing unselfishness. One that puts someone’s needs before their own. I see a beauty that radiates from within. I see a peaceful heart. They demonstrate humility while knowing that they are centered on what is truly important in life. They find personal joy in seeing that smile on someone else’s face.


When we find ourselves in trouble or in need of assistance, where do we turn? Do we turn to a selfish heart? Or do we run to the unselfish one? The ones that will hold our hand and open their heart. 


I can say it has been my observation that when the taker comes to a place in life when they hit rock bottom… due to illness or they are spiritually weak or alone. Many have hit their knees and have asked the greatest, unselfish heart I know for HELP…. To help them find out what’s important in life before it’s too late.


I must say, His beauty, humility, and unselfish heart are beyond my human understanding. He welcomes all hearts with open arms. 


If we look at His life we can see what the meaning of life truly is all about. It’s about LOVE, It’s about giving of ourselves, It’s about family. It’s about friends, It’s about leaving this world better than we found it… We should open our hearts and remove all obstacles that hold us hostage to a selfish life. And chase the gift of freedom to LOVE Him and others beyond our own understanding. 


He will help us be centered on what is truly important in life.


It’s Him, It’s always Him. 


Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

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