Love in any Language is still LOVE!



A true friend is the one who drops everything to quietly sit with you when the rest of the world does not understand. 

Meaning of rejection:

 The dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.

We located 20 verses that deal with that ugly word rejection... 

Rejection is a heartbreaking action word... And difficult for me to understand.  Sometimes, it is blatant and in your face. Other times, it is as subtle as fumes from a smoldering fire.... Both leave reasons that will forever burn a scar in the fiber of who we become. The wound may fade over time, but the heart will carry the scar.   


Rejection stings; humans can be so cruel, cold-hearted, judgmental, and self-centered. I have witnessed rejection happen at any age, gender, or race... There is no respecter of person. 


When you feel you have connected with someone or yearn just to be a part of something more than yourself. 


You can become vulnerable as you open your heart to the risk of acceptance. You may even get close enough to share life and dreams and make precious memories. 


And then, without any provocation or signals, they sever all ties and shun your very existence.  


Or worse, sell you out for just a few pieces of silver! Your emotions become a roller coaster as you begin the rationalization process. You begin to question if it was something you did or if there was something you could have done differently. You question their heart and motives. 


Regardless of your thinking, rejection is difficult and hurtful. It cuts deep into your soul. 


How did Jesus deal with rejection? 

God knows firsthand the cruelty of rejection!! He has been rejected by some of the ones He has loved the most!! Sadly, He is still rejected by so many!!! If rejection hurts us so much, I can only imagine how great His pain must be!! 

Do we ever stop and think before we act? How are we so cold that we reject His love, or for that matter, love of any kind? 


How did we come to reject the one who gave us life? The creator of all things! The one who loves us more than life itself! He has proven His love in life and in death. 💔 How does He forgive us for the magnitude of rejection we bestowed on His beautiful heart? I can almost hear His voice say these words.

“Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.”. (Luke 23:34)


I do believe most if not all, rejection stems from a deep-rooted fear, insecurity, hate, greed, and/or judgment. 


The most amazing thing I have discovered is that we can find that silver lining out of rejection. 


Healing happens when we realize that rejection is truly not about the one being rejected but about the person or group that has executed the rejection. It shows their short-sightedness, insecurities, and brokenness. 


I will admit that during my spiritual journey, I have also felt the pain of rejection. I am afraid many did not take the time to understand and rejected my vulnerable soul. It wounded me deeply. Many tears fell. 


I wrote this early in my Spiritual Journey. 



You scarred my heart ...with no remorse. But I found the beauty in you making me bleed ... I found me. 


That is when I felt the most vulnerable and when rejection hit home. Some of the people I cared about stopped all communications and cut all ties. I believe my pain was magnified due to my newly circumcised heart.


However, I discovered that the pain of rejection can actually make us stronger. It can put us in the position of forgiveness ... It can make us dig deep. It can make us rise from the ashes of what once was... and what could have been, and give us newfound hope that lets us look towards what could be.


It's at that time we understand that with God, all things are possible. Especially when we open our grieving souls to His love, He teaches us many beautiful things... He taught me the art of forgiveness and how to love even in the face of rejection. ( I am a work in progress) 


There is truth in that old cliché. 

"Freedom from pain is letting go. 

" It’s not accomplished instantly! It takes work, love, prayer, understanding, time, and most of all, Jesus. 


It’s Him, it’s always Him... 

Give Him the chance to introduce you to the most beautiful person you may ever meet. You may be surprised that it’s you! 

 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18 NIV


Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close. Psalm 27:10 NLT


All who hate me whisper about me, imagining the worst. Psalm 41:7 (NLT)

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

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Céline Dion - Ashes (DEADPOOL 2) cover by Kimberly Fransens



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