Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. 


Meaning of draw pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind: an act of selecting names randomly, typically by extracting them from a bag or other container, to match competitors in a game or tournament:


There are approximately 35 verses that point to the word draw in the Bible. 


How does one possess this magnetism that draws one closer and closer??? What is that element that sets them apart? Through life, we can see this in people we may know. And there are some we know through the persona they display to the public. (i.e. movie, television, radio personalities, politicians, sports figures, etc. ) Many follow them and watch their every move; they hang on to every word, and they spend absorbent amounts of money and time just to watch them speak or perform. So, what draws us? What is that magical formula? Is it called charisma? Is it our wish to be in their light overflow? What is the gain? How does that create value in our own lives?  


There will come a day when we will ask ourselves, did our heart misguide our lives, or did it keep us on track? 

Were we drawn to the one that will add the most value to our lives? Were we drawn? Or did we chase? I have been drawn to the “ONE” that will enrich our lives more than we could ever repay... He is a public figure that has been known to draw many hearts. His magnetism has transcended time and space since the beginning of time. Many follow His every move. Many hang on every word. He offers this gift for free. I do believe I now have a better understanding of how this magical draw works... 


It comes down to how it makes us feel. Does your heart dance with excitement just to hear their name, see them, or hear their voice? Do they fill that void in your soul? Do they have your best interest in mind? Do they know your name? Do they offer you life everlasting?   


I only know of “one” life source that can claim all the above...If you would take a moment and look into your heart and analyze what has that magical draw has on your heart ... 


Is it one-sided? Or is it a mutual love that pulls us closer and closer? Our Creator touched our souls before we were born. He gave us a taste of His love, and we have this yearning embedded in our souls to chase it.

So my question is still the same: Are our hearts misguided? Do we chase the “ONE” that will add the most value to our lives? That answer is a personal one, and it’s between you and our Creator. 

For me, the answer is simple. His value is beyond anything we could ever imagine!!!


It’s Him; it’s always Him.

Draw me after you, and let us run together! Song of Solomon 1:4

Photography & Written by Lori Garner Model 

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

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Pull me close 


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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