Love in any Language is still LOVE!



For am I now seeking the approval of man or God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 ESV


Meaning of validation, the action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something. 


I could not validate how many times this word appears in the Bible. I believe it's because it may not be in print, but every believer’s goal is to be validated by our Heavenly Father. 


Many of us run through life looking for that stamp of approval. Do we belong? Do we fit in? What makes us yearn to be validated by others?  


Are they experts in life? Do they have the experience because they traveled the road before us?  I believe they have acquired a skill set that we may not have, and we can certainly learn a valuable lesson! But do we need validation from someone who has their hidden insecurities, frailties, and agenda? 


When we look for validation for the wrong reasons, it could fall short of our expectations and wound our souls. 


God has already validated us with His love and the sacrifice of His beautiful Son Jesus.


Ultimately, we should only seek validation from the Creator of all things. He is the only sovereign leader. He is without blemish. He is a fair and just lover of our souls. 


But do we only believe this with our minds? Or do we feel it in our hearts? Do our lives and our actions reflect Him and His teachings? 


I firmly believe we will always have His love, and as children of God, we have His stamp of approval. However, He expects us to grow and become everything He knows we can be. 


Heaven's gate is the destination where we will receive our proper validation, our stamp of approval from our amazing Savior, Our beautiful King. We may even be blessed to hear Him say. Come in, my child, well done!!  That will be a fantastic moment in time. 


It’s Him! It’s Him!  Forever and ever, amen! 


He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high.   Psalms 37:6


Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, Psalms 17:8


Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23


Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.


Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV, YLT / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Worship




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“The Divine is revealing itself to us every day. All we have to do is pay attention.” - Andrew Pacholyk...

Motivated by a whisper that echoed in my mind, I embarked on a new sculpting journey. My experience with clay has been limited to playdough with the kids… Lol. So, this could be a challenging afternoon. 

I found myself with a childlike curiosity in Hobby Lobby, standing in the clay aisle, shifting through the choices. Suddenly, a young woman appeared before me, and we exchanged words. I asked her if she had ever created a sculpture, and she replied that she had, but it had been a while since she last sculpted in college. She shared that she is a photographer. 

That day, we discovered many things in common, including our love for Jesus. Our conversation flowed effortlessly as we stood in the aisle, sharing stories about God and life. 

She hugged me and said that in Hebrew, the word 'coincidence' does not appear and that moments like this are considered God's intervention. She smiled, said we met for a reason and introduced herself as Ruby. I smiled back, told her my name, and gave her the bracelet I wear with the inscription 'One great love, Elohim333'. We hugged and said our goodbyes….

I left with renewed inspiration to sculpt a 10-pound block of clay into a memory, proving that His great love is never a coincidence.

Wishing you a day filled with His Great LOVE!!

When YAHWEH delights in how you live your life, he establishes your every step. Psalms 37:23 TPT


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube) 

Walks With Me - Layla Capri

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I am convinced that there is no great distance between heaven and earth, that the distance lies in our finite minds. When the Beloved visits us in the night, He turns our chambers into the vestibules of His palace halls. Earth rises to heaven when heaven comes down to earth.” — Charles H. Spurgeon

Meaning of between in the time, space, or interval that separates


The word between does not seem to be a word that appears as a word that has been counted.


Between day and night. It’s 3:27 am and darkness fills the air ... yet it's morning ... transition to daylight will come soon ... 


When we think of heaven and earth do we question what is the space between? Why are we earth-bound? Our bodies hold us captive. But our souls can move between worlds... do we tap into that resource? It’s a beautiful gift from our Creator ... Sometimes I feel a tug war between my heart and soul.. gravity may hold my body but my soul has been freed to soar to greater heights!!


We have a mission a purpose here on earth but there is a yearning in our soul to return to our Creator our spiritual home our First love. We are in the state of between... How does one reconcile this with our heart? How do we find peace in our souls? How do understand this with our limited mind? 


He gave us you... “Holy Spirit” You are our beautiful “between”. You are our between love. You are our between peace. You share with us a heavenly love, and gently teach us the greatness of Jesus and our Heavenly Father... You teach us what beauty awaits and you show us the way. You share the essence and beauty of a love beyond our human understanding... 


Just who are you? How did you come to dwell within our hearts our soul and our very thoughts?  I have felt you stirring since birth.  But I did not recognize who you were. I was between worlds .... and my heart was bound to things of this world... But for some reason far beyond my own thoughts, you freed my soul to newfound freedom and understanding... 


You are a beautiful gift from our Creator, our Heavenly Father, our greatest LOVE. He gave us the gift of His very breath... 


“The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). 


It’s Him, It’s always been Him. 

Our first love ... 


I live in a state of between.. while my body must remain on earth, my soul has yearning.. a thirst.. to know everything about this beautiful love. My heart will always feel that pull to one day returns home... I love you Holy Spirit. The very thought of your abundant beauty and knowing that You are God’s very breath, 


It is Your essence and Your abundant love. You have taken residence with my heart and soul... You leave me in awe of Your very existence... 


You still wow me... 🤩 

Written by Lori Garner

Photo by Kendall Hoopes from Pexels

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: Youtube 

Father, Son, Spirit (Official Lyric Video) // A Table Full Of Strangers // Jason Upton


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“Never judge a book by its cover. At first glance, even Jesus appeared unimpressive.” - Andrena Sawyer…

Meaning of superficial existing or occurring at or on the surface.  


The word superficial is only in the Bible approximately six times. 


Hi, how are you?  We all have answered fine thank you. Even before giving it any thought. 


I do believe we all are guilty to some degree of superficially skimming across life like a rock, jumping and skipping across the surface just before it sinks into the deep abyss.  


How many of us just go through the motions? It's easy to fall into the “grownup trap” of doing life.. work, family, and friends in such a superficial fashion. 


How can we dig a little deeper? How can we truly say, stop the world I want to get off... 


How do we go to church every week ... greet everyone.. saying our good mornings, how are you, and give our hugs, handshakes, and smiles.  And as our time together ends we say God Bless you and depart... But what happens in between? I believe many can say nothing.. nothing, happens in between. 


It makes us question how deep is caring? How deep is the love? During this troubling time how many of us cared enough to call and check in with just one person? Just one person per day? Or even a quick text or email? 


Are we a superficial society? Are we that distracted? Are we that self-absorbed? 


But then I will ask, how deep can we go before we get hit in the face with the word boundaries. There is a delicate dance that we must maintain. 


I do believe life is chalked up with risk? Are you a risk-taker? Do you care deeply or are you that rock skimming through life on the surface? Maybe you have commitment issues.. Or perhaps you are distracted by life? Or maybe you just forgot the beautiful art of loving. Possibly due to what others may say or think? 


Then this word superficial hit a cord deep within my soul. What would we do if Jesus was a superficial soul? His life actually points us to a risk-taker. He went far beyond any man to show love to anyone that thirsted. He had no boundaries. He went as deep as our Heavenly Father allowed. He risked everything for all of mankind. Do you think He was a superficial soul or is He a deeply caring soul? Is He a risk taker? 


Does He love you so deeply, you yourself do not understand it? Do you think He sees the optical illusion of a boundary? Or does He risk loving our troubled souls? From my experience, I believe He never gives up... 


Armed with, His gentleness, and His Love. He has the ability to go deep within our hearts, our mind, and souls. He is a wondrous phenomenon. He invades our soul, to reveal our 

deepest thoughts, and to deposit a love that will change the very essence of who we are. 


I ask you are you a risk-taker? Or are you that superficial soul? Do you want to experience the true gift of life and love?  Ask Him to cross the boundary to your heart and invade your soul... The changes you will feel will take your breath away. Some may be painful. But as you travel through life with Him you will fall in love. And you will experience the greatest human achievement you could ever encounter. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 


“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:” Psalms 139:23 KJV


And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. Romans 12:2


Photography & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Verses From KJV -  Sinners Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video
Hymnal | He Has Time | Jamie MacDonald








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"God provides the wind; Man must raise the sail." - St. Augustine... 

When I close my eyes and feel the softness of the wind, I find His embrace. It's where I connect with His divine presence. His gentleness caresses my soul as the breeze sweeps across my parched skin. The fragrance of flowers fills the air as I allow myself to be swept away by His wonderous beauty… The wind carries the essence of creation, spreading His magnificence and wonder wherever it travels. May I forever embrace the romanticism of the wind, allowing Him to guide me home

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

Wind of Love | Elevation Rhythm (Lyrics)

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“The two most important days in life are the day you born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain… 


There are approximately thirty-three verses about legacy in the Bible...

Legacy is a word typically discussed when the inevitable happens. It is mainly thought of when someone we love transitions from one dimension of time and space to another. We like to think that they made it to Heaven. 

The word legacy brought me to these questions. What am I leaving behind? How will I be remembered? Will my life make a mark on this planet? What do my family and friends honestly think of me? Is our legacy a tangible object? Does it come down to our "possessions”? Is that how we value life?

Possessions are fleeting. Our character and loving memories are the most valuable assets we can leave with the souls we leave behind. 

In my lifetime, I have witnessed that some people consider "possessions " essential. Some feel they cannot live without the “things” they have collected. It seems many gain perspective when they are facing their mortality.


Some may not have cared about your well-being while you were here, but they will selfishly look to gain something valuable from what you've left behind. 

Some possess an unselfish heart and love you deeply. Your relationship will leave a lasting imprint on their hearts. They will carry you with them wherever life takes them. They may want a precious item with little to no earthly value to feel close to the one who made them feel wanted and loved. 

Have we thought about this word on a larger scale? Do we understand the spiritual potential that awaits? We have been gifted a legacy of magnificent proportions! It’s a legacy of royalty... It’s a legacy of riches beyond physical “possessions." It’s a legacy of love that runs through our lives like a scarlet thread.  It's woven into our life’s tapestry deeper than we realize.

Jesus is that scarlet thread. He is our legacy. He has promised us eternal life, and His love will travel with us from this world to the next. 

With Him as our precious guide, we should ask ourselves: 


How do I want to be remembered? What am I leaving behind? Will I lovingly leave my imprint on anyone’s heart? 

I pray that when people talk about my legacy, they speak of “God’s Love” and how His love changed my life. He has taught me the importance of all relationships and introduced me to love beyond my earthly understanding! He gave me the boldness to show my vulnerability to the world.

He is my legacy!! 

It’s Him. It’s always Him! 


His legacy is an amazing love story for all of His children!! 

I beg you, don’t miss Him or His legacy of love for this world!

 If children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. Romans 8:17

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 

Legacy by Ben LeBrun

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“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit remind us that there is always more of God than we know, always more of God than we can explain, always more of God than we can show. The Trinity says God is not in a box but is bigger, much bigger than we imagine. God is more powerful than we sometimes want to believe or remember, but there is great comfort in remembering.” ― Thomas R. Steagald.


The meaning of 1 - The number 1 represents newness, movement, and the possibilities that await us. In spiritual symbolism, it is the number of creation and the birth of all things -- the divine origin of the universe.


Number one appears significantly, but I was unsuccessful in getting a word count for this word... 


One of the most mind-boggling concepts for many who study the Bible is the Trinity Himself. 


On this amazing journey, which I have been blessed to travel, I have grown to know Elohim, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in this order. Just who are they? And what is this oneness that they possess?


Initially, it was so confusing to me that I asked who we should pray to. Some say I pray to my Heavenly Father; some say they have an intimate relationship with Jesus; therefore, they pray to Jesus. A few stated they pray to our Heavenly Father in Jesus' name. The Holy Spirit seemed to be mentioned the least—or not at all—when speaking of prayer. 


I am not here to disprove any of the above ways to pray... I can only share how my journey unfolded and how I understood my Triune, or LOVEs, as I lovingly call my 3n1.


Each one of them plays a significant role in our lives... Each is just as important as the other...  They are all part of one deity, mind, heart, and spiritual being. 


I started by asking many questions, and a family member who has studied the Bible almost her entire life said these words... You are Lori, you are a wife, you are a mother, you have many jobs, but you are one... Armed with this simplistic logic, the pieces began to come together... 


Let me preface by saying my journey started with a Holy Spirit Encounter (at the time, I did not know It was Him). 

As my journey began to take flight, I began communicating with my amazing Heavenly Father.  I called Him Elohim... It was that name that spoke to my Heart... It was Elohim who taught me about Jesus.  He showed me His compassion, His depth of love for all mankind... and He taught me that Jesus was indeed a beautiful human facet of God the Father, my Elohim... And then, as I traveled deeper into my understanding, He seemed to hold my hand and disclosed things one beautiful piece at a time... I spent hours just loving and communicating with Him... I still look back and have trouble understanding how this happened. But feel so blessed that I have had the privilege of knowing Him.  


At the beginning of this amazing walk, I asked. I hear many people say they love God the Father, and many love Jesus, but I never heard anyone say they love the Holy Spirit. Why? And then, like always, I started my search... He pointed me to an article that said many love the Holy Spirit, but I was too new at this to know this fact. However, I was surprised when I read this article at the bottom of the page. It said another word for the Trinity is Triune... 


And at that moment, I was so surprised that I was speechless. I had my spiritual encounter on a country road in Triune, TN, which happened to be a pivotal moment in my life. It was a beautiful revelation; the word Triune spoke to my soul. All I could say was wow. 


My journey unwrapped each one of the facets of God—the facets we all love and admire. 


Elohim showed me that each facet of Him is equally important. They are all God. But each one has a different job. Each one relates to us differently... When we need a Father figure, most relate to God the Father... when we need to be held, or we need to relate to someone who has walked through what we are experiencing, or we need to be loved for who we are, we look to His human side Jesus ... And one of the most amazing spiritual experiences is the very breath of God we know this facet as the “Holy Spirit” it How God communicates with His Children... I envision the Holy Spirit as an eternal hotline directly connected to God our Father...  It is the most intimate call you can ever make ...


My journey has been amazing, and I do not take credit for what and how He taught me. I can only thank Him and love Him for who He is.

I stand in awe and see Him as one... But I love and relate to each beautiful facet of Him... 


It depends on what I need in that given moment who comes... I call them LOVEs because they are one in my heart and soul.  I love each precious facet of Him...and He knows better than me which facet of Him I need to relate to at any given moment... 


To add one more mind-blowing thing, the week of my encounter, I started addressing this presence I knew was God as “Elohim.” At this time, I had little to no religious background, and this was a Hebrew word. I am not of Jewish descent. So why this name? How did this happen? Later in my search, I found out this. 


Elohim is God in plural? One God that wears many hats ... 


It's Him. It’s always been Him...


The one I love, the one who rescued me. The one who taught me to love Him beyond what my mind can comprehend... He is my 3N1


I am open to Him relating to me with whatever facet of Him speaks to my heart and soul... It does not matter who comes because I love surprises; deep down, I know it’s Him. 


I love Him with my heart and Soul, so my mind has no choice but to follow.  


He WOWs me 💡👑

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

Psalm 139 - Far Too Wonderful - by Shane & Shane (Lyric Video) | Christian Worship Music

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My Spiritual Sanctuary:

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Love...


I have found my first love in the sanctuary of my spiritual mind, body, and soul. He is my escape from the outside world and my forever hiding place. With Him, I am embarking on a wondrous journey of self-discovery as He patiently guides me through the intricate labyrinth of my soul. He is the missing piece to the earthly void that chases me.  He is the one who completes me and makes me whole. With Him, I am never alone.


He patiently awaits… with open arms, yearning to listen to my deepest thoughts, secrets, and desires … He accepts me as I am, even with all my frailties and flaws… He guides the vulnerable child within me as I stumble through each God-given day… He fills my heart with an intoxicating love that breathes life into the mundane existence of human life. He is a spiritual experience that radiates a peaceful state of soulful surrender, satisfying every fiber of my restless soul…  He is the Master of hearts, holding mine gently as I forge a path.


I will always wonder why it took me so long to find Him!!! I was not blessed to know Him as a child… I only knew of Him. I will admit, I found His beauty in the latter years of life… However, I cannot take the credit because He found me. Silly me, I didn’t even know I was lost.


I have missed so much by knowing Him only for such a short time. So, the hunger you see to know more about the Soul that has impacted my life wondrously is fueled by the knowledge that my life is ticking by, and I do not want to waste another moment without growing my knowledge and love for Him. 


With every tear that falls upon my face, I am reminded of His unwavering love and awe-inspiring presence.


I humbly hear Him gently whisper to my soul … 

“My child, there is so much more to discover. The sweetest gift lies beyond your world." "It lies within me… Close your eyes, take my hand… and let’s embark on the journey written for you alone!”


And my heart whispers … 


It’s Him! It will always be Him!! 

And I am undone… 


He is... 

My sanctuary! My spiritual love from another world.  He is my spiritual guide home…There is so much I have yet to comprehend fully!! 


I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to love Him!! My Elohim! 

Let us go to the sanctuary of the LORD; let us worship at the footstool of his throne. Psalms 132:7


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

Tori Kelly - Soul’s Anthem (It Is Well)



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Eternal Love

 It's Him! It will always be HIM!!

Our spiritual journey to connect with God transcends human understanding. Our earthly existence is a brief opportunity to discover our true selves and deepen our understanding of His divine nature, strengthening our bond of love. This experience enables us to embrace our potential as spiritual beings and claim our birthright as children of God, empowering us to face life with hope and confidence, knowing that our ultimate destiny lies beyond the grave in the eternal love of our Elohim.❤️


It's Him! It will always be Him! 


May our souls long for His presence, and as His glorious light illuminates our way, may our hearts be inflamed with an unwavering, unyielding love for His magnificent soul!

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

Emmanuel - Hillsong Worship

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Tenderness by Joann Turnbull

The child's heart is tender and easily impressed; when we become “as little children,” we learn the simplicity, gentleness, & tender love of the Savior.


In writing this word, the first thing that came to mind was: “In tenderness, He sought me.”   I think we are sought by God from a very young age. We might hear an adult talking about Jesus, but we don’t know who this is.  We all seem to find Him in different ways.  It is His goodness that brings us to Him. 

He is constantly drawing us to come near to Him.  Sometimes, that drawing begins with music, a word you read or heard, or it could be a picture of Him. 


Recently, I began painting pictures of Jesus.  Sometimes His face, or with Him gently holding a bird or a light with a young boy by Him and one with Him kneeling by a sad young boy.  


Jesus spoke strongly that He desired the young children to come to Him.  Why? 

I will share my opinion.   Little children respond to gentleness and tender love.  The earlier they know Jesus has love for them, the more they will want to give their hearts and lives to Him. 

There was something about Jesus that drew children to Him.   I have several great-grandchildren.  When they come to my house, they look at the pictures of Jesus.  One time, one looked at the painting of Jesus holding a bird for a long time.  What was he thinking?   

God is a pursuer of His children.  He tenderly draws hearts and minds to Him.   Recently, my great-grandson came to me wanting to be saved.  As we talked, he affirmed his desire for Jesus to be his Savior.  After prayer, he pointed to his heart and said, “I feel Him in my heart.”  It was such a tender moment. 

Others I have heard say I am no longer alone or love Him so!!  What a glorious change when we say YES to the One who loves us.  We can be nine or fifty-nine or older!

He comes to our heart’s door and knocks.  He says, “May I come in”? 

Open your heart’s door to Him.  You will never be the same again.

Photography by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Written by - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

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In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying,“This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”1 Corinthians 11:25


The meaning of betrayal is to give over to an enemy by treachery.: to be unfaithful. betrayed our trust.


We located fifty-four verses in the Bible that speak of this heartfelt word… 


When we turn back the hands of time to an event that changed the world.  So many thoughts flood my mind… Why God, why did you send us such a beautiful soul to only have Him ripped from our lives in such a horrific way. Are we worth even an ounce of His precious blood?? In my mind, I say NO we are not worth it?  But in my bleeding heart, I am so grateful for Him. He has been such a monumental gift for all generations. 


Though tear-filled eyes I try to understand the lesson you have tried to teach us in this ultimate display of sacrificial LOVE… Why the betrayal? Why thirty pieces of silver? Why Judas? Your plan of salvation for mankind has so many clues? Do these details parallel our lives today??? We tend to see the past as history… But can we relate it to the present??? Have we betrayed Him? Many do not even know His name until it’s their back that is against the wall!! I see money, greed, and power rampant in our world… Have we sold our souls for things of this world??  I see many gathering riches just by exploiting His image, His name, and even the very gifts He has given us…


Are we wearing the Judus cloak ??? 


These are difficult questions to ask ourselves … I have not been given the task of judging.

Thank God! 

I can say let our conscience and the Holy Spirit be our guide… It’s a personal resolve between our Creator and us.


I can only pray that He holds my heart in His hands… and that I can live up to His expectations for my life… 


This is a difficult time of reflection… I thank Him for loving me beyond my worth… 


I will admit I have fallen in love with the Man, that walked so humbly on this earth so many years ago… and I am grateful to my Elohim that the story does not stop here… I know in my heart that He lives and He holds the keys to my future. 


It’s Him, it will always be Him…


The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born. Matthew 26: 24

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Josh Groban - To Where You Are

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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

Triune Loves Me - Volume 1

Triune Loves me - Volume 2

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Link to my Musical Journey


Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of  Christ . In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough sha...


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