Love in any Language is still LOVE!



“Never judge a book by its cover. At first glance, even Jesus appeared unimpressive.” - Andrena Sawyer…

Meaning of superficial existing or occurring at or on the surface.  


The word superficial is only in the Bible approximately six times. 


Hi, how are you?  We all have answered fine thank you. Even before giving it any thought. 


I do believe we all are guilty to some degree of superficially skimming across life like a rock, jumping and skipping across the surface just before it sinks into the deep abyss.  


How many of us just go through the motions? It's easy to fall into the “grownup trap” of doing life.. work, family, and friends in such a superficial fashion. 


How can we dig a little deeper? How can we truly say, stop the world I want to get off... 


How do we go to church every week ... greet everyone.. saying our good mornings, how are you, and give our hugs, handshakes, and smiles.  And as our time together ends we say God Bless you and depart... But what happens in between? I believe many can say nothing.. nothing, happens in between. 


It makes us question how deep is caring? How deep is the love? During this troubling time how many of us cared enough to call and check in with just one person? Just one person per day? Or even a quick text or email? 


Are we a superficial society? Are we that distracted? Are we that self-absorbed? 


But then I will ask, how deep can we go before we get hit in the face with the word boundaries. There is a delicate dance that we must maintain. 


I do believe life is chalked up with risk? Are you a risk-taker? Do you care deeply or are you that rock skimming through life on the surface? Maybe you have commitment issues.. Or perhaps you are distracted by life? Or maybe you just forgot the beautiful art of loving. Possibly due to what others may say or think? 


Then this word superficial hit a cord deep within my soul. What would we do if Jesus was a superficial soul? His life actually points us to a risk-taker. He went far beyond any man to show love to anyone that thirsted. He had no boundaries. He went as deep as our Heavenly Father allowed. He risked everything for all of mankind. Do you think He was a superficial soul or is He a deeply caring soul? Is He a risk taker? 


Does He love you so deeply, you yourself do not understand it? Do you think He sees the optical illusion of a boundary? Or does He risk loving our troubled souls? From my experience, I believe He never gives up... 


Armed with, His gentleness, and His Love. He has the ability to go deep within our hearts, our mind, and souls. He is a wondrous phenomenon. He invades our soul, to reveal our 

deepest thoughts, and to deposit a love that will change the very essence of who we are. 


I ask you are you a risk-taker? Or are you that superficial soul? Do you want to experience the true gift of life and love?  Ask Him to cross the boundary to your heart and invade your soul... The changes you will feel will take your breath away. Some may be painful. But as you travel through life with Him you will fall in love. And you will experience the greatest human achievement you could ever encounter. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 


“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:” Psalms 139:23 KJV


And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. Romans 12:2


Photography & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Verses From KJV -  Sinners Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video
Hymnal | He Has Time | Jamie MacDonald









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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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