Love in any Language is still LOVE!



But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.

Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11


Meaning of overshadow: 1. To throw a shadow over; to overshade. 2. To shelter; to protect; to cover with protecting influence.


We located forty verses that speak about the word “overshadow”… 


As I sat in my cold dark room, I became mesmerized by the soft glow of the golden light that spilled so softly on the table by my side… There 

I began to think about this word that my friend placed gently in my lap. “Overshadow” is such an ambiguous word.


With those thoughts rumbling in my head,   I was drawn to the shadows that danced on the walls of my room my mind drifted to a time so long ago…


It’s that pivotal day when a tiny life was conceived, a life that would change the world…


“The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35 NIV


And as I my heart opened to the scripture before me the words [ the power of the "Most High” ] resonated with my soul…  


What causes God to speak to us in such a powerful and profound way? Why are only a few chosen to feel Him in an overshadowing experience?  Is there significance? 


I like you have so many unanswered questions? As many of you already know I had a Holy Spirit Encounter that changed many things in my life… 

When I read the scripture in Luke  1:35. 

I began to question could my experience be called “overshadowed by God..? 


Now don’t miss understand I am not in any way comparing myself to such an amazing soul we know as Mary the Mother of our beloved Christ… 


I can only try to understand what must have gone through her mind? What and how did she feel? Was the change she felt immediate? Or did it grow along with her unborn child? 


I do not have the intimate details about Mary's amazing moment in time… 


But I can share my thoughts about mine… I was driving on a dark lonely road … I was not looking for God I thought my life was on track… When suddenly I felt a love like I have never known. I felt a warm feeling in my soul and a warm light filled my car… The moment was surreal ... my heart began to race and I became bewildered and confused because I was not sure what had just happened. I pulled my car over and sat there for a while…. 


I was not like Mary chosen to save humanity nor was I asked to carry such a beautiful precious soul we know as Emmanuel. 


But I can say my soul's rebirth happened that day… 


Did He overshadow me? or did He love me beyond my understanding?  I will let you decide… As I stand in awe and only whisper... 


It’s Him! It has always been Him. 

He is such a lover of souls. His presence is what we crave… it’s a yearning of the heart that will never be satisfied until our eyes can gaze upon His beautiful face!! 


Life as I know it will never be the same. 

Photography, Art & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Overshadow Me (Ruach)


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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