Love in any Language is still LOVE!


"Been" by Joann Turnbull

Has your heart been touched by Jesus? 

Then the Holy Spirit will touch your heart and soul. This past week I kept seeing the verse in Acts 4:13.  Especially one part of the verse. 

”And they recognized that they HAD BEEN WITH JESUS”. 

 Another translation says......

“Then they began to understand the effect that Jesus had on them simply by spending time with Him”.

Peter and John spoke with BOLDNESS about Jesus to anyone.  This day they had been talking with the religious leaders.  Leaders who did not like the name of Jesus.  They told Peter and John not to speak about Jesus.  Peter and John said, “we cannot keep from talking about Him”.   After warning them two more times Peter and John went to the other believers and rejoiced together and prayed.  

Did they pray for protection?  NO.  They prayed for more BOLDNESS. 

Two things hit my heart this week. 


       1.    Believers are known by the time they spend with Jesus.  Is He always on our mind?  Do we dig deep into that well of His love and compassion?  Do we feel that response from Him as we tell Him we love Him?  Are our steps ordered by Him? 

       2.    Peter and John said to the leaders in verse 19, “is it better to listen to you or to God”?   Are we so hampered by worrying what others will think?  I will say that I have been many times.  It hurts to think about it.  He is the Holy One Who humbled Himself and came to earth to save me so I might walk with Him here and spend eternity with Him.  


As I shared the word BEEN it led me to these two thoughts.  There is really no option.  Is it my heart's desire to spend more time with Him and to be bold?


Time with Him is purest joy.  So love Him with all your heart, soul and mind. 


If you want the whole story read Acts chapter 3 and 4.

Photography by Lori Garner

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