Love in any Language is still LOVE!



I will ask, Father “Teach us how to love like you!” 


Meaning of taught past tense: taught; past participle: of the word teach. To show or explain to (someone) how to do something.


We located 79 verses in the KJV Bible.


Are we open to learning? Are we so full of self that we have forgotten the art of listening? Or are we so distracted with technology, and life that we can not turn our focus to God for longer than a few hours, on a Sunday morning? Can we turn off our outside stimulation long enough to hear His voice, see His wonders and learn something new? He is such a wealth of information! And He is so willing to share it with those who are hungry to know more... 


Throughout history, we can study many cases where He gave them the knowledge to learn and experience many life lessons.


If we travel back to the beginning of time... To the time of Adam and Eve’s creation ... We find scriptures that teach us that they were made in God's image.. However, they were not born as an infant they were created as an adult in physical features. However, I believe they had to be taught everything... They were not created all-knowing... God Himself had to share His knowledge of how to survive in this new amazing world He created for them called Paradise ... I am sure it was an amazing time... Much like children they must have had the excitement of discovering new things!!! The couple forged ahead and grew in knowledge with each new day. But we all know the story.  They acted like children and tested God's authority and disobeyed His rules ?? I believe that many of us today display the same behavior.  They allowed ungodly voices to distract them?? They were enticed by a distraction that held hollow earthly promises .. They showed weakness and fell into its snare. And as you know they ate the forbidden fruit which lead them astray? 


There does seem to always be a deep price to pay for actions that go against the teachings of God... Harshly they were banished from everything they grew to love..  They gathered the lessons they had been taught and traveled out into a scary world. Where life trials became more difficult than they had ever dreamed... I am sure they yearned to return to the once beautiful simplistic life they had grown to love ... 


But even in the most difficult times, there are lessons to be learned... Do we become bitter? Or do we ask for forgiveness?  Do we silence our minds and humble ourselves before our Creator? 


God may have banished them from the garden but He never banished them from His heart.. He still loved them even after their fall from His Grace.. 


However, because of their human weaknesses, God laid out a plan to save all future generations. 


He orchestrated the biggest visual aid just to teach the greatest lesson to all mankind. He gave the world the most amazing gift!!! .. He gave us a piece of Himself... We call Him Jesus... born as an infant... He needed to learn all that God required of Him.. He was taught by the greatest teacher of all time!  He was taught by the Creator of all things! Our Heavenly Father .. 


The difference between the two historical stories is Jesus made the time to listen... He spent many hours getting to know God’s heart. He grew in His knowledge of The Father and shared it with the world...He learned and obeyed the rules... He loved His Father so intimately His obedience came naturally... He never wanted to disappoint His Father...


His life reflects the wisdom that has taught many life lessons to all generations .. God filled this willing vessel with the knowledge to complete His mission on earth. Together they blazed a path for all mankind to receive redemption. They taught us the valuable lesson of what it means to be chosen as a child of God. 


We recognize that there is a price to pay for this knowledge... but what is the tuition for such an amazing degree??? And are we a willing vessel to learn such wondrous things from God? These life lessons do not appear the same to all students... 

They are taught by the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit... They come to us through many resources... we have the basic knowledge... of Reading, Writing, and Visual aids...They know how to stimulate our individual mind, our heart, and our souls... and the biggest lesson that is the most common thread throughout all people and lessons is to love... To love Him !!  To Love Him First...  

 He has placed such amazing value on our individual lives... He has never given up on us !!! Not since the beginning of time... He was even willing to sacrifice His own life to prove just how much He loves us...


The question becomes can we sacrifice the time to study Him? Can we commit to removing all distractions and spend the time to truly get to know Him intimately?  Can we live a life that will make our Heavenly Father proud? What would we sacrifice to prove we love Him with the same passion that He loves us??? Just how good of a student will we become? Will you pass or fail? Will you do your homework?? After all your future for eternity depends on it... 


If you need special remediation call Him... He has all the answers !! 


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 

Jesus continued, “It has been written by the prophets, ‘They will all be taught by God himself.’If you are really listening to the Father and learning directly from him, you will come to me. John 6:45



Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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