Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Weeping may endure for a night. But joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5. Tough times don’t last forever! But Joy will come in the morning!!!


Meaning of discouraged having lost confidence or enthusiasm; disheartened:


Discouraged appears approximately 43 times in the Bible. 


This word settled into my soul and these lyrics came to my mind. “Where seldom is heard a discouraging word” Is there such a place? 


I do believe if you have lived for any amount of time discouragement is a part of life on earth... Because we as a people are never fully satisfied.


How could we be? We live in a make-believe world called social media where we see everybody’s best. Is it their best ??? Or is it a facade and we do not truly see the person hiding behind the mask. This way of life clouds our view and the expectations we place on ourselves... This view into perfection sets us up for discouragement, and it can play havoc with our peace and self worth. 


As we are in the middle of Holy Week, I began to wonder if Jesus ever felt discouraged?  Did He ever feel inadequate? Or disheartened?  


No matter how hard He tried He could not convince the masses. That He was not a facade He indeed was sent to earth for a purpose!! He was not sent to paint a perfect world ... Because He knows things of this world are fleeting... He had a mission to teach us about the value of life, love, and our Heavenly Father. 


Was He surrounded by disappointed faces and hearts?  Did many expect a perfect world to be handed to them on that proverbial silver platter? After all, He is the Son of God. 


He has the power to offer us a perfect world. So why did he not come and make things perfect ??? 


Because as they say perfection was not made in a day.  Our Father wants the best for His children. To achieve greatness we must give Him our best. 


He knows we have a long way to go.... perfection takes dedication, perseverance, and resilience.  And even with attempting to achieving our goals, we might still fall short.  This resilience is a gift that was planted by our Father in the most inner-core of man.  


Jesus was sent to earth as our living example. Will we have times that we are discouraged? Of course, but it's what we do and how we handle that disappointment! Are we strong? Are we resilient? Do we possess that winning spirit?? 


Sometimes the biggest growth comes from disappointment.  As we strive to follow in our beautiful Saviors footsteps we will begin to feel His guidance, His grace, and His amazing love. 

We will begin to see the beautiful transformation of our lives. He will not just paint a picture He will deliver a brighter tomorrow.   


Where we can say "Where seldom is heard a discouraging word” Is there such a place? of course! It’s Heavenly!! After all, God gave us His Best!  He gave us Jesus! 


It's Him, It's always been Him !!


He is our destiny... 

Photograph Design & Written by Lori Garner

Model: RobynZ

Bible Verses From NIV, / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music: This Song Will Remind You To Never, Ever Give Up! (Official Lyric Video NEVER GIVING UP)





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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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