Love in any Language is still LOVE!



The Bible is our passport. Jesus is our pilot.Heaven is our destination...

 Meaning of passport an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries


The word Passport does not appear in the Bible but perhaps the idea may. Let's see what we can discover 


When I see the word passport I immediately think travel. Where are we going? Maybe that much-needed Vacation? Perhaps a quick business trip? Or maybe to visit family, friends or just maybe to explore an exciting destination? 


These are trying times we are living in. They have made traveling quite a challenge!! As I embark on air travel, for the first time since the pandemic.  I found many changes that give many of us pause... including me. 


I arrived at the airport one hour before my flight time as suggested.. traveling light with only one bag and a backpack. At the curbside, I prepared my gear. Electronic boarding pass (much like a passport for domestic travel.) check! Face Mask check, face shield, check hand sanitizer check ... All clear so then I made my way to the electric door and as they opened I stood there for a minute and made sure I brought the most important element... I invited my team God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to stay with me... 

Now armed with everything I step into the terminal ... It was a surreal moment it seems like there were hundreds of busy people. No names, they were not even traveling to the same destination. I could only see a sea of eyes and multi-colored face mask... we scurried along and most all blindly followed...  


We made it through ID check. We made it through bomb-sniffing dogs.. and then security. 


Hmm, what has our Father's world come to? It is a sad reality.  And I would not be surprised if He is greatly disappointed. 


As I glanced down at my phone I realized my plane has started to board.. so I began to sprint through the terminal..  with baggage in tow.


 I made it just in time.. only to find they changed the gate... 

I advised the attendant to let them know I was on my way. I turned and with deliberate forward motion, I again made my way to the new gate... 


I was the last one to Board... 


I made it!! Phew! 


I found my seat .. settled in as the announcements began to fill the air. I turned on my music the song was titled Yeshua! It’s a beautiful song that speaks to my soul. I began to relax as I caught my breath. I bowed my head thanked my spiritual team! All of them one by one. 


The plane prepared for take-off and we were airborne. As I floated in the heavens I began to wonder how does this experience and the word passport relate to the Bible? 

I do believe we are all on a spiritual journey home. We are all just taking different modes of travel, at different rates of speed. Hopefully with the same destination in mind... A place my Savior calls Paradise... 


The question becomes are we prepared? Do we gather all the equipment we need to embrace that life journey for eternity?  Do we close our lips behind the mask we wear and truly listen to the whispers of our team as they try to guide us to our chosen destination? Do we run from the gate of darkness and find our way to the light ?? 


Do we equip ourselves to be confident that we will make it or will we be that last one that just made it by the grace of God? Or will we be left on the tarmac waving goodbye? 


And as I closed my eyes the song continued to lull me into a state of peace and complete surrender as I drifted to sleep. I Could hear the faint whispers as the music continued to play... Yeshua, Yeshua 


It’s Him, it’s always been Him. 


He is our passport to paradise ..  (He is my 3n1) 

Revelation 21:27, NASB: "shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life." 


“He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”

Revelation 3:21 NASB1995

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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