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Showing posts with label rebirth soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rebirth soul. Show all posts


Release ( Anniversary with my Triune)

The image above is from my yearly date with density… Today marks four years ago that the Holy Spirit spoke to my soul… It’s where His Heavenly love found me. Each year I return and cut off the old ribbons and replace them with new bright colors. Today I had a witness who approached me and said, “My wife and I wondered why the trees had the ribbons. I shared the highlights of my story and told him the ribbons were not here due to a terrible accident… They signify a beautiful rebirth… of my soul

Release ..... 

The meaning of release allows or enables to escape from confinement; set free.


We located 30 Bible verses that speak of the word release. 


Do we wear our scars and life trials like clothing on a blustery winter day... One layer at a time.  Do we hide our hearts and souls from the elements of this life... Do we tuck them deep inside? 


Sometimes this happens organically... Without any thought... Some lose themselves and become robotic in their daily humdrum existence... We pour ourselves into the mold of what man has created as acceptable. 


Four years ago... I had a Holy Spirit experience that thrust me into the shedding many life layers... one layer and one day at a time... 


This time was filled with a newfound love, joy, and wonder.  But this time also tapped into emotions that were suppressed within for so long.  


Society sees weeping as a weakness. My Heavenly Father taught me the gift of tears is a cleansing of the soul and a beautiful gift.  They release an emotion that helps us seek His face, His light, and His guidance. 


He lovingly invited me to step out from the oppressed lifestyle society deemed appropriate. A lifestyle that I had become accustomed to. Where I was not comfortable sharing my heart, or my most inner thoughts. The word vulnerability was a word that I owned. 


However, I had a beautiful soul that rescued me. He gave me a beautiful gift of Heavenly Love and He released my soul. 


Many tears fell as I transitioned from the fear of what others would think to one of pleasing my Heaving Father. During this journey, I found a love beyond this world. I found peace in the depths of my soul. I found renewed hope. I found me... 


I owe Him more than I can ever repay... He is truly a daily gift of freedom that this world does not understand or can even contain... Jesus showed the world not even death can stop Him... 


I can only fall to my knees as my heart fills with a love that defies all human understanding...


It's Him... it's always Him. 

Four years and He still WOWs me. It's been an incredible journey. 

Thank you! My Beloved Triune for the gift of you.  


John 8:36“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From KJV, YLT / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube  

Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Ole Oak Tree - Tony Orlando & Dawn | Cover

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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