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Showing posts with label Surprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprise. Show all posts



Do not concern yourself with what you know or what you do not know. Do not think about the past or the future, merely allow God's hands to write the surprises of the present on each new day. - Paulo Coelho...


Meaning of surprise - an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing:


The word surprise seems to appear in the Bible 46 times


Oh my goodness...  Be still my heart!! How can our Heavenly Father be so full of surprises that I stand in awe most of the time??? 


The biggest surprise that happened to me was the day God’s love fell from the sky unto my soul. I only knew of Him from the celebrated Holidays and movies... I thought of Him very much like a character out of a book? I had no religious foundation and I was not searching for Him? 


And one day wham!!!! It was the most amazing moment of my life... That moment has been the biggest life-altering surprise that I have ever experienced!!! To feel His great love will consume your soul, speak loving words to your heart, and blow your mind... 


Is it our limited thinking? His greatness? Or both that give us doubt? What is it about Him that keeps us so enamored? 


I have come to the realization that the whole concept of God is not of this world experience.  Many think He lives in Heaven sitting on His throne in all His glory wielding out Kingly demands... But if you truly get to know Him. You will find that  He can even surprise the doubters... 


You will discover even with all His power, and vastness... He is so attainable. So alive, So kind, So full of love that it flows like a rushing river ... He has been surprising man, since the beginning, of time... 


When I turned to the Bible to look for His many surprises... I found there are many peppered throughout its delicate pages. But the surprise that drew my attention would be His beautiful Son Jesus... 


Why would Jesus leave His beautiful secure home? Why would He leave His Father’s loving arms? Why would He separate Himself from the amazing presence and safety of God and the Holy Spirit??  Why?  


To my surprise I have been taught that He did it for the deep deep love and affection He has for His Children!!! Who is it that can love with such depth? Who possesses such gentleness, forgiveness, and grace? Who? 


It's Him, As I pursued my desire to know more about Him...He surprisingly stole my heart... And my soul felt Him deep within the most intimate place of my very being. It has been the most amazing honor to grow to know Him ... He is so alive!!!  So loving... So beyond our wildest imagination... 


It's not surprising that I fell in love with the very essence of who He is... All of Him...  My Heavenly Father, His beautifully sensitive Son, and the quiet but equally as powerful Holy Spirit!!!  


Each day that I am given the privilege of walking with Them. I stand in amazement and I am filled with a child-like wonder and thirst for more. 


Some of His surprises are large making them easier to spot. But I think I love the small subtle ones the best... Because with time I have learned that if we maintain an open heart and look with our spiritual eyes, quiet our mind... And just wait on Him... 


We will be able to find that alluring sound of His voice... Our heart can tune in to Him on an intimate level... And we began to see the tiniest surprises He makes in our lives... So when we are privileged to see the small things that God is doing. 


We can begin to recognize that the feeling that we have felt stirring within is our soul, Is our soul being intimate with God's own heart. 


These are the gems of love He leaves for us to find... 


Intimacy with Him should become a vigilant daily pursuit. But know this... You may be swept away in His incredible LOVE in the process.  


Falling in love with our Creator should not be such a surprise to any of us!!!  Because I believe He made man for that very simplistic purpose. To love Him and to be loved by Him... 


Are you Surprised!!! He has thought of everything!!! 


He WOWs me!!! 


It's Him, It's always Him!!


As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.  If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15: 9-12


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16



Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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