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Showing posts with label Fervent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fervent. Show all posts


Fervent Written by Joann Turnbull


“God’s real desire, in addition to displaying His glory, is to claim your heart and the hearts of those you love.” - Priscilla Shirer...


Fervent means to be hot, to boil, to show great warmth and feeling, the intensity of spirit.

Fervent is used 12 times in the Bible. 

Some often think that the Bible is a dry and cold book. But it is filled with emotions of every kind. It is not dry history.  It is teeming with the feelings and emotions of God and His children. 

We are made in the image of God. In us are all the 5 senses, as well as the sense of the Spirit living in us.  God is living, feeling, and full of emotions. 

We see in Luke 10 that Jesus sent out 70 disciples to go to every town and tell them that God’s kingdom had arrived and to heal the sick.  When they came back to report to Jesus, they were full of joy and excitement.  

In that hour it says that Jesus was overjoyed and rejoiced greatly(fervently) in the Holy Spirit.  The emotions He had were boiling over and fervent with excitement. Everywhere they had been there was a harvest of souls for the kingdom. 

What causes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to be fervent?   What makes Them full of joy?  The harvest of souls!!!  

He has called us to share His love, His message to everyone.  May our soul be overflowing as we Talk about Him with fervency.

In another instance, in the Bible, we are called to be fervent in prayer.  Our prayers should be burning within us as we talk with Him.  He hears our cries.  He knows our hearts. 

Let us not be lukewarm or cold, but hot in our walk with Him.  And be fervent every day as we respond to His love.  Loving Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.  212 degrees!!

fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”
Romans 12:11-12 KJV

Photography Lori Garner Written by Joann Turnbull

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