Love in any Language is still LOVE!



The most fragile hearts carry the deepest thinking souls...(lg) 

Meaning of fragile easily broken or damaged.


The word fragile only appears three times in the Bible... 


When I think of the word fragile my mind sees a gentle beautiful rose... how delicate each rose petal seems. She is much like our life... beautiful and delicate and as precious as the dew that gently kisses her each new day. 


Do we value this gift of life? Do we value each new day?  Do we value each soul that touches our life? Do we value the time spent with others? Do we value our Creator, or do we robotically take all things in our world for granted?? Life is fragile. Time is a fragile gift... How we spend and share our time can change how we value the things that surround us each new day...


If there is one thing, I have learned during this amazing journey is that I am fragile.  Life, Love, and time are all fragile!!! 


I had this idea in my head that I was in control!  I felt I was a fairly strong, confident human. 


But when God stripped me down to the rawness of who I truly was ... I became like a fragile infant in His caring hands...It was a scary but beautiful time of discovery ... I had to face who I had become... 


As He gently unraveled my mind, my body, and soul...  I remember saying ... 


I felt like I was coming apart at the seams... My heart felt like it was being circumcised... My heart became fragile, and it did bleed... I won’t lie it was sometimes a painful process...


But as He began to peel the layers of life away... My once bound soul began to breathe... My heart began to sing a new song... and Life seemed to burst into amazing living colors ...


It sounds strange, but I was not even aware that I was in this state of robotic living ... 


Until one day ... I met this amazing living loving God... He is my Knight in shining armor!!!  My Savior, My heart ... 


He gently held me as I spiritually became undone ... He wiped the many tears that fell ... and I was drawn into His heart as He gently whispered words of love to my soul...


He methodical began to teach me new ways to see the beauty of life...and I felt a love that is not of this world... and like the famous nursery rhyme Humpy Dumpty He began to put me together again... He lifted the fog and I could finally see... 


I now realize in my robotic state I was missing so much. I had become lost in life. My strength was a cloak that I adorned before others... So they could not see my internal fragile state... 


I found being in that vulnerable fragile state was not as bad as I once thought... I did learn, If I run to Him, and allow Him to hold me in His loving hands ... He is all I need… He is all I need to face each beautiful new day... 

He has realigned my heart and what I value most... Life... Love... Time & Relationships...


I am still a work in progress ...


He has given me a beautiful irreplaceable gift!!! 


It’s Him, It’s always Him!! 

My Knight. My Love... My strength!!! With Him all things are possible!!! He WOWs me.


“I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous! John 14:27 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Leanna Crawford - Fragile Heart (Lyric Video)

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Judas sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver…. I wonder, what is the price for a soul these days??

Meaning of sold (sell) Transferring the property of a thing for a price or equivalent in money.

We located 101 verses that speak to the word sold.


As we embark on this Christmas Season the word sold came to my mind as I sat in my car in front of a group of retail stores...I sat there and just people watched... Many were bustling around, there seemed to be great excitement in the air..  I am not sure if the pace seemed fast because of excitement of the holiday or perhaps it was due to the cold weather... Many were taking great care in picking out the most beautiful tree on the lot. And soon a salesperson allowed the money to exchange hands and just like that the tree was sold....   


With Christmas Music playing softly on my car radio,  my mind soon drifted here.. This is the most amazing time of year... I for personal reasons love it!!! Because of a personal gift I received from my Creator!!  


But then I thought it is so sad that so many people have bought into the commercialism of such a significant day... And my eyes welled up with tears and my heart became heavy.  


So how and when did we lose our grip on what Christmas Day is truly about?? 


I feel it is a "Black Friday Day" when our main goal is to scurry into a store pick out a gift for our families and friends without asking ourselves if we are sold out to the Birthday Boy Himself?? What are we giving Him this year??  Have we bought into the most amazing LOVE we could ever receive??  It is no secret that we have already been bought for a price!! It is His priceless gift to all mankind... 


Have you asked Him, What do You want for your Birthday??? 

Or is He even on your shopping list?? Stop and think about that for just a moment? Only you and your heart know the answer... I say...


Celebrate Him this Christmas by giving Him your LOVE... It truly is what He desires most!!  Place Him at the top of your Christmas list today and forevermore. 


1.        Jesus 


It's Him! It’s always Him!!! 


Merry CHRISTmas... I pray you too become sold out for Jesus. It truly is where our treasure of life and love begins... 


 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19 -21ESV



Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Hawk Nelson - Sold Out (Official Lyric Video)







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His Face


Jesus, Your ineffable image is the star which guides my steps. Ah, You know, Your sweet Face is for me Heaven on earth. My love discovers the charms of Your Face adorned with tears. I smile through my own tears when I contemplate Your sorrows. - St. Therese

He is the very breath of life... He is the beauty I seek in each new given day! His capacity to love is difficult to explain!!! He is the ultimate friend and lover of my soul... He is the most amazing gift that we could ever be blessed to experience!! And that is just the beginning!! He is the sweetest surrender... And I am undone!!! It's Him!! It will always be Him!!
I will continue my journey of trying to capture His beautiful face!! I am a work in progress, and He knows that better than anyone else...
May the days ahead fill your hearts and your homes with His abundant love❤️!

Painting & written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

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Waning and Waxing

Love is like the moon: if it's not waxing, it's waning, but it's the same as the last time, always the same.”....

The meaning of Waning and Waxing: Waxing means “growing” or expanding in illumination, and waning means “shrinking” or decreasing in illumination. 


When we look at these words they seem to point us to the moon phases… 


I truly have no idea why they tugged at my heart today… I can only say that I seem to feel those same types of pulls on my heart and soul. 


Our Creator seems to have placed a force that keeps every little detail of creation in its place…. The total Universe seems to be affected by what we know as gravitational pull… 


He created the moon to be the tidal force that causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are called high tides. These tides interact with our earth's surface... 


I question, 


Do we have a similar pull that interacts with our Creator? Did our Creator put this gravitational pull into our very DNA? Are we all on this spiritual migration home? 


As I travel on the quest to unlock this mystery and grow closer to my Creator … my first love.. I have come to the realization of the similarities between the ebb tide of the ocean and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 


I will admit there are times I feel Him so strong that it is difficult to contain the tears as they stream down my face. I can feel this beautiful yet mysterious gravitational pull that He so lovingly placed within the depths of my soul. 


But then there are the times I  feel He has placed some distance between us… and the closeness I once felt is lifted, and it grieves my soul  … My soul longs for His presence… The struggle to find Him is real… 


And then I remember that beautiful day in May when I felt a love so strong that it left me forever changed… He gave me a gift that filled my soul with a love far beyond my own understanding…. So, When we try to rationalize these moments in our mind, it can become a heartfelt perplexing feeling…. 


There is no way I can not deny His existence… I can only trust Him.. and wait… waiting is the most difficult task… longing for His presence is such an emotional quickening of the soul … 


The Waning and Waxing becomes a beautiful dance of the heart. It's a love story between me and a precious soul that has loved me before I was even born…  


He illuminates my life like the beautiful moon on the darkest of nights… 


I so love the moon... 


It’s Him, it will always be Him!! 


Dance with Him like no one is watching - slow, quick, quick. Your life will never be the same. 


Job 26:

He makes the moon wax and wane, putting it through its phases.

Photography & written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Fly Me to The Moon - Diana Panton

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"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime." ~ Mineko Iwasaki

The meaning of wound: an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken." a knife wound


We located 23 verses in the Bible that speak of the word wound... 


When we look at the word wound it can take us in a few different directions... There are wounds of the flesh... wounds of the heart and even wounds of the soul... 


How many of us can remember that when we received a wound as a child we would run to our parents for comfort... They would wipe our tears... examine the wound. Clean the area, dress the wound, kiss the boo-boo and that is where the healing begins...


Have you ever stopped to realize the wound heals from the inside? It continues to heal one layer at a time until we can see a scar over the spot where the wound once stood ... The hurt becomes just a memory...


The wounds of the heart and soul go much deeper... and seems to be harder to heal... I have lived long enough to feel the pain of a wounded heart... In various life trials... I have grieved the loss of loved ones... I do think the hurt gets better with time. But the yearning to see their face will linger for a lifetime... And we learn to continue to love them from afar.  


As we continue on this journey of life. There will be moments when words and actions from others cut into our hearts like a cold steel knife ... Those wounds bleed and leave deep scars... They seem to heal over time... but due to the emotional memories stored in the heart, they can resurface from time to time. The bleeding stops but our heart may revisit the hurtful memory... and tears may fall... it is part of God's cleansing process... 


I do believe we as a people can be more thoughtful towards others. Let’s work on treating others with kindness and understanding. There is enough pain and trauma in our world... Our love and actions toward others speak volumes to who we are.. not who they are.


I do believe that the soul can heal all wounds... because it knows to go to our Creator.  He is the only source that can cleanse all wounds from the inside, out. He heals our wounds one layer at a time... Some call it growth, some call it healing... and then there are those that claim the miracle. 

Abiding in His grace, His abundant love is the only medicine that has such amazing healing properties. With one gentle touch, He frees our heart...heals our mind, and brings new life to our soul... 


Knowing where to run when we are wounded in this thing we call life... is the key to healing... it’s the key to understanding... His LOVE is the Key to all things... even the deepest of wounds... Run to Him... Fall into His open arms... grieve not my child... 


It’s Him. it’s always Him!!! 

He is the key 🔑…and if I have not said it today...I love Him for who He is... the mighty healer of ALL.


Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. Isaiah 30:26

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Healer by Planetshakers Lyrics


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Through love and memories, we are immortal.

Meaning of loss: to be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something).


We located twenty verses that speak to the subject of loss... 


When we feel the ache of loss. It can wound our hearts and crush our very soul... 


Why do we try to hang on to people, places, and or things?? 

What causes the yearning for a time gone by?  Are we selfishly clinging to memories of what we once had?  Or do we miss the ones that we once held so close?  Do miss their face, their smile, and long to hear their voice? 


I believe when you feel love in your heart, you ignite the fire within your soul, and you become alive... 


When the soul is alive beautiful memories can be made and felt with all your senses. These memories are stored within your mind, heart... and soul... And stay with you always. 


The ability to truly love is an amazing gift, from our Heavenly Father ... It’s beautifully, resilient, and pure... 


I believe true love never dies... We keep a small part if not all this love in our hearts forever until the end of time... 


However, I also believe people, life, and circumstances are fragile and unpredictable... Our love for others and their love for us can grow together or apart.


Some love deeply, Some love superficially. Some love unselfishly. And sadly, some are so lost they only have enough love to only love themselves... And some we must learn to love from a distance. 


I feel our hearts will be bound to the people we touch forever. Because of the loving memories, we make when our souls meet... 


Our memories can only be lost by losing one’s mind...But even then, you may not be able to recall them, but they will stay ingrained deep within our hearts.


Some people through no fault of their own are called home and leave the memories behind for us to cherish and hold dear ... Some do not realize the importance and impact of making loving memories.  The memories we leave behind are how we will be remembered by all the souls that have touched our lives...It’s our life’s legacy. 


Some souls are afraid of love and walk away... I feel that is such a great loss... but even then, the memories that were made will walk away with them...those memories will stay in their hearts… They will find out that they cannot run away from love, once touched by love it remains as a fiber woven into their tapestry life. 


No matter the circumstances. Love can never be taken away... When it is given from an unselfish heart it can never be taken back... it can never be returned to the giver like it never existed... There is no hiding from love.


That love becomes a part of who we are and will remain with us forever until the end of time!! 


You see we cannot lose love...Even if the person, place, or thing is no longer present in our life. 


I think love takes on a new form... You may not see it and or feel in the same way. But the loving memories can never be taken away or even altered... That love will stay hidden deep within our hearts for eternity. 


And as you reflect on the memories made...your heart will remember the love it once felt. and it will become alive if only for a brief moment in time.


Never, be afraid to love, never run from love… Love is a gift from God that we can never lose… 


It's Him. It's always Him...He the greatest gift…

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16


And if I were to have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God’s hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13 -2 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

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Instantly by Joann Turnbull

“Never for an instant does God cease to speak; but no one thinks of opening the doors. “― Maurice Maeterlinck,


Meaning of instantly:  Immediately, present or quick

I have been hounded by the same verses for over two years.  These verses appear in the strangest places.  In stores on napkins and just recently I instantly stopped in front of a framed photo of these verses hanging on the wall of a house that was being sold.  These are the verses: 


Hear, O Israel:  The Lord our God is one Lord:

And you shall love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, with all the soul, and with all thy might.  These verses are from Deuteronomy 6:4-5.  They are part of the verses that are repeated three times a day if you are an Israelite.   


As we have seen in our Word Study the announcement of the birth of Jesus came instantly to the shepherds, wise men, and to two elderly people in the Temple. 


One was named Simeon.  He had been looking for the coming Christ for many years. And on that day the Baby Jesus was dedicated in the Temple.  Simeon was in the Temple.  He took Jesus in his arms and gave thanks for the coming Savior.  As he was speaking an old prophetess that had been living in the Temple instantly came to them with loud cries of praise to God for His gift of the child.  


Her name was Anna.  Which means grace.  She had been married only seven years when her husband died.  She chose to worship and serve in the Temple by praying and fasting all her years.  Some say she was 84, but some say she was older.  As a Jew, she would have prayed three times a day that she would love God with all her heart, soul, and might.  She probably said those verses over 50,000 times in her life.  She too was looking for the coming Savior.  And she instantly recognized Jesus as that long-awaited Savior. 


Her loud cries of praise would have attracted quite a crowd.  From that day on she told all that were waiting for the Savior that indeed He had arrived. 


What an outburst of love and praise from one so old.  One who had chosen a life of prayer and fasting.  A life of loving Him with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. Have we recognized the enormous importance of knowing Jesus?  Here was that Holy Presence back in the Temple.  


Do we welcome Him into the temple of our heart?  We are His temple today.  Invite Him in. Receive Him with that joy and love shown to Him that day by Simeon and Anna.  They loved Him with unconditional love.  And it is my prayer that I will love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.  He reminds me of these verses in so many ways.  I can only give thanks that He loves me so much. 


Luke 2:38. And she is coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord.

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Photography by Lori Garner 

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

God With Us (Live)


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Prepare - by Joann Turnbull

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Prepare is used 226 times in the Bible. 


The definition is to make ready for something expected or thought possible.   


How prepared are we to begin a new year?  Some would say I have enough food to last me a year. Or another might say I am scared of the things that might happen.  

I remember Jesus telling His disciples that in this world you will have troubles, but I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) (A good place to start)!!!

As I look back 2000 years ago.  Six months before the birth of Jesus a baby was born.  His name was John.  His assignment in life was to prepare the way for Jesus.  And he did a great job.  He preached to the people to get right with God.  And many did. 

When we look at this new year, are we prepared?  Does our heart tremble as we think about the future?  Or do we stand firm on the thought that the One we love and trust will be by our side every day? 

The King is coming!  In days gone by when a king was coming through a town.  The people would prepare the way/road.  They would remove all the stones from the road, they would fill in all the holes, and clean the sides of the road.  On the day of the king’s arrival, they would line the road in their best clothes and bow and honor the king.


Today we can say, The KING is coming!!  

As we walk our journey with Him, do we need to prepare the way?  Do we have stones of bitterness, hatred, or have we wandered off the way?  Are there holes in the way from our lack of being filled with Him?  He will help us remove the stones and fill the holes with Himself.  So we will be ready for this new year. 


I look ahead to each new day with excitement.  To be loved by Him and to love Him with ALL my heart, soul, and mind!!!  


But as it is written, Eye has not seen, or ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Photography by Lori Garner 

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube

Prepare the Way - Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle, Dante Bowe

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"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." "God will meet you where you are to take you where He wants you to go." 


Meaning of journey: an inner journey is a journey of self-exploration with the ultimate goal or consequence of knowing oneself better or improving oneself. Imaginative. The inner journey is a passionate inquiry into our soul and personal field of experience. 


The word journey is in the Bible 8 times, 6 in the Old Testament, and 2 in the New Testament.


When I think of the word journey, what is the reason for the journey? What is the final destination? What are the dates? And what do I need to take with me so I am comfortable? 


But as I traveled with this word tucked nicely in my suitcase of life... I realized the pilot had plotted to change my flight plan. The destination and the dates will remain the same... But He said He wanted to give me the most memorable time. One that would blow my mind and defy my imagination... He shared with me that it was a trip of a lifetime... 


I must admit I was not looking to meet Him or go on this journey? I ask myself many times, why me ?? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was on a lonely road in Triune, Tennessee, when I felt a LOVE that I could not describe. And I had no idea where it came from. And I will add that I truly was unprepared for what was about to unfold. 

I did not know this pilot that came so swiftly into my life. He was a well-groomed handsome man with chestnut color hair, blue eyes, and the most amazing smile.  When I looked around for others, to my surprise, it seemed that I was the only traveler ready for this trip. He smiled and gently placed a ticket in my hand. And said are you ready? 

The moment the ticket touched my hand, I felt a rush of love that I could not explain... It made my knees buckle, and I felt light-headed and amazingly wonderful. I could not wait to share my experience with everyone I knew... But then, He grabbed my hand and said don’t be afraid to follow me... And away we went... We made many stops, and I met some truly amazing people as He guided me at every turn.  

He taught me many things about love, life, who He truly is, and what He wants me to be when I grow up... He has this amazing charisma and winning charm. And as days passed to months, then to years.  Much to my surprise. I found that I just wanted to talk to Him all the time.. His wisdom, His compassion, and His Grace are beautiful things to feel.. Each day, I trusted Him more and more ... I am not sure the exact moment it happened, but somewhere in time, I gave Him my heart as He gently spoke words of love to my soul... I felt love beyond my understanding.  It’s like no other love on earth. But I felt a spiritual connection that ran deeper than this life.  It’s a love that leaves you at a loss for words... It gives you a  burning desire to introduce Him to everyone you know...

It was such an exciting time. However,  He wanted me to slow down my pace so we could make the most of each moment. He handed me a book that seemed old and worn but beautifully bound.. and He said.." I wrote these words for you ... read them, study them, and hide them in your heart... They hold the keys to life.. they are your road map and many clues to your final destination.." Many call it the Bible... I call it a gift to humanity. 

Like any normal child, I was excited about this trip and asked how long it would take to get there ?? He said it takes a lifetime... I then blurted "What is the place called? " He said, Heaven. I then asked, "How long will I be there ?" He said eternity..

I asked who will be there? He said all of your friends and family are invited !!  I asked what about you? Will you be there? He smiled ... and said, “Of course I live there with my Father, and my good friend the Holy Spirit. 

I said it sounds amazing! I again eagerly said, “When will we get there? “ He said don’t be in a rush... You are not finished with your journey. There are many chapters still that need to be written ...  I will continue to hold your hand, I will guide you .. and above all else, I will LOVE you... We hugged. He smiled and said now go. Grow this gift of love and prepare to write your life's best chapters. 


I can only say since we met six years ago, I have been on the most amazing spiritual journey of my life... I am so happy that I found Him.. But, I  truly must admit He found me.


It was Him, It is Him, it will always be Him


 They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. 3 John 1:


 For I know my plans for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

The Journey - Lea Salonga (with lyrics)


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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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