Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Through love and memories, we are immortal.

Meaning of loss: to be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something).


We located twenty verses that speak to the subject of loss... 


When we feel the ache of loss. It can wound our hearts and crush our very soul... 


Why do we try to hang on to people, places, and or things?? 

What causes the yearning for a time gone by?  Are we selfishly clinging to memories of what we once had?  Or do we miss the ones that we once held so close?  Do miss their face, their smile, and long to hear their voice? 


I believe when you feel love in your heart, you ignite the fire within your soul, and you become alive... 


When the soul is alive beautiful memories can be made and felt with all your senses. These memories are stored within your mind, heart... and soul... And stay with you always. 


The ability to truly love is an amazing gift, from our Heavenly Father ... It’s beautifully, resilient, and pure... 


I believe true love never dies... We keep a small part if not all this love in our hearts forever until the end of time... 


However, I also believe people, life, and circumstances are fragile and unpredictable... Our love for others and their love for us can grow together or apart.


Some love deeply, Some love superficially. Some love unselfishly. And sadly, some are so lost they only have enough love to only love themselves... And some we must learn to love from a distance. 


I feel our hearts will be bound to the people we touch forever. Because of the loving memories, we make when our souls meet... 


Our memories can only be lost by losing one’s mind...But even then, you may not be able to recall them, but they will stay ingrained deep within our hearts.


Some people through no fault of their own are called home and leave the memories behind for us to cherish and hold dear ... Some do not realize the importance and impact of making loving memories.  The memories we leave behind are how we will be remembered by all the souls that have touched our lives...It’s our life’s legacy. 


Some souls are afraid of love and walk away... I feel that is such a great loss... but even then, the memories that were made will walk away with them...those memories will stay in their hearts… They will find out that they cannot run away from love, once touched by love it remains as a fiber woven into their tapestry life. 


No matter the circumstances. Love can never be taken away... When it is given from an unselfish heart it can never be taken back... it can never be returned to the giver like it never existed... There is no hiding from love.


That love becomes a part of who we are and will remain with us forever until the end of time!! 


You see we cannot lose love...Even if the person, place, or thing is no longer present in our life. 


I think love takes on a new form... You may not see it and or feel in the same way. But the loving memories can never be taken away or even altered... That love will stay hidden deep within our hearts for eternity. 


And as you reflect on the memories made...your heart will remember the love it once felt. and it will become alive if only for a brief moment in time.


Never, be afraid to love, never run from love… Love is a gift from God that we can never lose… 


It's Him. It's always Him...He the greatest gift…

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16


And if I were to have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God’s hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13 -2 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 


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