Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Waning and Waxing

Love is like the moon: if it's not waxing, it's waning, but it's the same as the last time, always the same.”....

The meaning of Waning and Waxing: Waxing means “growing” or expanding in illumination, and waning means “shrinking” or decreasing in illumination. 


When we look at these words they seem to point us to the moon phases… 


I truly have no idea why they tugged at my heart today… I can only say that I seem to feel those same types of pulls on my heart and soul. 


Our Creator seems to have placed a force that keeps every little detail of creation in its place…. The total Universe seems to be affected by what we know as gravitational pull… 


He created the moon to be the tidal force that causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are called high tides. These tides interact with our earth's surface... 


I question, 


Do we have a similar pull that interacts with our Creator? Did our Creator put this gravitational pull into our very DNA? Are we all on this spiritual migration home? 


As I travel on the quest to unlock this mystery and grow closer to my Creator … my first love.. I have come to the realization of the similarities between the ebb tide of the ocean and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 


I will admit there are times I feel Him so strong that it is difficult to contain the tears as they stream down my face. I can feel this beautiful yet mysterious gravitational pull that He so lovingly placed within the depths of my soul. 


But then there are the times I  feel He has placed some distance between us… and the closeness I once felt is lifted, and it grieves my soul  … My soul longs for His presence… The struggle to find Him is real… 


And then I remember that beautiful day in May when I felt a love so strong that it left me forever changed… He gave me a gift that filled my soul with a love far beyond my own understanding…. So, When we try to rationalize these moments in our mind, it can become a heartfelt perplexing feeling…. 


There is no way I can not deny His existence… I can only trust Him.. and wait… waiting is the most difficult task… longing for His presence is such an emotional quickening of the soul … 


The Waning and Waxing becomes a beautiful dance of the heart. It's a love story between me and a precious soul that has loved me before I was even born…  


He illuminates my life like the beautiful moon on the darkest of nights… 


I so love the moon... 


It’s Him, it will always be Him!! 


Dance with Him like no one is watching - slow, quick, quick. Your life will never be the same. 


Job 26:

He makes the moon wax and wane, putting it through its phases.

Photography & written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Fly Me to The Moon - Diana Panton


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