Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." "God will meet you where you are to take you where He wants you to go." 


Meaning of journey: an inner journey is a journey of self-exploration with the ultimate goal or consequence of knowing oneself better or improving oneself. Imaginative. The inner journey is a passionate inquiry into our soul and personal field of experience. 


The word journey is in the Bible 8 times, 6 in the Old Testament, and 2 in the New Testament.


When I think of the word journey, what is the reason for the journey? What is the final destination? What are the dates? And what do I need to take with me so I am comfortable? 


But as I traveled with this word tucked nicely in my suitcase of life... I realized the pilot had plotted to change my flight plan. The destination and the dates will remain the same... But He said He wanted to give me the most memorable time. One that would blow my mind and defy my imagination... He shared with me that it was a trip of a lifetime... 


I must admit I was not looking to meet Him or go on this journey? I ask myself many times, why me ?? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was on a lonely road in Triune, Tennessee, when I felt a LOVE that I could not describe. And I had no idea where it came from. And I will add that I truly was unprepared for what was about to unfold. 

I did not know this pilot that came so swiftly into my life. He was a well-groomed handsome man with chestnut color hair, blue eyes, and the most amazing smile.  When I looked around for others, to my surprise, it seemed that I was the only traveler ready for this trip. He smiled and gently placed a ticket in my hand. And said are you ready? 

The moment the ticket touched my hand, I felt a rush of love that I could not explain... It made my knees buckle, and I felt light-headed and amazingly wonderful. I could not wait to share my experience with everyone I knew... But then, He grabbed my hand and said don’t be afraid to follow me... And away we went... We made many stops, and I met some truly amazing people as He guided me at every turn.  

He taught me many things about love, life, who He truly is, and what He wants me to be when I grow up... He has this amazing charisma and winning charm. And as days passed to months, then to years.  Much to my surprise. I found that I just wanted to talk to Him all the time.. His wisdom, His compassion, and His Grace are beautiful things to feel.. Each day, I trusted Him more and more ... I am not sure the exact moment it happened, but somewhere in time, I gave Him my heart as He gently spoke words of love to my soul... I felt love beyond my understanding.  It’s like no other love on earth. But I felt a spiritual connection that ran deeper than this life.  It’s a love that leaves you at a loss for words... It gives you a  burning desire to introduce Him to everyone you know...

It was such an exciting time. However,  He wanted me to slow down my pace so we could make the most of each moment. He handed me a book that seemed old and worn but beautifully bound.. and He said.." I wrote these words for you ... read them, study them, and hide them in your heart... They hold the keys to life.. they are your road map and many clues to your final destination.." Many call it the Bible... I call it a gift to humanity. 

Like any normal child, I was excited about this trip and asked how long it would take to get there ?? He said it takes a lifetime... I then blurted "What is the place called? " He said, Heaven. I then asked, "How long will I be there ?" He said eternity..

I asked who will be there? He said all of your friends and family are invited !!  I asked what about you? Will you be there? He smiled ... and said, “Of course I live there with my Father, and my good friend the Holy Spirit. 

I said it sounds amazing! I again eagerly said, “When will we get there? “ He said don’t be in a rush... You are not finished with your journey. There are many chapters still that need to be written ...  I will continue to hold your hand, I will guide you .. and above all else, I will LOVE you... We hugged. He smiled and said now go. Grow this gift of love and prepare to write your life's best chapters. 


I can only say since we met six years ago, I have been on the most amazing spiritual journey of my life... I am so happy that I found Him.. But, I  truly must admit He found me.


It was Him, It is Him, it will always be Him


 They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. 3 John 1:


 For I know my plans for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

The Journey - Lea Salonga (with lyrics)



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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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