Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime." ~ Mineko Iwasaki

The meaning of wound: an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken." a knife wound


We located 23 verses in the Bible that speak of the word wound... 


When we look at the word wound it can take us in a few different directions... There are wounds of the flesh... wounds of the heart and even wounds of the soul... 


How many of us can remember that when we received a wound as a child we would run to our parents for comfort... They would wipe our tears... examine the wound. Clean the area, dress the wound, kiss the boo-boo and that is where the healing begins...


Have you ever stopped to realize the wound heals from the inside? It continues to heal one layer at a time until we can see a scar over the spot where the wound once stood ... The hurt becomes just a memory...


The wounds of the heart and soul go much deeper... and seems to be harder to heal... I have lived long enough to feel the pain of a wounded heart... In various life trials... I have grieved the loss of loved ones... I do think the hurt gets better with time. But the yearning to see their face will linger for a lifetime... And we learn to continue to love them from afar.  


As we continue on this journey of life. There will be moments when words and actions from others cut into our hearts like a cold steel knife ... Those wounds bleed and leave deep scars... They seem to heal over time... but due to the emotional memories stored in the heart, they can resurface from time to time. The bleeding stops but our heart may revisit the hurtful memory... and tears may fall... it is part of God's cleansing process... 


I do believe we as a people can be more thoughtful towards others. Let’s work on treating others with kindness and understanding. There is enough pain and trauma in our world... Our love and actions toward others speak volumes to who we are.. not who they are.


I do believe that the soul can heal all wounds... because it knows to go to our Creator.  He is the only source that can cleanse all wounds from the inside, out. He heals our wounds one layer at a time... Some call it growth, some call it healing... and then there are those that claim the miracle. 

Abiding in His grace, His abundant love is the only medicine that has such amazing healing properties. With one gentle touch, He frees our heart...heals our mind, and brings new life to our soul... 


Knowing where to run when we are wounded in this thing we call life... is the key to healing... it’s the key to understanding... His LOVE is the Key to all things... even the deepest of wounds... Run to Him... Fall into His open arms... grieve not my child... 


It’s Him. it’s always Him!!! 

He is the key ðŸ”‘…and if I have not said it today...I love Him for who He is... the mighty healer of ALL.


Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. Isaiah 30:26

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Healer by Planetshakers Lyrics



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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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