Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Triune ???

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”― St. Augustine of Hippo

There is a mystery for me about this word. Triune? I never knew what it meant? It seems many people that I have asked have no clue? 

As many of you know I had little to no religious background and l had a Holy Spirit Encounter that rocked my world...It happened while I was driving on a road that goes through the very heart of Triune, Tn... From that moment I was placed on the most incredible journey of discovery... 

But one day deep into my travels I asked myself, why is it that I never hear anyone say I fell in love with the Holy Spirit ... I hear people say that they have fallen in love with our Heavenly Father ... They say they have fallen in Love with Jesus ... There are even songs about falling in love with Jesus ... Curious minds want to know 🤔So I googled it ?? Lol I googled everything 😀

And bam 💥it hit me right between the eyes 😳I discovered that the word Triune means Trinity and it blew me away... To add another twist to this story ... by some ( I feel ) Devine intervention doors closed and doors opened and I now live on the same road .... How does this happen??? He boggles the human mind... As we close the doors to 2021.. invite the Triune to walk with you through the door and to guide your steps into 2022. Stand back and watch Him work!! 

Be safe! Be Loved! And be the amazing you!! Remember God is in control!!

Happy New Year !!

Wishing you a lifetime of His abundant love... from my heart to yours.. 


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull Patrick Mayberry | How You Love Me | 2021 Lyric Video ✝️ WIAAJML


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“Limits like fears are often just an illusion.” Michael Jordan...


Meaning of limits the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to the extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.:


We located 74 instances where we can find the word limits in the Bible.


Limits, boundaries, restrictions ... Are all words that bind our hearts. They are words that limit us from living a full and satisfying life... 


Don’t overstep the boundaries I put in place because there will be a price to pay...


As we grow to adulthood many of us learn the art of setting limits as a survival tool.  


Some bury what they truly feel deep with their hearts because of fear.  But what are they afraid of?  We are taught that everything that is unexplainable should be hidden ??  Why do we hide from life behind the walls we build? I do believe there is a time and place to exercise these words... For instance, if danger is imminently present...


But why do we set limits on love? Love is such an amazing gift from God!  Are we gauging our capacity to love by worldly standards? I have discovered some people are afraid to love... I believe they carry scars from previous heartfelt pain... 


Some internalize their feelings and find it necessary to apply limits and boundaries to their own heart for self-survival... It's sad. I do believe that hiding expels more energy than owning an unencumbered spirit with the ability to give love freely without limitations... 


Let's look to Mother Teresa, as a human who loved without boundaries... Her capacity to love was her legacy. She gave us so many clues... Here is one of my favorite quotes from her rich life.  Such a beautiful and wise soul. “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."


Unfortunately, many of us do not stop long enough to listen to the heartfelt messages from those wiser souls.


Losing love at any level causes someone some type of heart-felt pain.  This loss can leave undetected scars. Do these life trials harden our hearts?


I have witnessed souls in this confused state. I have seen the beauty and the flame of life fade from their eyes.  Their soul retreats to a dark isolated place to hide. The gift of life becomes sluggish, dark, and anxiety ridden.  


But what if I tell you I have discovered a beautiful healing love that has no limits? No boundaries? No restrictions?  It truly is a rare and beautiful gift for every man, woman, and child. 


It’s our limitless, amazing loving Creator... 


Why do we set limits on what we think He can do.   We tie His hands... and hide our hearts. And then we expect to witness His greatness to appear before our very eyes! 


My question is why do we try to limit a limitless God? 


Is our faith in Him limited to our own human mind’s capacity to understand His greatness ?? Can our faith in Him even be measured? As adults, we learn to navigate in our own world with a false sense of security feeling that we are in control. 


Do we surrender to God and give Him full control? Or do we limit what we share? Have we come to the realization yet, that He knows all. Sees all ... And feels all... 


In my heart, I believe that is why He asks us to come to Him like a child. 


“Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable like a little child, you will never be able to enter in. Matthew 18:3-5


Children are free trusting thinkers... They come into this world innocent and pure of heart. They believe in the unbelievable... Their souls have not been tainted by worldly scars or earthly thoughts... They are free spirits and their dreams and beliefs are limitless... 


They will ask God with an unencumbered spirit and believe in Him with all their heart, soul, and mind. They will trust Him and know in their heart the infinite possibilities of His greatest. 


Going back in time and becoming a child is impossible! So how do we flip the switch and become a child again??  The child within has never departed. The child has been made a prisoner by our life experiences and what society deems as acceptable.  The child within is our spiritual presence, our soul. This spiritual child will respond to our Creator's magnetic pull on our hearts.  But we must learn to open our hearts. We must surrender and learn that our Heavenly Father holds the key to the child’s freedom... 


Step out in faith and believe in Him and know, with Him all things are possible... He is our gift.. our amazing God of limitless possibilities...


It’s Him... It’s always Him.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”Joshua  1:9


Psalms 78:41 TPT

Again and again, they limited God, preventing him from blessing them. Continually they turned back from him and provoked the Holy One of Israel.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Colton Dixon - Limitless (Lyric Video)


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“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” – Hans Urs von Balthasar


To cover the opening of I closed the box.  To change the position so as to prevent passage through an opening: shut Please close the door.: to bring or come to an end I closed my account.


There are 37 verses that mention closure.


Is life like Pandora’s box?  The moral of Pandora's Box is that unchecked curiosity and disobedience can be dangerous, but hope remains.


Our world is so full of dangers physical, mental, and spiritual... We are warned, we are tempted... We are subject to heartbreak... 


But the good news is we are given choices ... When we stand at the crossroads of life are we strong enough to choose the road to freedom or do we slide down the slippery slope of discontent and despair? 


We have all heard that saying. When God closes one door, He opens another... Do we recognize that He is trying to protect us from ourselves ... or do we keep hitting our heads against the door... in an attempt to keep it cracked open...? 


I do believe we all have been tempted to stay in the status quo because of fear of the unknown... We hold on to what becomes comfortable, and uneventful ... because change can be a scary situation... 


I have come to realize the statement is correct ... God does close the door and opens the other... However, it’s the door to this world that He is closing... It may be disguised as a person, place, or thing... 


But as He closes a this-worldly door He opens the door to His heart... 

Its Him. It has always been HIM....


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


Jesus is the door to beautiful freedom. He unbinds our soul to witness the beauty of the world Our Heaven Father created... He gives us the strength to endure all of life’s obstacles. Giving us the ability to live a beautiful and satisfying life. 


His love is the key... 

So when we are standing at 

the crossroad pick up the key and open the door of HOPE !!!

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

You Know Me - Steffany Gretzinger | The Loft Sessions


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“When we leave the pen in His hands we will never be disappointed with the story of our lives.” 
Eric Ludy,


Meaning of story a report about incidents or events: account Let's hear your story of what happened. 


“The Bible is often thought of as one book. However, it is actually a compilation of 66 different books written by 40 different authors. These authors were not all connected to each other, most did not even know each other because these books were written over a period of approximately 1500 years. “ 


How did the writers create such a masterpiece of factual wonder we know as the Bible? How many stories are stored within its pages??? Let’s think about that. Hmm, No Computers, No digital assistance? No spell checks. What! no technology? How did He do it ??


Most likely all the writers wrote each story by dim candlelight... with a rudimentary tool similar to what we know as a quill pen and ink ... They each poured out their heart and soul .... While God guided their thoughts and their hands... They were not in the physical presence of each other... They had no team meetings. No zoom calls... How did they organize their work to produce this amazing story? It’s the greatest literary phenomenon of all times... 


So many stories ... So many lessons... So much love poured into each chapter of the book ... But wait ... I ask you was the love poured into each page? ... or is it poured from the pages into the reader's hearts all over the world??? These chapters, these verses, these words ... are alive... 


I am sure the writers did not even know the magnitude of their work. They were not made rich and/or famous by earthly standards... But they are rich in our Fathers Love...  You ask how do I know this??? I can only relate with them on a very tiny scale... 


I had no interest in writing... But one day I had a Holy Spirit Encounter and my Heavenly Father opened my heart and soul. I began to listen to His melodic voice and words began to flow... and without hesitation, I began to document my thoughts, my experiences, and my love for my loving Triune. 


I do not write to compare my journey to any literary work... It is just happening... normally it’s in the very early morning hours. I sit quietly with my thoughts, and my mind drifts to a love that I felt on that beautiful day in May... and as I began to feel His beautiful presence my heart leaps with excitement.. and my soul stirs with great anticipation... and I surrender.


He is the author of my life... And the lover of my soul... I am but a quill in His loving hands... And as He pours His love into the pages of my amazing journey... I can only pray that my sharing Him with you touches your soul. 


And that the one heart He is trying so desperately to reach is yours... If it’s you, the day will come that you too will be swept away in the early morning hours. It’s then and there you will feel Him stirring in your soul and with the excitement and anticipation of a Child on Christmas Day you whisper it's Him ... 


It has always been Him...


He is the most amazing love story ever written... And the greatest gift to all mankind...

Oh, my goodness how He wows me... I will never be the same!!


In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13 


In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:1-3 ESV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli Lyrics

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Come join me as we try to tackle the word, Christ... Such a massive undertaking... Did we come close ??
I pray that this episode blesses those who take a few minutes to listen. May God bless you and your extended families with the warmest Christmas season. May the spirit of peace, good health, and His abundant love come knocking at your heart's door...
The question becomes, will you let Him in ??
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“If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will, in the end, make no difference what you have chosen instead.”  William Law


Meaning of first In a general sense, “the first” are the privileged, prestigious, and selfish who get ahead in this life while defying God's commandments. But they will receive condemnation in the life to come. “The last,” though rejected by the world, will receive a great reward in heaven.


Run Forest Run... How many of us desire the thrill of winning the race? Is it that victory moment that speaks to our soul ... Or is it that superficial hidden desire to show the world we are first. 


I can not help seeing those moments in sports when another athlete gave up the victory of being first to help another struggling soul...  Here is a link to just one of the many examples.  

Rivals Help Injured Runner Across Finish Line


I believe we are in the greatest race of our lives... Back to our Creator's arms... What is the mission of each believer?  Is it to follow Jesus? Is it to feed the hungry? Is it to ______ ? There are so many things we could busy our Christian lives with? So many,  that we would have no trouble filling in the blank!! Do we call them works?  Are we busy filling our bag of good deeds to impress others or maybe to impress God? 


Or are we unselfishly filling our heart, soul, and mind with Him... 

Are we working on understanding His rules of engagement? He calls them commandments... Are we living within His guidelines? Are these commandments becoming a part of who we are? Are we getting ourselves ready for the race of a lifetime... 


Are we locking elbows with others to help them get in the race? Are we putting our own selfish desires to be first aside to help another soul across the finish line? 


It is a human desire to be first. But it’s a soul desire that we wake up soon and get in this Heavenly race ... 


Our soul craves to hear our Heavenly Father voice say .. 

You made it back!!  Thank you for bringing others with you !! Well done my child...  And as you fall into His powerful arms you realize we are all first in His heart... How does He do it !!! So many children and we are all first ??? 


It's Him, It’s always Him!!! 

His capacity of Love is more than our human mind can even begin to understand... 


If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:3


For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8–9

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Lauren Daigle - First (Lyric Video)

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Expectation by Joann Turnbull

A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie...


The word expectation is in the Bible 37 times. 

The meaning of expectation is to look forward to what will come. 


That day had finally come for one elderly man. His day of expectation had come. He was led by the Spirit to be in the Temple. 

Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple to dedicate Him forty days after His birth. As they walked into the Temple suddenly an elderly man came up to them.  He took the child Jesus and cradled him in his arms. As he held Him I can imagine the tears of joy rolling down his wrinkled face. 


Who was this old man?  And why did he take the baby from Mary’s arms? Let’s look and see.  There is always a rich nugget that our Father wants us to learn.

His name was Simeon.  He was a good man, a lover of God who kept himself pure, and he was a listener of the Spirit.  Actually, the meaning of His name is one who listens. 


Simeon believed that the Messiah, the Encourager of Israel would soon appear.  The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before he saw the Messiah. 


At the very moment Mary and Joseph arrived in the temple with Baby Jesus, the Holy Spirit led Simeon to them.  Simeon had waited so long for this moment.  

As he held the Baby close in his arms he began to speak these words, “Lord, I am your loving servant and I have seen today with my eyes the Savior You have sent to the world to be a Light, and an Encourager to all.” 


Mary and Joseph were amazed at what Simeon was saying about their Child. The promise of His coming was revealed that day to Simeon.  He was overcome with joy. 

The presence of God had returned to the Temple as Baby.  The One who would feed thousands, the One who would speak with authority, and the One who was the fulfillment of every commandment. 

The One we would love with all our heart, soul, and mind.  All He would ask us to do was to love Him and follow Him.  That beautiful Lamb of God.  

He was revealed to shepherds, wise men, and an elderly listener and lover of God named Simeon.   But there is one more that saw Him that day, but that story will have to wait. 

With my own eyes I have seen your Word, the Savior You sent into the world. He will be a glory for the people of Israel, and the Revelation-Light for all people everywhere. Luke 2:31-32

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Sinners Prayer - link by Lori Garner 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

 Photo by Nasimul Islam from Pexels

Expectation (feat. Joshua Miller)

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Meaning of wrestle take part in a fight, either as a sport or in earnest, that involves grappling with one's opponent and trying to throw or force them to the ground. “he wrestled with the intruder before being knocked unconscious". Struggle with a difficulty or problem. “For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience"


There are only five verses about the word wrestle... 


Life as we know it has many struggles... Some of our struggles are in our control some are not. Some of our struggles are spiritual some are physical. All rob us of our peace...and can affect our health, relationships, and ultimately our life.


I believe we must sift our problems through the three Rs...recognize, reconcile, and recover. 


You could try all three without any help. You may have a fifty percent chance of getting a favorable result... But I believe if you ask for God's help. Your odds will increase to 110 percent.. maybe even more!! 


There is a weight that is lifted when we ask God for His help. That is the first R recognizing there is an issue. As we lay it out for God to see we began to reconcile all the ugly pieces... and with God's help, we began to get clarity... 


In this process, we learn that He sees the good, the bad, and the ugly... and loves us in spite of ourselves. He loves us beyond the most difficult situation.

As we travel through the darkness we learn to trust Him. And our clenched fist began to open ... We learn to let go and let Him guide our actions and our hearts. The road to recovery may be a difficult road. But He will give us the strength to endure. 

You will feel freedom and recognize that He has never left our side.  He has loved us through any darkness and into the light. He has wiped every tear... And has held our hand every step of the way...


The question becomes why don’t we come to Him with everything? Maybe pride? Maybe doubt? Maybe ______? 

You fill in the blank ... 


I believe the biggest issue we can encounter is when we wrestle with God, Himself... We bring Him our problem... We take it back several times!! We may even say if you are so mighty fix this??? I give up. Life is too hard?


He could fix it just like that. But as our loving Heavenly Father, He would ask Himself what lesson would this teach? What would my child learn??  


As a parent, our role is to teach. Lead by example and love with a forgiving and understanding heart. All the while giving our child a soft place to land... 


This lesson is spelled out from the greatest teacher there was, there is, and could ever be... The question becomes did We learn the lesson?  Did we understand the assignment? Can we execute what He taught us??? or did we ask God just to fix it??? 

Do we find ourselves still wallowing in doubt and despair and self-pity?? 


Do we seem to still be wrestling our thoughts and with God??? 


Have we humbled ourselves before Him and asked He to teach us... Did we say? I cannot do this without you... Father, It's your will, not mine?? Did we truly mean it?


I can share a secret that I have learned... He knows what’s best for us ... way better than we could ever even begin to know for ourselves. 


I have thrown in the white towel of surrender and opened my heart to learn whatever lesson He is willing to teach me... Because I know with God all things are possible!!! 


It’s Him... It’s always been Him. And many of us are just too stubborn to realize it!!!


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Model: Gabriel Chacon

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

David Phelps - Interlude: Wrestling with God/I Surrender All from Hymnal 




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"Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in His field." - Vance Havner... 

The meaning of sit: adopts or be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright.


Do you ever find life so busy that sitting still can be a challenge?? We seem to be so busy that we can not stop our minds from racing ?? Do we busy ourselves so much that we get lost in the LIFE shuffle??  


Where can we go to escape? Who will understand? Who will comfort us with no questions asked??? Where can we find that freedom of a child? There is an answer.


But are we too busy to see Him? Are we too busy to talk to Him? Are we too busy to love Him? Are we too busy to FEEL Him? 


I have found a safe place to hide in a world that seems to have gone mad... I want to share with you the answer...


He came to rescue us from the madness of our world... He is our first love... He is gentle, kind and our soft place to fall.. He loves us far greater and deeper than anyone.. in all the universe! 


I cherish each second that I sit in His presence. He comforts my anxious soul. He fills my heart with a love that engulfs my very existence. I see Him in all creation ... 


It’s at that moment..  when I feel Him that time seems to fade away...My heart and soul are freed ... to feel such amazing rest, peace, and acceptance, even when life seems to continue to spin out of control in the distance. 


I am swept away... 


Things of this world do not necessarily go away...  It’s our heart, soul, and mind that gets refreshed as we sit with Him... He brings such amazing balance, joy, and love... that the burdens of life seem to lift... You feel that you can finally breathe... 


If I have learned anything during this amazing journey I have learned... this, 


We must learn to sit still and open our hearts, talk to Him from the depths of our soul... Humble ourselves and surrender your entire life into His loving arms...


And love Him with ALL!!!! all your Heart, Soul, and Mind... 


It’s where healing begins.. mountains crumble, and clarity can be obtained.. and you will be loved far greater than you ever dreamed possible... 


I used to find sitting still difficult.... 😍 until now !!!  I now crave these moments...They are the reason I breathe... 


My heart is calling me now... I am done... 


I am going to my favorite place where I can not be reached by things of this world...


It’s Him! It’s always Him... He refreshes my soul... and yes He takes my breath away... 

And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. Matthew 20:23 


Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, Psalm 17:8

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Sit With You Awhile Todd Agnew

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Heartfelt word - Pregnant ??? - Podcast


Triune Loves Me... Podcast Season 3 is based on a Bible word study and labor of LOVE!!!

Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts. – Elena Avila..
This word study is not the typical study. Because truthfully my walk with God has been anything but ordinary...
Our heartfelt word this week is ...
What would you do if you were in this situation ?? How would you explain?

Thank you for listening!
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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


. Holy Spirit (17) Angel (2) Enemy (1) Eternity (97) Father (12) God (630) Heaven (68) Holy Spirit (401) Jesus (611) Life (71) Love (189) Meditation (16) Music (67) NoHate (8) Podcast (40) Refuge (9) Revelations (4) Seek (49) Soul (77) Trust (42) Vision (10) Words (48) Yeshua (14) Daily Bible Trivia

He loves you no matter where you are in the world.

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