Love in any Language is still LOVE!



“When we leave the pen in His hands we will never be disappointed with the story of our lives.” 
Eric Ludy,


Meaning of story a report about incidents or events: account Let's hear your story of what happened. 


“The Bible is often thought of as one book. However, it is actually a compilation of 66 different books written by 40 different authors. These authors were not all connected to each other, most did not even know each other because these books were written over a period of approximately 1500 years. “ 


How did the writers create such a masterpiece of factual wonder we know as the Bible? How many stories are stored within its pages??? Let’s think about that. Hmm, No Computers, No digital assistance? No spell checks. What! no technology? How did He do it ??


Most likely all the writers wrote each story by dim candlelight... with a rudimentary tool similar to what we know as a quill pen and ink ... They each poured out their heart and soul .... While God guided their thoughts and their hands... They were not in the physical presence of each other... They had no team meetings. No zoom calls... How did they organize their work to produce this amazing story? It’s the greatest literary phenomenon of all times... 


So many stories ... So many lessons... So much love poured into each chapter of the book ... But wait ... I ask you was the love poured into each page? ... or is it poured from the pages into the reader's hearts all over the world??? These chapters, these verses, these words ... are alive... 


I am sure the writers did not even know the magnitude of their work. They were not made rich and/or famous by earthly standards... But they are rich in our Fathers Love...  You ask how do I know this??? I can only relate with them on a very tiny scale... 


I had no interest in writing... But one day I had a Holy Spirit Encounter and my Heavenly Father opened my heart and soul. I began to listen to His melodic voice and words began to flow... and without hesitation, I began to document my thoughts, my experiences, and my love for my loving Triune. 


I do not write to compare my journey to any literary work... It is just happening... normally it’s in the very early morning hours. I sit quietly with my thoughts, and my mind drifts to a love that I felt on that beautiful day in May... and as I began to feel His beautiful presence my heart leaps with excitement.. and my soul stirs with great anticipation... and I surrender.


He is the author of my life... And the lover of my soul... I am but a quill in His loving hands... And as He pours His love into the pages of my amazing journey... I can only pray that my sharing Him with you touches your soul. 


And that the one heart He is trying so desperately to reach is yours... If it’s you, the day will come that you too will be swept away in the early morning hours. It’s then and there you will feel Him stirring in your soul and with the excitement and anticipation of a Child on Christmas Day you whisper it's Him ... 


It has always been Him...


He is the most amazing love story ever written... And the greatest gift to all mankind...

Oh, my goodness how He wows me... I will never be the same!!


In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13 


In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:1-3 ESV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli Lyrics


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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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