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Showing posts with label Wrestle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrestle. Show all posts



Meaning of wrestle take part in a fight, either as a sport or in earnest, that involves grappling with one's opponent and trying to throw or force them to the ground. “he wrestled with the intruder before being knocked unconscious". Struggle with a difficulty or problem. “For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience"


There are only five verses about the word wrestle... 


Life as we know it has many struggles... Some of our struggles are in our control some are not. Some of our struggles are spiritual some are physical. All rob us of our peace...and can affect our health, relationships, and ultimately our life.


I believe we must sift our problems through the three Rs...recognize, reconcile, and recover. 


You could try all three without any help. You may have a fifty percent chance of getting a favorable result... But I believe if you ask for God's help. Your odds will increase to 110 percent.. maybe even more!! 


There is a weight that is lifted when we ask God for His help. That is the first R recognizing there is an issue. As we lay it out for God to see we began to reconcile all the ugly pieces... and with God's help, we began to get clarity... 


In this process, we learn that He sees the good, the bad, and the ugly... and loves us in spite of ourselves. He loves us beyond the most difficult situation.

As we travel through the darkness we learn to trust Him. And our clenched fist began to open ... We learn to let go and let Him guide our actions and our hearts. The road to recovery may be a difficult road. But He will give us the strength to endure. 

You will feel freedom and recognize that He has never left our side.  He has loved us through any darkness and into the light. He has wiped every tear... And has held our hand every step of the way...


The question becomes why don’t we come to Him with everything? Maybe pride? Maybe doubt? Maybe ______? 

You fill in the blank ... 


I believe the biggest issue we can encounter is when we wrestle with God, Himself... We bring Him our problem... We take it back several times!! We may even say if you are so mighty fix this??? I give up. Life is too hard?


He could fix it just like that. But as our loving Heavenly Father, He would ask Himself what lesson would this teach? What would my child learn??  


As a parent, our role is to teach. Lead by example and love with a forgiving and understanding heart. All the while giving our child a soft place to land... 


This lesson is spelled out from the greatest teacher there was, there is, and could ever be... The question becomes did We learn the lesson?  Did we understand the assignment? Can we execute what He taught us??? or did we ask God just to fix it??? 

Do we find ourselves still wallowing in doubt and despair and self-pity?? 


Do we seem to still be wrestling our thoughts and with God??? 


Have we humbled ourselves before Him and asked He to teach us... Did we say? I cannot do this without you... Father, It's your will, not mine?? Did we truly mean it?


I can share a secret that I have learned... He knows what’s best for us ... way better than we could ever even begin to know for ourselves. 


I have thrown in the white towel of surrender and opened my heart to learn whatever lesson He is willing to teach me... Because I know with God all things are possible!!! 


It’s Him... It’s always been Him. And many of us are just too stubborn to realize it!!!


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Model: Gabriel Chacon

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

David Phelps - Interlude: Wrestling with God/I Surrender All from Hymnal 




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