Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Meaning of the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. There are 102 verses in the Bible referencing healing. 

Healing is such an amazing word. It gives us hope. I hope that we will be made whole again. To be told you are healed, or healing is good news. But healing comes with a price… To be healed means you have had an injury of a physical, spiritual, or emotional nature. All three work together even though they are separate… For example, if you are wounded in your spirit, your heart will feel the emotion of the wound, which affects the mind.  When the heart and mind are not in balance the body will react. Thus, affecting your immune system and the body will eventually break down. 

Wounds can bring pain, just in different ways. Pain is part of the process.  Without the pain there is no feeling, there is no growth, there can be no healing. The pain is an alarm to our brain to push us, to the point of action… Because the human spirit is made to fight for life.  

The good news is we do not need to travel this road alone… There is help, there is healing, and a Peace that will get you through the process. No matter what has happened or what you may be facing. Call on Jesus, He has been known to heal souls with His tenderness, He has been known to heal emotional scars with His love, He has been known to heal the body with just his touch. 

I can say I know this first hand. Jesus has healed my body. I was in the OR being prepped for surgery when the doctor canceled the surgery and said he felt my wound had healed. Jesus has soothed my soul when the actions of others wounded me to the core. And the emotions of the heart, well they are still there but they come from a place of peace… Because I feel Him in my soul… And only He can heal us from within.

I do believe that the doctors should prescribe, Jesus as part of our treatment plan. When He is engaged in our recovery. Miracles happen. Some are expected, and the doctor gets the praise, and then there are those miracles that leave us in awe. Even the Doctor has no explanation. When we are in awe, there is no doubt all fingers point to HIM!!! All Praises go to Him… 

It’s Him. It’s Always HIM!! 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 
Healing is in your hand_ Christy Nockels

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“God is within her, she will not fall.” Psalms 46:5


In one form or another, the word perfect is found 129 times in 124 verses in the Bible. 

Meaning of perfect - make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible.

Is perfection attainable? Do we each strive to reach "perfection"?  I do think in today’s society there are unrealistic expectations of perfection. We see this in magazines, television, and billboards. 

As a photographer, I understand the amazing enhancements that can be accomplished with photoshop. How did the importance of who we become that superficial packaging?  Are we striving to be the best from within? Do we own a caring heart? Do we have a loving soul? Do we make a difference in life? The perfection we are running towards should have no price tag. 

But I find to attain this rich quality of perfection we must understand what it looks like. The true meaning of perfection can be seen in the simple life of a man with a mission to love far beyond any boundary. 

His attributes are many to be admired. He is Loving, Kind, Gentle, Forgiving, Committed, A Servant, Compassionate, Prayerful, Patience, Self-Controlled, and Humble, and the list goes on and on. 

In my opinion, that is true perfection and what we should be striving to achieve daily... 

The human “race” is not just a class of people, but it marks our race with destiny... The question becomes will you run a good race? Will you finish? Will you be a winner?? The prize is obtaining true spiritual perfection one day, one life at a time, for eternity. The chase is on, look for that perfect role model... And if you are not clear on who your role model is look to Jesus. 

True perfection = Jesus 

It's Him, It's always Him!

You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and character, actively integrating godly values into your daily life], as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48 AMP 

“Mark the perfect man and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” Psalms 37:37 KJV

And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvationHebrews 5:9

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Model: Meg Mahoney
Bible Verses From NIV, 
Inspiring Music / YouTube 

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See the beauty in every moment 

Temporary is in the Bible 69 times.

Meaning of temporary - lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent

Is life temporary? Or are we on a limited timeline? I find many people are so busy looking at the finish line that they are missing out on life itself. I find this is sad. 

If we would look at life as a temporary experience. Perhaps we could understand the true value of each moment, each minute, each beautiful soul that comes into our life.  

I do not understand why we need to face our immortality to get a reality check. It seems many wait until they hear the news from the doctor that crushes their soul to start placing value on what really matters.

Most then, they are dealing with their own health to fully experience life. But they try as they might to cram every moment of life and love into whatever time they have left. We must learn from them. 

It's not the car. It's not the home. It's not the success.  It is the memories we make. It's the love we give. It's the life we live !!!  Show up for the people, in your life. Show kindness, compassion, love large. Yes, this life is a temporary stop and how you live and care for others will determine how and where and with whom you will spend eternity. 

Don’t live a temporary existence of life. Life is a gift from GOD, DO IT ALL, DO IT NOW and look to the promise of eternity as a guide for your future destination.  

Is this life just a temporary state of mind? I say it not, THERE IS MORE,  SO MUCH MORE! How do you want to be remembered? Someone who lived a beautiful life of love or someone who lived a mere existence.
The choice is yours.  

Let Him be your guide. 

It's Him, It's always Him.

Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, 2 Peter 3:11

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From NIV, 
Inspiring Music / YouTube 

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And a sword [of deep sorrow] will pierce through your own soul—so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Luke 2:35

Pierce (of a sharp-pointed object) go into or through (something):

Pierce (34 instances in 12 translations) Pierced-through (1 instance in 1 translation) Pierces (10 instances in 8 translations)

The word pierce is a word that can bring pain. The pain can be intense at the point of entry.  Does that pain get your attention for a moment? Or does it make a significant impact on your life? 

I think we have varied results. When our hearts are pierced. It’s not the wound that makes us grow it’s the healing.

Most of the time when the heart has been pierced it’s at the hands of another, or a circumstance that moves our emotional soul. 

When we speak about our emotional soul my pierced heart grieved as I found myself in the book of John 19 (36:37). 

It’s such a heartache moment. And yet such a beautiful love story. A story that has healed many troubled souls. It's a gift for all of humanity, It's a gift of hope for our future. 

This gift is has been given to each man, woman, and child. It's a love far greater than any one person can fully understand. 

For without love, and without hope. Life would be dark, it would be void. We would leave us a life of bleak existence with no promise of tomorrow. 

As our Savior exhaled His last breath. His bruised body was pierced at the hands of another. And as the last drop of His blood fell, His prophecy was fulfilled. At that point in time, He gave us every ounce of himself just to prove His love... 

A love that speaks healing, it’s a love that speaks hope, it’s an amazing gift of love that is ours for eternity. 

It’s Him, it’s always Him 

I thank God for the gift of Him! 

“Not one of his bones will be broken.” And again, another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.” John 19 36:37

For your arrows pierce me, and your hand presses me down. Psalm 38:2

“So, be careful! God's message to us is alive and powerful. It is like a sword that has two sharp edges. Even more than a sword, God's message goes very deep into us. It cuts between our soul and our spirit. It is like a sharp knife that can cut deep into our bodies between our bones. God's message shows what we are really thinking. It shows what we really want. There is nothing in the whole world that can hide from God. He sees everything clearly and he knows everything. We will have to explain to him everything that we have done during our lives.”Hebrews 4:12-13 EASY

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Verses From Easy / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music / YouTube 

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The word scale is in the Bible 39 times. 

The meaning of a scale represents in proportional dimensions; reduce or increase in size according to a common scale.

I have been vocal on subjects of love, peace, life, and relationships. All of which are God-focused. 

I am not insensitive to the destruction and the lack of respect for life, liberty, and property. I see it just like you on the news every waking moment. 

Truthfully it makes me mad 😡. It makes me sad 😢. It literally breaks my heart 💔and wounds my soul.  😞 So much hurt, so much pain. 

How do we face each day and ask ourselves, how can I make a difference? How can I turn the tide 🌊? How can I bridge the divide? How can I restore my faith in God 🕊 and humanity? 
I wish I had all the answers!! 

I do believe that if we would take a scale and put love on one side and hate on the other. Then ask, which one do you think would outweigh the other? Sadly, today I think hate may just outweigh love. 

However, I have a challenge for each of us. If each of us could look at love as a single pebble. And then commit to putting just one pebble filled with love on the LOVE ❤️ side of the scale each day.

Perhaps together we could tip the scale towards more love and less hate... 

So, when I do not engage in negative, hate, or hurtful actions or words... Please know that I am just busy gathering ❤️pebbles of LOVE. Because I so desperately want to tip the scale in such a way hate could not even exist. 

I am just one pebble... So, I ask you today when you pick up your pebble where will you place it?  Choices?? I pray you choose Love ... Your one pebble added to mine just might start to make a difference in one life, one day, and one heart at a time ❤️. 

Together Let’s Tip the Scale...

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

A false balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1 

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Verses From (KJV) - Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video

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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls
Matthew 11:28-29 

 In King James' The Authorized Version of the Bible (AV), there are seven (7) uses of the phrase “be still”.

Meaning of still: deep silence and calm; stillness.

Our lives seem so busy with things! Things! and more things! But why? But what? But when? When did life get so complicated? We try to pack so much into our busy day! Do you ever feel there are never enough hours in the day? Do we truly try to prioritize what really matters? Do you see what is right in front of you? Or do you miss the beauty of life itself? 

If you could indulge me for a moment. Stop and think what would matter to you most, if you left this earth with the snap of your finger? Most of us at that pivotal moment of time would cry out to God… 
Oh God No! 

I need more time… 

Time for what? To make that meeting? To buy that new car? Time to land that next promotion?

Let’s slow down the pace just a little. Truly slow down the pace! And let’s get real Still. Relax, close your eyes, take a deep breath, now exhale, and go deep into your mind and truly ask yourself what are the three most important things in your life? 

I will share my list … 

1.   The Father, His Son, and Holy Spirit, because when I say OH God it’s because I am feeling His love and seeing the beauty of His Face.

2.   My family as they have loved me through this journey, we call life. They have given me the most amazing memories. 

3.   My friends the ones who came and stayed when they had a choice to run. They supported my dreams and filled my days with light-hearted laughter. They too gifted me with beautiful memories. 

Don’t let things get in the way of what is important in this life. When you feel that there are not enough hours in the day. Remember to go to your STILL place seek #1 with all your heart, soul, and mind. And be thankful that you are blessed with #2 and #3… Because at the end of the day if it did not make your list… it’s just things… things that can be taken away, things that depreciate in value, and things you can’t take with you.

But the things on my list, cannot be taken away because they live in my heart and they are etched in my soul.  There is no value associated with them because they are priceless. 
It’s you… my beautiful family and friends and of course it’s …

Him, It's always Him… 

Appreciate the STILL moments.. Get in touch with your soul. And Just breathe.

Be still before the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling. Zechariah 2:13

“Be still and know that I am God!  Psalm 46:10-11

“The LORD will fight for you while you keep still.” Exodus 14:14

“The LORD is in his holy Temple. Habakkuk 2:20.

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From NIV,  / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video

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 “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40

Great trust or confidence in something or someone: The word "faith" appears 336 times in the KJV. 

A state of confidence of things unseen in our future for long and short terms. or to eternity

Faith is a word that sometimes is difficult to understand.  I think faith is an action understood by the mind and felt in the heart and soul... 

Sometimes faith can be exercised in life without even knowing that you are doing so... I feel faith is wrapped in hope and trust. When I decided to learn more about faith, I tried to see it on a personal level... and my memories brought me here... 

As a child I had great faith in my earthly father ... he was my protector ... I knew in my heart he would put himself on the line for me... I remember, as a child, we would go on family vacations and swim in the hotel pool for hours. Those times hold amazing memories. However, my faith was exercised even then in a major way!! Picture ... a child ... a hotel pool ... and this child does not know how to swim... 

However, this child has a dad that would tread water for hours, in the deepest part of the pool... to catch them. This was my dad. Once he was, in position.  I would climb on the diving board. with no floating devices... armed only with my faith in him. And without hesitation or forethought, I would run and take a flying leap, fly through the air and land in the baby blue sparkling water below ... as my head went under, I knew full well and without a doubt, he was there to catch and guide me to the pool’s edge ... I feel that is a blind trust ... My faith played out by knowing my dad, trusting him, and having the confidence in him that he would always protect and be there for me. 

We ask how is it possible to have this type of faith? I can only say my faith was built over time by truly knowing him ... and knowing his heart and knowing the LOVE he has given me. This is how my strong confidence in him became a reality. Thus, bringing the result of unshakable faith ... 

So, you see when we speak of faith in God. It’s about getting to truly know him... know His heart. know His desires. His word. knowing and feeling His amazing LOVE. Spending time with Him and knowing Him intimately builds beautiful confidence and trust! resulting in unshakable faith. You will know it in your mind and feel it in your heart and soul. This without a doubt feeling that He will always be there for you even when you jump!! 

Faith, It's Him, It's always Him.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From Easy, KJV NIV,  /  Sinners Prayer
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 

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And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." NIV
A Dove, usually a small bird, are used in many settings as symbols of love, peace or as messengers.

Doves (24 instances) 30 Bible Verses about doves. 

The Dove seems to have such a gentleness and grace.  This angelic looking bird is not to be confused with the white pigeon. Both look and have similar traits. 

However, I questioned and wanted to understand why the Dove has such an important role in the Bible? Why was it chosen by God to represent the very essence of His Spirit? Which we know as the Holy Spirit?

Hmm as I pondered this, I attempted to research this angelic bird a little further. However, I find when we question why God does things; we may never know the true answer unless God Himself finds it in his heart to one day share, or disclose the answer? 

So, I can only share a few interesting points that I discovered.  1. The Dove is Biblically considered a clean animal (due to diet and self grooming) 2. The Dove mates for life 3. Its temperament is peaceful, consistent, affable, loyal, and friendly. 4. He has been used to deliver messages. 

Putting those facts aside for the moment. I will share what I found to be the most interesting. Did I stumble upon a parallel that before today I had never thought of?  If we dig into a few scriptures in the Bible, we will find the Dove represents God as the Holy Spirit and the Lamb represents Jesus.  The Dove and the Lamb have very similar if not the same traits. As I thought of the similarities, I began to get a clearer image. And began to understand that God the Father and His Son needed to have the same traits to co-exist in Peace and Harmony.  They are pure and clean of heart and possess an unbreakable bond of loyalty.  

So where and how does this affect us? When the Holy Spirit co-exists within our hearts, we will find his traits of Peace, Harmony and Wisdom will begin to take residence in our souls. Our hearts will yearn to share in His Love and this unbreakable bond of loyalty... As this bond strengthens, we will find ourselves becoming part of the lamb’s flock, and we will begin to hear our Shepherd’s voice. This co-existence is a crucial ingredient of the 3N1’s relationship and their relationship with all of mankind. 

“You are like a dove that is hiding in a rock. You are like a dove that is hiding in the mountains. Show your face to me because it is lovely. Let me hear your voice because it has a beautiful sound.”
Song of Songs 2:14 EASY

“The Holy Spirit came down on to Jesus. When he came down like that, he looked like a dove. Then a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son and I love you. You make me very happy.’” Luke 3:22 EASY

“And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:” Mark 1:10 KJV

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner 
Bible Verses From: Easy, KJV NIV,  /  Sinners Prayer
Inspiring Music: You Tube Video 

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of  Christ . In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough sha...


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